
Raw Week 6
Dark Match: ODB def. Layla
“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Monday Night Raw!â€
Cole- Welcome everyone to another episode of Monday Night Raw, and we have a huge amount of action to get through tonight, including a Money in the Bank qualifier and a brother versus brother match in the main event.
King- Yes there will be, and one of those brothers is Raw’s newest superstar the Undertaker, who used his Royal Rumble win to challenge John Cena to a match at Wrestlemania 25 last week.
Cole- But Cena did a despicable deed which he will explain right now.
King- Hey, at least it got him noticed. But anyway, here comes the World champ.
John Cena’s music plays and he walks down the ring to boos, with an angry look on his face. He enters the ring and looks at the crowd but instead of asking them for recognition, he gives them a big middle finger, which draws huge heat.
Cena- I’m not gonna come out here and gloat, I’m not going to come out here and rap, and I’m sure as hell not out here to apologize!
Cena- I am here because over the past week I have been confronted by a lot of different people asking me why? Why did I do what I did last week? So tonight I have come out here to explain myself. Last week I did what I did because I thought to myself... fuck it. Fuck nobility, fuck honour, fuck hustle, loyalty, respect and most of all FUCK trying to impress all of you.
Cole- What the F- Hell is the champion saying?
King- The days of attitude are back, baby!
Extreme heat, as the kids are shocked at their former hero using such language.
Cena- Oh, what’s that? You people think that I care what you think about me? Well, I don’t so save your voices!
On the contrary, the fans boo more.
Cena- And as for the Undertaker, he is nothing more than an opportunity. I am going to use him to cement myself in the position as greatest wrestler of all time. And what better way to do that than to kill the legacy, to end the Undertaker’s Wrestlemania Streak? And that’s exactly what I’m going to do. After Wrestlemania 25, Taker will be 16... and ONE!
Huge heat.
Cena- Yeah, that’s right. And not only will I destroy the only valuable thing the Undertaker has, but the beating I will give him in Houston, Texas will END his sorry old CAREER!
Massive heat.
Cena- Then all of you people won’t pretend to like me like you did before, you’ll all hate me and I’ll LOVE IT!
The crowd expresses their hate towards Cena vocally.
Cena- That’s right people, keep booing, I LOVE IT!
King- Did these idiots not hear him?
The crowd boos and fuels Cena’s fire.
Cena- And all of you sorry bastards are going to keep hating me until the main event of Wrestlemania 25, when I will FINALLY put the Undertaker to sleep.
King- Cena is in his prime and wow, what he is saying is truly shocking but truly brave.
Cole- Brave? More like despicable, how can he get away with talking to a legend like this?
Cena’s music plays and he walks back up the ramp to unbelievable heat.
Smackdown Recap
Triple H is backstage icing his neck as Edge walks in accompanied by his wife and the Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero. Edge taunts HHH for losing last night to the Undertaker, mentioning how he beat Taker before on many occasions. HHH responds by saying Edge is a hypocrite, as he lost to Jeff Hardy at No Way Out, and he has beaten Hardy many times before. Edge responds to this by saying it doesn’t matter, because his wife the General Manager can get him title matches whenever he wants. HHH asks what Edge’s point is, but the Rated R Superstar replies by saying he just wants to gloat his superiority. HHH laughs and says that the Game is superior to all others on Smackdown. Vickie intervenes by saying that HHH will have the chance to prove that in a match next week with Smackdown’s newest star, Randy Orton!
Cole- Well after watching that speech by John Cena again... I am well, speechless.
King- Great, hopefully you shut up now. I’m more excited for the first spot being decided for the annual Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 25.
Money in the Bank Qualifier
JBL v Jack Swagger v Rey Mysterio v Christian Cage
(Fatal 4 Way)
The bell rings and as soon as it does, JBL rolls out of the ring, before grabbing a steel chair and taking a seat at ringside, similarly to what he did in a battle royale on a previous edition of Raw. However, the other competitors aren’t going to let Bradshaw take the easy way out, as Rey Mysterio slides out of the ring to confront John. He walks towards the seated superstar, but once he gets within range, Layfield stands and gets the steel chair he was sitting on, before using it across Rey Mysterio’s skull. The Master of the 619 quickly slumps to the ground as JBL threateningly glares at the two competitors in the ring who, like the crowd, were transfixed on the happenings out of the ring. Swagger cockily calls out JBL and tells him to get in the ring, but the crafty veteran Christian Cage lifts him by the legs and slyly dumps him to the outside, where he falls victim to JBL’s steel chair, taking a trio of body shots. As Bradshaw is occupied with Jack, Christian then takes advantage of it by launching himself over the top rope and taking out Bradshaw with a flying body press! Captain Charisma comes out on top of JBL as this leaves all four men on the outside. Christian rolls John into the ring before picking up Rey Mysterio, who is still out from that brutal chair shot. He then picks up Swagger but the All American manages to use his superior power to back Cage into the ring apron, before rolling him into the ring in a change of fate.
