@Sanic @Geek773 @Skywalker
Name: The Anarchist
PSN ID: RusevWillCrush69
Character Name: 'The Anarchist' Antonio Stark
Face/Heel: Heel
Entrance Theme: Let It Go from Frozen... Jokes, Down with Sickness, Disturbed
Gimmick/Backstory: Going against the machine, working for his family but will win by any means necessary to provide for them
Finishers: Fireman's Carry Roundhouse Kick, Spinning Back Kick
Opening Promo:
*The Precision fans are all cheering as they are awaiting the start of the new season. A camera pans to the backstage area where a car is seen pulling up to the arena. Two people emerge out of the car, one in high heels, one in very familiar looking wrestling boots. Both wearing jeans and a top they hold hands and begin to walk into the arena. The camera changes back to look at the fans in attendance they look surprised but somewhat confused. Unfamiliar music begins to fill the arena.
Two figures walk out onto the stage, the lights are dropped so no-one can see what or who the people are. Finally one spot light hits the stage and the crowd erupt into boos. The camera finally pans up to the start and there stands Antonio Stark and his significant other, Izabella Stark. Antonio lifts his arm up into the air, as the crowd continue to boo. Both Antonio and Izabella begin to walk to the ring. However first they look behind them as once more another figure is standing behind them. Much, much smaller then both Antonio and Izabella. Must have been about 5,6. 5,7. The figure is wearing a pink hoodie and no-one can make out who it is. Finally Izabella, Antonio and the
undisclosed person get into the ring. Both Stark's grabbing a Microphone from the ringside area
Antonio: So! We are back here once again, this horrible place. I can't stand it. You people are sheeps, sheeps to the system, YOU PEOPLE!
You make ill, youre the same people that used to respect the Stark name just because we threw on some tights and had a bit of color on them.
THAT IS GONE, THIS IS ABOUT US. I do this for my father, my wife, my kids, but you dont decide to cheer that? You decide to follow everyone else, the likes of Will Neilson, Chris Walker and Jack Rouge but not me!
*The crowd begin to cheer at each mention of the names, this seems to be pissing of Antonio even more*
*Izabella brings the mic to her mouth to go and speak, this not received well by the audience, but she proceeds anyway*
Izabella: You people should be on your feet cheering this man, the love of my life, the father to my kids. The only reason he stands here before you people, if you can even call yourselves people you are more like animals, but that is a discussion for another day. The only reason he is here, is not because he is getting paid full just to talk to you... TO TALK TO YOU! He is standing here before you a FORMER World Precision Champion and he wants what is rightfully his.
He was never pinned at Wrestle-Dynasty and My Man wants HIS WORLD TITLE BACK.
AS for this pink hooded guy, well we employed an old friend, I know what you're thinking... Chris Parks isn't 5 foot something. However a certain 'Personal Everything' is.
So I present to you, the one the only Alex Read... HES BACK AHAHA
Antonio: Oh and if I dont get what I want, then Precision, We ARE OVER, I will take my contract and classify it as obsolete, as Mr. GM You should really read the small prints my Alex gives to you a few years back. NOW GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR WE! THIS! THE FAMILY NAME IS GONE! PRECISION WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO COPE!
Come on Izzie lets go
*Stark drops them mic as the music begins to fill the arena again, all 3 members of the Stark Clan leave the ring and into the backstage area. This is where they see the owner of Precision Trent Kingsley, The crowd cheer, Antonio looks at him smiles and walks back to his car leaving the arena. *
Welcome back to the league.