OOC Sign-Up Thread/Rules (17/18)

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom

Welcome to the official sign up for the PS4 WWE 2K18 league this year, otherwise known as Precision Wrestling/Saturday Night Precision. This should be the first place you go if you're looking to join the league, here's all the stuff you should know.

The Rules


- This league is 100% CAW (Created Wrestler) based. When you play your matches in the league, you must use a CAW version of your unique, original character, not a real-life wrestler, whether or not they’re in the game.

Stats and Abilities

- Your CAW overall must be 90 or below.

- Reversal stat must be 85.

- Momentum stat limit is 80.

- Stamina Recovery stat limit is 85.

- Pin Escape stat must be 80.

- No other stat can be under 60.

- All stats must be realistic to your CAW.

- You must use 1 LVL 3, 2 LVL 2 and 3 LVL 1 abilities only. No more, no less.

- Dirty Pin is allowed if you are a Heel.

- Comeback is allowed only if you're a face

- Ring Escape LVL 3 is allowed but you aren't allowed to abuse it.

- You can only use Resiliency at LVL 1 or 3.

- You can use any skills you want as long as they are realistic to your CAW.

- Hit Point Ratio - Noting above 30% and nothing under 20%.

- Move-set must be realistic to your CAW.

- Each character is allowed a unique finisher. This means that no two people should have the same finisher. To see which finishers have already been claimed, go here: Roster - Champions - Stats (17/18)

- If you are bringing back an existing character from 2K17, you are allowed to have the rights to your finisher that you previously used last year.

- Your in-ring and ringside finisher(s) should be the same.

- The Super Heavyweight class is allowed, however, you’re only allowed to have three reversals.

- Leverage Pin is only allowed as a reversal.


- A submission finisher may only be used to end a match if there have been at least 3 total finishers/OMG Moments in the match.

- You can use normal submissions to wear down an opponent, but not to end a match.

- You cannot pin your opponent immediately after any submission move.


- No spamming of moves (i.e. repeating one or very few moves throughout the match and doing little else).

- No stalling (waiting deliberately before hitting a move to prevent your opponent from reversing it) for any period of time.

Tag Team Matches

- You can only enter the ring when you aren't the legal man in order to break up a pin.

- You must otherwise stay in your corner when you aren't the legal man.

- If attempting to break up/ensure a pin, you must wait until after a finisher is hit before entering the ring.


- There may come times when disagreements are had in the OOC thread, and this is inevitable and perfectly acceptable.

- Back-and-forth discussions about disagreements should stay in the OOC thread (as opposed to the match card, results or especially promo threads), which is where they will be moved to should they get underway, and they should stay on the topic of the league.

- Discussions/debates should never involve insults or personal attacks of any kind unless they are of a sort that the recipient says they are comfortable with. Arguments like this (or ones which go off topic) are unnecessary in the OOC thread and should be moved to a PM if they must continue.


- If you are booked for a match that you can’t complete, you must inform a member of Creative and your opponent (ideally through your match PM) of this as far in advance as possible. Anyone who no-shows without saying anything in advance will receive a strike.

How To Get Booked

- Every Sunday night the “I Want A Match” thread will be opened, asking who wants a match for the following weekend. Sign up in that thread, using the template, to get a match.

- The thread will be open from Sunday, after the previous weeks' results thread goes up, until Monday/Tuesday night.

- On Monday/Tuesday night, the sign-up thread will be locked and Creative will create a match card for the week.

- Results should go up on Saturdays.

Interrupting Threads

- Do not jump into someone’s promo thread without asking them first (ask them via PM).

- Do not post OOC comments in people’s threads - this is what the OOC thread is for.

- If you want to give someone feedback on their promo, leave it in the OOC thread and not their promo thread.


- Champions will need to defend their titles at least once per month. The World Heavyweight Champion will defend their championship at each PPV, unless said otherwise.

- Championships can be defended on any show depending on the circumstances.

- Champions who lose their championships will receive an automatic rematch because we are focusing on storylines and creating a great story, however, the competitive basis is still there.

- You cannot drop the Intercontinental Championship in order to have a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.

- Only one singles championship can be held by one character at a time.


- It is advised to record and upload your league matches. You don't have to, but you can if you want. It makes storytelling a lot better when others can actually see the match you had.

