*Spoilers* TNA Impact Taping Results For 2/3

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pwinsider said:
*Ink, Inc. defeated Gunner and Murphy.

*Scott Steiner, Crimson and Kurt Angle go over their game-plan to reveal They to the World.

*Jeremy Buck defeated Jay Lethal and Douglas Williams to enter the Against All Odds Four Way for the X-Division championship. Max Buck was doing commentary and came to the ring to help his brother.

*In his office, Eric Bischoff is freaking out that Ric Flair isn’t there. AJ Styles and Robert Roode, among others, calm him down. Bischoff makes AJ promise that Jeff Hardy will get the belt back tonight for Immortal and Styles does.

*TNA champion Mr. Anderson comes down to the ring and asks Jeff Hardy to come down and grace us with his presence. Hardy comes down to the ring. Anderson then cuts a promo on both his and Hardy’s time in WWE and how Vince McMahon was always in control of everything. He goes on to hype tonight’s title match and both agree that there will be no outside interference tonight and this match is dedicated to both of Hardy and Anderson fan groups, so may the best man win. They shake to end the segment.

*Mickie James defeated Sarita in a bout where you had to knock out your opponent to win. Madison Rayne attacked James after.

*Jeff Hardy went to Eric Bischoff’s office and made him promise Immortal would not interfere. Bischoff initially refused but finally agreed.

Bully Ray vs. The Pope turned into an angle. Before the match, Ray was treating SoCal Val really bad to the point she started crying. He then cut a promo on Devon, saying the Pope is better than Devon ever was. The Pope then cut a promo on Samoa Joe, announcing it’s Joe vs. Pope at Against All Odds. Pope announces he and Ray are now a team. Joe and Devon come out and they have a tag match instead. Joe chases Pope to the back. Ray and Devon are left alone. Devon nails him with a chair and is dominating when referees and security hold them apart. As Ray is leaving, he spit a beer on two fans that were Devon’s sons.

*Mr. Anderson comes out first and does the mic bit but gets attacked from behind by Jeff Hardy. They brawl down the ramp and around ringside. Security breaks them up and they finally get in the ring for the start of their match.

During the match, a ref is bumped and Immortal hits the ring and starts beating down Anderson, but then The Fortune members stop and attack Hardy and the rest of Immortal. So, “They†are AJ Styles, Kazarian and Beer Money. Matt Hardy, Rob Terry, Jeff Hardy, Gunner and Murphy look on in shock. Styles starts cutting a promo but Bischoff comes out and calls AJ an ungrateful son of a b**ch. Styles says that Bischoff ran another company into the ground but they aren’t letting Bischoff do it to TNA.

There’s a mention that a ruling will be made in March over the power struggle between Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter as well. So, it’s Fortune vs. Immortal.

So they agree to no interference in the mainevent and we get interference. Couldn't see that one coming from a mile away.

They is revealed as AJ Styles, Kaz and Beer Money. Completely different to the MEM reunion is was expected to be since Nash and Booker signed with WWE. So this just means that They are Fortune rather than anything new.

Knockouts match where to win you have to knock your opponent out?

What do you think of the show?

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Why do TNA have to have such an obsesssion with WWE? They've got what is supposed to be their world championship rivalry between Hardy and Kennedy, and they have them talking about WWE in their promo time.

They'll forever be in WWE's shadow.


Nov 13, 2010
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Why do TNA have to have such an obsesssion with WWE? They've got what is supposed to be their world championship rivalry between Hardy and Kennedy, and they have them talking about WWE in their promo time.

They'll forever be in WWE's shadow.

Easy question, TNA has nothing of their own to stand on, so they constantly bring up WWE. That company is not the second biggest company and is nothing more than an indy fed with a TV deal. You know how much TNA doesn't matter?

People like Kurt Angle and Mick Foley are constantly asked when they are coming back to wrestling by the majority of fans.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
^^ And a lot of Rumble live fans had no idea Booker and Nash had even been wrestling since their last WWE appearance.

As for these spoilers, thank GOD it's not some Main Event Mafia re-run because we were all sick of seeing the older guys run around when it was a fresh storyline. Why would things be different over a year on? Or whenever it was, idk anymore. Frankly this is the best thing for the Fourtune guys because they'd lost all their momentum in the Immortal merger and were just lacking in any real direction.

Anderson and Hardy's segment will be a facepalm because I hate them bringing WWE up. Save it for the autobiography guys, create a new story to base you feud off, hell you've got a concussion/screwing over story already, you don't need to sell the match as relevant by TRYING to run WWE down. They took two former TNA stars and made them the most talked about guys of the past week. TNA took two HUGE stars of the future for WWE and turned them into nothing but whiny punks.