Swagger then gets into the ring himself, where he meets a recovering Cage. He lifts Christian up and then plants him down with a scoop slam right on top of JBL, killing two birds with one powerful stone. Swagger beats his chest dominantly, before picking up Rey Mysterio and tossing him across the ring like a rag doll, making him land painfully on his head. Swagger covers Rey but the Biggest Little Man gets his hand on the ropes, breaking up the pin. Swagger lifts Rey and picks up for the Gutwrench Powerbomb, but when he is around his shoulders, Rey manages to reverse the move into a hurricanrana, and Jack is sent flipping away. Mysterio drearily climbs to his feet and nails the flailing Swagger with a running dropkick to the back, which sends him falling forward onto the second rope and the crowd go wild, as they know what’s coming. Rey plays to the audience, before running off the ropes for the 619, only to be taken out on the way with a Clothesline from Hell from JBL! Rey is knocked straight down to the canvas as Bradshaw makes a cover. 1.....2..... Christian breaks up the count, kicking JBL off the cover. Cage then runs towards the ropes, where Swagger is still resting, and jumps for a double knee smash right to the upper back of Jack, and he is thrown off the ropes from the impact.
Cage drags Swagger over to JBL and then lifts both men up and puts them in respective headlocks. He attempts a double DDT but the combined resistance of Swagger and JBL allows them to reverse it into a back body drop, which gains tremendous elevation. The heels then turn to each other and begin to slug it out with a series of punches, until Swagger breaks the chain by booting JBL in the gut, bending him over. Jack lifts Bradshaw for his Gutwrench Powerbomb, but fatigue and weight combine to stop him from being able to lift the Texan. Swagger drops him and goes to catch his breath, but he gets more than that and catches a big boot to the face from JBL! Swagger rolls out of the ring after the impact to take a breather and when Layfield turns around, he turns right into Christian and Mysterio, both recovered. The faces team up to take out the Wrestling God, as Mysterio nails a dropkick while Christian follows up with a flying back elbow. JBL teeters, and to aid him in falling over, the faces run off the ropes before nailing John with a double bulldog, planting him face first on the mat. Christian covers him but Rey objects and pulls him off the cover, before pinning him himself. Cage doesn’t take kindly to this and picks Rey up before throwing him over the top rope. However, Mysterio skins the cat and on the apron, goes to springboard into the ring, only for Jack Swagger to pull him back down to the floor, where Mysterio lands again on his damaged neck.
Swagger then slides into the ring just as Christian covers JBL, and he breaks up the pin with a boot to Cage’s back. Swagger kicks the Instant Classic across the mat, and picks up JBL, before nailing him with his signature Gutwrench Powerbomb, this time nailing it! Bradshaw rolls away in pain just as Cage gets back up and approaches Swagger. They trade blows, and again Swagger breaks the chain by booting Christian in the gut, although Captain Charisma is smarter and as he doubles over, he also drops to is knees to take down Swagger with a low blow! The wily Cage gets to his feet and picks up Swagger, before twisting him around in position for the Unprettier. Just as he goes for the move, however, ‘Break the Walls Down’ plays and Chris Jericho begins to run down the ramp. Cage pulls himself away from Swagger and slides out of the ring, before meeting Jericho on the ramp. The two foes begin to trade punches and Chris gets the upper hand, throwing Cage over the barricade into the crowd. The two begin to brawl through the audience to backstage while the camera shifts back to the ring and the match at hand. Swagger just getting to his feet and what he doesn’t notice is Rey Mysterio climbing up to the top rope behind him. Jack turns around, still dazed, to see Mysterio jumping at him and subsequently nailing the West Coast Pop, landing in a cover and ultimately scoring the pin to cheers!