- The arena we will be using for this league is the NXT Arena as custom arenas do not work online currently.

- If you have your match recorded and uploaded, post it in your match PM so it can be included in the Results thread for everyone to see.


- Joining the league as a manager is allowed, however, you must already have somebody to manage before joining. You will also be required to do a much more impressive sign-up, as you are not a competitor.

- If you have a manager, you are still required to be involved in the promo. Your manager can't do all of the work for you.

- Should an established manager find him/herself without somebody to manage, they are allowed to seek a new “client”.


- The last move of a match must always be a finisher unless another finish is agreed by all participants.

- Your opponent must have at least one orange-health body part before you may go for a pin, even if you’ve hit a finisher.

- If you want a stipulation in a match, ask a member of Creative first before writing a promo around the stipulation being added to your match.

- Make your movesets realistic. Don't set every move as a finishing move and don’t generally go over the top. Big guys shouldn't be doing 450 splashes and small guys shouldn't be doing Muscle Busters.

- If in a Steel Cage Match, you may only attempt to escape/pin after hitting a finisher. The door opening OMG is not allowed in Steel Cage Matches unless agreed on by all participants beforehand, as it gives the win automatically.

- You must allow a pin attempt to be made after a finisher is hit, don’t reverse the pin.


- If you break any of the rules listed above, you will receive a strike.

Strike 1 - You will not compete on the next week’s card.
Strike 2 - You will be banned for 2 weeks.
Strike 3 - You will be banned from the league for a month.
Strike 4 - Permanent ban.

- Any strike can be appealed reasonably, but “that shouldn’t be a rule” isn’t a valid appeal. It’s your job to know the rules and if you don’t agree with any of them, you should question them before breaking them.

- Also, not all rule breaks will necessarily lead to a strike (e.g. someone having too many unrealistic/overpowered moves in their moveset might just be asked to change the moves and redo their match), but this is at Creative’s discretion as any rule break can lead to a strike if Creative decide that this is appropriate.

Sign Up

- Your sign-up should be an introduction to your character, it doesn’t need to be anything more.

- Creative will comment back on all signups to let you know whether or not you are accepted into the league.

- You can claim two finishers in your signup. You cannot use a finisher that is claimed by someone else as your finisher or elsewhere in your moveset. The claimed finishers list will be here Roster - Champions - Stats (17/18)

- You aren't required to upload your CAW on Community Creations before signing up, however, it is advised to do so. Use the tags of WWEF and Precision, so it can be found more easily.

Sign-up Template:

Tag @Sanic, @Geek773. and @Skywalker in your post
Forum Username:
Character Name:

Opening Promo:

Example Signup:
@Sanic @Geek773 @Skywalker
Name: Geek773
PSN ID: francophile13
Character Name: Jack Rogue
Face/Heel: Face
Entrance Theme: The Crazy Ones - Stellar Revival
Gimmick/Backstory: Happy-go-lucky fan favorite.
Finishers: Superkick 4, Muta Lock

Opening Promo:

Jack: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jack Rogue. I had a think while Precision took its second season break about whether I should even return for Season Three, whether I should retire. After all, my body has endured a fall from Hell In A Cell and brutal No Holds Barred, Ladder and Buried Alive matches. My mind has been battered, confused and exploited so that sometimes I feel like I live on a mental health knife edge, teetering on the verge of a fall back into psychosis. But in spite of all that, through all of your love and support I have become the best pro wrestler in the world on my day, yet without the credentials to prove it. So I will be back for Season Three, and I’m gunning for the World Heavyweight Championship. I will cap off my career, win that title and use it to redeem myself morally, by defending Precision from all who threaten it with evil, cowardice, and disrespect. And if you stand between me and that goal, I will kick your head… clean off your shoulders.

That's roughly how long your sign up promo should be. It shouldn't be much longer than that and you need to stick to the point. This is a mini introduction, not a life story. Once you sign up and have been accepted you can cut promos describing your character in more depth.

Please consider signing up, and enjoy!
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The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
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Name: Skywalker

PSN ID: JackCharlHD

Character Name: Caleb Lee

Face/Tweener/Heel: Face

Entrance Theme: F**kin Problems - A$AP Rocky

Gimmick/Backstory: Eccentric party boy, Caleb doesn't really take anything too seriously, even in the middle of the ring.

