THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

If Shawn is able to get out of the Last Ride once, why not a second time when no further weakened? The move isn't quick so it certainly didn't surprise him.
Obviously didn't have a good old if him the first time. Stop over analyzing things. IT'S PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING FFS.
Sorry for expecting logic in my wrestling. Guess I'll go watch some Teddy Hart and Jack Evans matches, then declare them moty.
You trying to defend a poorly booked spot by citing another poorly booked spot is a sad attempt at persuasion.
1. Overrated doesn't mean it was bad. You are misguided there. The fact that it was named Match of the Year when it was not (see: Jericho vs Mysterio at The Bash) makes it overrated, and it is obviously appropriate to list what was wrong when discussing WHY it was overrated. We are not going to sit here and list the positives, when those should be obvious.
2. No. That's not what makes a match entertaining.
3. It wasn't even the best Undertaker/Michaels match. And it wasn't even the best match of THAT MONTH (see: John Cena vs Edge at Backlash).