They must unify the IC title with the US title..
Many of us have already forgot about the US title which is kinda natural giving that Ambrose hasn't defended it since...Forever.
Welcome back! :yay:
I'm still not sold on Cesaro/Heyman yet. Love both guys, but thus far, Cesaro was MUCH better off as a Real American. Give the belt to Barrett.
I totally agree with the first part of this (not gonna talk about the second) Cesaro needs a mouthpiece, but him and Heyman do feel like oil and water. Cesaro is so likable right now, during his matches when he's doing all this crazy shit no human should be doing you couldn't pay the crowds to boo this guy. He's one of the hottest acts in the company stuck with... Heyman, the guy who just orchestrated the end of the streak and easily the best heat magnet in all of wrestling. Feels like they don't know what to do with the guy except that they know they want to do something. At least that's great! :yay:
As for him still being a Real American, damn right. Obviously that can work as a face gimmick, and the "We the People" chants were over and associated with Cesaro already. So that way a great talker in Zeb isn't wasted on Swagger, and Heyman's free to go find a diamond in the rough like your boy Barrett.
And we'd all mark to see a Heyman and Mantel start a little fight in the middle of the ring.