Finishers: Dirty Deeds (Butterfly DDT), Five Star Frog Splash

Opening Promo:

In an almost glistening room full of bright lights shining in several neon colors, one man walks up to the table in which the camera is positioned on. The loud music is deafening as it is barely audible what he is trying to say.

???: It all starts in Precision when I make my mark in the wrestling industry. I have been waiting for all my….

A loud voice interrupts the man trying to speak.

Random Party-Boy: Caleb, get over here it’s your round.

Looking back at the man, Caleb looks far from happy.

Caleb: You didn’t even pay for the last round!?

Random Party-Boy: Yeah, well you’re a pro-wrestler and with this contract, you’re signing, you’re gonna be making way more than you could imagine. Just think about some of the parties you could be throwing!

Caleb rubs his hands together and points at the man shouting towards him.

Caleb: I like the sound of that!

Suddenly, a new song begins to play. The beat begins to get louder and louder with the camera basically shaking because of the loud music at this point. As the beat gets closer and closer to dropping, Caleb jogs over to the dance floor and begins to dance with the people around him as the camera fades to black.

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
@me @gek @skuwaker

Forum Username:


Character Name:
Will Neilson

Face (leaning towards Tweener)

Entrance Theme:
The First Movement - Make Them Suffer

Theme Link:

Will has gone through many significant changes in his career, from being an all-around good guy to a ruthless villain. Coming into Season 3 of Precision Wrestling, Will is considered an extremely laid back and chilled person, he doesn't usually get angry and likes to joke around with people. Calling himself "Walking Perfection", Will is extremely gifted when it comes to performing in the ring, he likes to take things easy near the start and can joke around with people to put them on their toes. However, Will can turn up the pressure if needed, often using a hard-hitting and technical style of wrestling. All in all, Will is probably one of the nicest guys you will meet... just try not to get on his bad side.

Another way that Will can be described as is he is simply, a living, breathing meme. He loves to take the piss out of anyone, perhaps stealing a taunt or finishing maneouver, or mocking them on any social media platform he can find someone on... just look at how he treated Christopher Jordan, Twitter beef turned into the destruction of a manor. Crazy, I know.

Lag Spike - 1916 2
The Perfect Bullet - Ripcord Knee Strike 2

Opening Promo:
(just read these lol)
Kayfabe - Preview Show - Last Rites: Neilson vs Mata
Kayfabe - Preview Show - Democracy Rules: Neilson vs Keenan
Kayfabe - Preview Show - RWK Peace of Mind: Neilson vs Azrael
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The Artiste
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
@Sanic @Geek773 @Skywalker
Name: Reborn.
PSN ID: ratedreborn.
Character Name: "punk as fuck." Andrew Blair.
Face/Heel: Tweener.
Entrance Theme: Full Circle - Movements.
Gimmick/Backstory: Anti-hero. Once a young up and comer he became bitter after being exposed to the bad side of management. Looks to get a newfound motivation here.
Finishers: Small Package Driver 2. (Blair Vs. The World) Michinoku Driver 3. (The Blair Twist Project)
Opening Promo:

Andrew Blair sits in a lone, dingy one roomed apartment. The room was littered with paraphernelia.

"I was cheated out of a chance at becoming the best in the world. Now, I become the best with some of the best. It's Blair vs. The World. One versus all, and one by one, everyone falls."

Andrew clears his throat.

"World Champion or not, my name becomes known again."


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
@Skywalker @Geek773 @Sanic
Forum Username:


Character Name:
Joseph Diamond


Entrance Theme:
Diamonds From Sierra Leone (Original) - Kanye West

Theme Link:

An arrogant rookie turned arrogant veteran turned bitter douche, Joseph Diamond has turned a new leaf, after showing signs of progress that one day he may be a decent human has made a harsh left turn to shunning society. He's locked out his brother, the only member of his blood family to not reject him and is now on a warpath to become the Face of Precision.

Unbreakable Facebreaker (Codebreaker), Diamond Twist (Discus Lariat Big Boot)

Opening Promo (this is the most up to date character work I done did):
OOC - Precision Awards 16/17



The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
@Sanic @Geek773 @Skywalker
Name: Reborn.
PSN ID: ratedreborn.
Character Name: "punk as fuck." Andrew Blair.
Face/Heel: Tweener.
Entrance Theme: Full Circle - Movements.
Gimmick/Backstory: Anti-hero. Once a young up and comer he became bitter after being exposed to the bad side of management. Looks to get a newfound motivation here.
Finishers: Small Package Driver 2. (Blair Vs. The World) Michinoku Driver 3. (The Blair Twist Project)
Opening Promo:

Andrew Blair sits in a lone, dingy one roomed apartment. The room was littered with paraphernelia.

"I was cheated out of a chance at becoming the best in the world. Now, I become the best with some of the best. It's Blair vs. The World. One versus all, and one by one, everyone falls."

Andrew clears his throat.

"World Champion or not, my name becomes known again."
Welcome to the League.

@Skywalker @Geek773 @Sanic
Forum Username:


Character Name:
Joseph Diamond


Entrance Theme:
Diamonds From Sierra Leone (Original) - Kanye West

Theme Link:

An arrogant rookie turned arrogant veteran turned bitter douche, Joseph Diamond has turned a new leaf, after showing signs of progress that one day he may be a decent human has made a harsh left turn to shunning society. He's locked out his brother, the only member of his blood family to not reject him and is now on a warpath to become the Face of Precision.

Unbreakable Facebreaker (Codebreaker), Diamond Twist (Discus Lariat Big Boot)

Opening Promo (this is the most up to date character work I done did):
OOC - Precision Awards 16/17

And Joey D makes his anticipated return. Welcome to the League.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2016
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@Sanic @Geek773.@Skywalker
Forum Username: @impactking
PSN ID: impactking09
Character Name: Chris Young
Face/Heel: tweener
Gimmick/Backstory: Words can’t describe the pure in-ring ability this athlete possesses. Chris blends aerial domination, power, speed, and passion for a gift that can be only described as simply “Amazing”. A World Traveled Vet of wrestling he sees himself as a be all end all of the wrestling world. He still shows respect to the business. His past is full of ups and downs. But he always finds a way to amaze the fans. Whether you love him or hate him, Chris Young is out to show exactly why he believes himself to be "Amazing." At the end of season 2 Chris "Walked away" now with his coalition he returns to regain the gold.
Finisher(s): sit out gourdbuster 2, emerald flowsion

Opening Promo:
Chris: This is The Amazing Classic Chris Young And I’m bound for greatness. I will walk into Precision and take back what's is mine.It’s like this, I’m a wrestler…. I Am a wrestler, That’s what I do and that’s who I Am and believe me when I say that I've sacrificed everything in this business, But everything I have good in my life is because of wrestling.
You know over the past few months or so, I have started to develop some trust issues and maybe you know what I’m talking about when you have your best pals and teammates walk out and stab you in the back, leaving you out high and dry for another company or maybe it was the guys in the front office who I thought were my pals making me a joke for the sake of good television. Alright, Maybe it was nothing, Maybe it was me realizing what everyone had told me that this is just how the business is. So this time I'm not going in alone. It's showtime.


The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
@Sanic @Geek773.@Skywalker
Forum Username: @impactking
PSN ID: impactking09
Character Name: Chris Young
Face/Heel: tweener
Gimmick/Backstory: Words can’t describe the pure in-ring ability this athlete possesses. Chris blends aerial domination, power, speed, and passion for a gift that can be only described as simply “Amazing”. A World Traveled Vet of wrestling he sees himself as a be all end all of the wrestling world. He still shows respect to the business. His past is full of ups and downs. But he always finds a way to amaze the fans. Whether you love him or hate him, Chris Young is out to show exactly why he believes himself to be "Amazing." At the end of season 2 Chris "Walked away" now with his coalition he returns to regain the gold.
Finisher(s): sit out gourdbuster 2, emerald flowsion

Opening Promo:
Chris: This is The Amazing Classic Chris Young And I’m bound for greatness. I will walk into Precision and take back what's is mine.It’s like this, I’m a wrestler…. I Am a wrestler, That’s what I do and that’s who I Am and believe me when I say that I've sacrificed everything in this business, But everything I have good in my life is because of wrestling.
You know over the past few months or so, I have started to develop some trust issues and maybe you know what I’m talking about when you have your best pals and teammates walk out and stab you in the back, leaving you out high and dry for another company or maybe it was the guys in the front office who I thought were my pals making me a joke for the sake of good television. Alright, Maybe it was nothing, Maybe it was me realizing what everyone had told me that this is just how the business is. So this time I'm not going in alone. It's showtime.

Chris Young returns, sweet. Welcome to the League.

Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score


Character Name
Mad Dog Jimenez


Entrance Theme
Pusha T ft. Tyler the Creator - "Trouble on my Mind"

Dominican born former basketball player whose career was derailed by injuries. Mad Dog picked up wrestling as an alternative and has since rolled with it. He shocked the world at Wrestle Dynasty II by upsetting Chris Young to win the Intercontinental Championship. Humble roots and Big boots. Mad Dog knows what it takes to be successful, and knows that nobody is to be trusted.

And One (Truth or Consequences)
Post Move (Butterfly Lungblower)

The scene opens to a lone man in a wrestling gym. The building's interior looks old and tattered, having clearly not been renovated in a long time. His face is hidden, but the man keeps wailing on an old heavy bag dangling from the ceiling. Every connection he makes is punctuated with a loud grunt.

The camera circles the lone boxer, whose large afro casts a shadow over his face, hiding his features. The punches he throws grow faster and faster. Suddenly, he steps backward and charges the bag. An unorthodox method, but he charges into the bag with full force, knocking it off of the chain that had it attatched to the ceiling.

The heavy breaths of the mad man echo in the empty gym. As his face is still darkened by his shadow, the name of the man flashes on the screen.

Mad Dog Jimenez
"The Brown Mamba"

The scene ends with only Mad Dog's heavy breathing being heard throughout the scene.
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The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score


Character Name
Mad Dog Jimenez


Entrance Theme
Vic Mensa ft. Pusha T - "OMG" *Pending Change

Dominican born former basketball player whose career was derailed by injuries. Mad Dog picked up wrestling as an alternative and has since rolled with it. He shocked the world at Wrestle Dynasty II by upsetting Chris Young to win the Intercontinental Championship. Humble roots and Big boots. Mad Dog knows what it takes to be successful, and knows that nobody is to be trusted.

And One (Truth or Consequences)
Post Move (Butterfly Lungblower)

The scene opens to a lone man in a wrestling gym. The building's interior looks old and tattered, having clearly not been renovated in a long time. His face is hidden, but the man keeps wailing on an old heavy bag dangling from the ceiling. Every connection he makes is punctuated with a loud grunt.

The camera circles the lone boxer, whose large afro casts a shadow over his face, hiding his features. The punches he throws grow faster and faster. Suddenly, he steps backward and charges the bag. An unorthodox method, but he charges into the bag with full force, knocking it off of the chain that had it attatched to the ceiling.

The heavy breaths of the mad man echo in the empty gym. As his face is still darkened by his shadow, the name of the man flashes on the screen.

Mad Dog Jimenez
"The Brown Mamba"

The scene ends with only Mad Dog's heavy breathing being heard throughout the scene.
The IC Champ is back! Welcome back to the League.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Name: @Geek773
PSN ID: francophile13
Character Name: Jack Rogue
Face/Heel: Face
Entrance Theme:

Gimmick/Backstory: A returning veteran for Precision in its third season, Jack Rogue has been changed by pro wrestling throughout his career. When he arrived in the big time in Sony Storm, he began a notorious 0-12 losing streak but became one of the most popular men on the roster. After losing his dignity to Andersen Vega and being thrown from Hell In A Cell by Joseph Diamond, the frustration drove him insane and his psychosis made him one of the most destructive and vicious individuals the company has ever seen, his transgressions including attempted murder of Alexander Diamond. Following therapy, he won the Precision Championship from Vega, then lost it in an epic title unification match to Will Neilson near the end of season two.

Today, Jack Rogue is determined to capture the World Heavyweight Championship that has eluded him throughout his career, and stand as a gatekeeper for Precision to absolve himself of what he did after failure drove him insane, while proving that, despite the adversity he has endured, he is the best professional wrestler in the world.

Finishers: Superkick 13, Muta Lock (Bridge to Victory)

Opening Promo

Jack: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jack Rogue. I had a think while Precision took its second season break about whether I should even return for Season Three, whether I should retire. After all, my body has endured a fall from Hell In A Cell and brutal No Holds Barred, Ladder and Buried Alive matches. My mind has been battered, confused and exploited so that sometimes I feel like I live on a mental health knife edge, teetering on the verge of a fall back into psychosis. But in spite of all that, through all of your love and support I have become the best pro wrestler in the world on my day, yet without the credentials to prove it. So I will be back for Season Three, and I’m gunning for the World Heavyweight Championship. I will cap off my career, win that title and use it to redeem myself morally, by defending Precision from all who threaten it with evil, cowardice, and disrespect. And if you stand between me and that goal, I will kick your head… clean off your shoulders.


The Showoff
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Glasgow Scotland
Forum Username: AfricanScatMahn
PSN ID:Scatmanmingyin
Character Name: Callum Arthur
Face/Heel: Heel
Gimmick/Backstory: He has no gimmick, that's the gimmick
Finisher(s): RKO/Diamond cutter
Theme Song:

Opening Promo: Insert 2k14, 2k15, 2k16 and 2k17 promo's here

Lawd Of Wolves

The Artiste
Mar 29, 2017
Reaction score
The Wolf Den
Forum Username: Indecision
PSN ID: RJayster
Character Name: Chris Walker
Entrance Theme:
Face/Heel: Face
Gimmick/Backstory: Still working on it
Finisher(s): Inside Out (Swinging Neckbreaker 5) & Bullet-Shot (Running Knee Lift 1)

Opening Promo:

*Lights dimmer for everyone to pay attention to the titantron as it plays a small clip. The clip starts off with a man setting up the camera angle ready to record, as he steps back and sits on a stall the Precision Universe realize it is the face of Chris Walker and begins to cheer with excitement*

Chris Walker: Well you all heard the rumors and speculations that I will be joining Precision. Some of you thought it was fake that one half on the "Agents Of Mayhem" *leans forward* the greatest tag team in the world, will be joining the Precision industry. But the real thought that might be going through your head is where is my partner?

Chris Walker: Now me and him have been speaking for a while, we spoke about how we dominated the indie companies as a tag team and we have achieved every goal there is to achieve. We thought it was time to take a break as a team and go solo. Now don't you worry, me and him are still close and I am sure that we will team again very soon. But for now, it's time to make a name for myself as a singles competitor. I don't just want to be known as Chris Walker the guy from Agents Of Mayhem but to be known as Chris Walker the greatest singles competitor in the world. It's going to be a bumpy ride and I'm happy to have you guys be my passengers, until then I'll see you soon.

*Walker then stands up and tries to turn off the camera but cannot find the button*

Chris Walker: Well this is awkward....

*Walker finally finds the button and stops the recording leaving the crowd hyped on what is to come.*
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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Forum Username: AfricanScatMahn
PSN ID:Scatmanmingyin
Character Name: Callum Arthur
Face/Heel: Heel
Gimmick/Backstory: He has no gimmick, that's the gimmick
Finisher(s): RKO/Diamond cutter
Theme Song:

Opening Promo: Insert 2k14, 2k15, 2k16 and 2k17 promo's here

Forum Username: Indecision
PSN ID: IndecisionUK
Character Name: Daniel Williamson
Entrance Theme:
Face/Heel: Face
Gimmick/Backstory: Still working on it
Finisher(s): Inside Out (Swinging Neckbreaker 5) & Bullet-Shot (Running Knee Lift 1)

Opening Promo:

*Lights dimmer for everyone to pay attention to the titantron as it plays a small clip. The clip starts off with a man setting up the camera angle ready to record, as he steps back and sits on a stall the Precision Universe realize it is the face of Daniel Williamson and begins to cheer with excitement*

Daniel Williamson: Well you all heard the rumors and speculations that I will be joining Precision. Some of you thought it was fake that one half on the "Agents Of Mayhem" *leans forward* the greatest tag team in the world, will be joining the Precision industry. But the real thought that might be going through your head is where is my partner?

Daniel Williamson: Now me and him have been speaking for a while, we spoke about how we dominated the indie companies as a tag team and we have achieved every goal there is to achieve. We thought it was time to take a break as a team and go solo. Now don't you worry, me and him are still close and I am sure that we will team again very soon. But for now, it's time to make a name for myself as a singles competitor. I don't just want to be known as Daniel Williamson the guy from Agents Of Mayhem but to be known as Daniel Williamson the greatest singles competitor in the world. It's going to be a bumpy ride and I'm happy to have you guys be my passengers, until then I'll see you soon.

*Williamson then stands up and tries to turn off the camera but cannot find the button*

Daniel Williamson: Well this is awkward....

*Williamson finally finds the button and stops the recording leaving the crowd hyped on what is to come.*

Welcome to the league.

The Anarchist

The Artiste
Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
@Sanic @Geek773 @Skywalker
Name: The Anarchist
PSN ID: RusevWillCrush69
Character Name: 'The Anarchist' Antonio Stark
Face/Heel: Heel
Entrance Theme: Let It Go from Frozen... Jokes, Down with Sickness, Disturbed
Gimmick/Backstory: Going against the machine, working for his family but will win by any means necessary to provide for them
Finishers: Fireman's Carry Roundhouse Kick, Spinning Back Kick

Opening Promo:
*The Precision fans are all cheering as they are awaiting the start of the new season. A camera pans to the backstage area where a car is seen pulling up to the arena. Two people emerge out of the car, one in high heels, one in very familiar looking wrestling boots. Both wearing jeans and a top they hold hands and begin to walk into the arena. The camera changes back to look at the fans in attendance they look surprised but somewhat confused. Unfamiliar music begins to fill the arena.

Two figures walk out onto the stage, the lights are dropped so no-one can see what or who the people are. Finally one spot light hits the stage and the crowd erupt into boos. The camera finally pans up to the start and there stands Antonio Stark and his significant other, Izabella Stark. Antonio lifts his arm up into the air, as the crowd continue to boo. Both Antonio and Izabella begin to walk to the ring. However first they look behind them as once more another figure is standing behind them. Much, much smaller then both Antonio and Izabella. Must have been about 5,6. 5,7. The figure is wearing a pink hoodie and no-one can make out who it is. Finally Izabella, Antonio and the
undisclosed person get into the ring. Both Stark's grabbing a Microphone from the ringside area
Antonio: So! We are back here once again, this horrible place. I can't stand it. You people are sheeps, sheeps to the system, YOU PEOPLE!
You make ill, youre the same people that used to respect the Stark name just because we threw on some tights and had a bit of color on them.
THAT IS GONE, THIS IS ABOUT US. I do this for my father, my wife, my kids, but you dont decide to cheer that? You decide to follow everyone else, the likes of Will Neilson, Chris Walker and Jack Rouge but not me!

*The crowd begin to cheer at each mention of the names, this seems to be pissing of Antonio even more*
*Izabella brings the mic to her mouth to go and speak, this not received well by the audience, but she proceeds anyway*
Izabella: You people should be on your feet cheering this man, the love of my life, the father to my kids. The only reason he stands here before you people, if you can even call yourselves people you are more like animals, but that is a discussion for another day. The only reason he is here, is not because he is getting paid full just to talk to you... TO TALK TO YOU! He is standing here before you a FORMER World Precision Champion and he wants what is rightfully his.
He was never pinned at Wrestle-Dynasty and My Man wants HIS WORLD TITLE BACK.
AS for this pink hooded guy, well we employed an old friend, I know what you're thinking... Chris Parks isn't 5 foot something. However a certain 'Personal Everything' is.
So I present to you, the one the only Alex Read... HES BACK AHAHA

Antonio: Oh and if I dont get what I want, then Precision, We ARE OVER, I will take my contract and classify it as obsolete, as Mr. GM You should really read the small prints my Alex gives to you a few years back. NOW GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR WE! THIS! THE FAMILY NAME IS GONE! PRECISION WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO COPE!
Come on Izzie lets go

*Stark drops them mic as the music begins to fill the arena again, all 3 members of the Stark Clan leave the ring and into the backstage area. This is where they see the owner of Precision Trent Kingsley, The crowd cheer, Antonio looks at him smiles and walks back to his car leaving the arena. *
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