WINNER- Rey Mysterio by PINFALL in 13:04
Cole- Well my voice is back after watching that thrill ride!
King- Great, more vintage commentary from you Michael. I’d be one sad man if not for the wrestling clinic we just witnessed. And now we go backstage to where Matt Striker is interviewing Elijah Burke after his actions last week!
Elijah Burke is backstage with Matt Striker for an interview, and the crowd boos mildly when they see the Elijah Experience.
Striker- I think you know what I’m going to ask you Elijah.
Burke- I do know what, because that’s what everybody’s been asking me all week. Why did Elijah Burke take out both the Hardcore Champion and the Intercontinental Champion last week on Raw?
Burke- Well Matt, you see, the answer is rather simple. Because we had 2 of Raw’s Champions battling each other, which means that 2 titles were taken away from the rest of the Raw roster. While Morrison and Kazarian were fighting with each other, what was the rest of the Raw roster meant to fight for? The World title match was already decided, and I’m not dressing up like a Queen just to fight for the Women’s title. No, I had to go and make sure that the members of Raw got what they needed, a title to fight for. You can call me a locker room savior, in fact, call me that Matt.
Striker- I’d rather no-
Burke- Matt, haha, you must learn that when Elijah Burke asks for something, Elijah Burke ALWAYS gets it.
The crowd boos Elijah’s arrogance.
Striker- Umm... ok, you’re the savior of the locker room.
Burke- Thank you, now, was that really that hard.
Striker- Umm... no, but another question is the involvement of Kofi Kingston in your plan last week. What was that about?
Burke- You see, Kofi and I are by no means friends but we shared a common interest and longed for a title that we could both compete for. That’s why we broke up John Morrison and Kazarian’s little love fest in the ring and did something about it. Because that’s what Elijah Burke does, when he wants something, he does something about it!
More heat.
Voice- Funny you say that...
Stephanie McMahon walks into the picture to boos.
Steph- Because that’s the last time you, or ANYONE does ANYTHING on this... on MY show without consulting the General Manager. Now Elijah, you’re a smart man and I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t see what either you or Kofi have done to deserve shots at any titles on Raw. That is why I am giving you the chance to earn a shot at either the Hardcore or the Intercontinental title tonight, as you will go one on one with the man who you were allied with last week... Kofi Kingston!
Cole- Whoa! That’s a big match announcement!
Small pop for mention of Kofi.
Burke- Y’all know what, that’s fine. Because I’ll beat Kofi to earn a shot and I’ll choose between those two guys and then I will become champion, y’know? It’s all good, I get it Stephanie... just make sure to note that Elijah Burke is going to go far on your show, he’s going straight to the top.
Elijah smirks and walks off to boos as Stephanie is left standing amused while Striker stands in the middle looking confused.
King- I like Elijah, he’s a great wrestler and he knows it!
Cole- I think that’s his problem- Wait, word is that after commercial there will be a huge announcement made... stay tuned!
King- I wonder who will be making the-
‘Here Comes the Money’ plays to a great pop as Shane McMahon makes his return from his absence to skip out onto the ramp. He nods his head and waves to the crowd before making his way down to the ring, with the audience still shocked that he has suddenly returned to television.
Shane- Well isn’t it great to be back on MONDAY NIGHT RAW!?
Pop for Shane.
Shane- And I’ve been hearing some things in my absence, the main thing being that my sister is now calling all the shots over here.
Boos at mention of Steph McMahon.
Shane- Rest assured, that’s not the case as I went and did something about it after hearing Stephanie run her mouth last week. I went to Dad. And he, being the father, couldn’t choose which one of us would run Raw. That’s why he proposed that there be a match to solve this dilemma, a match to decide the ONLY Raw General Manager. A match... at WRESTLEMANIA!
King- Are we about to see another match made for Wrestlemania 25?
Cole- If so, I’m excited!
The crowd cheers for this match made for Wrestlemania.
Shane- So, we will both pick somebody off the Raw roster and they will go head to head at the granddaddy of them all. The winner’s manager will become the GENERAL Manager. And Stephanie, don’t try and dispute this because Dad is the chairman of the WWE and what he says, goes. So I look forward to our match, I have a few people in mind already. Until then, I’ll let you make the decisions on Raw so I can rest up until Wrestlemania 25, where I will become the sole General Manager of Raw!
Cole- Does this mean that we will only have one general manager on Raw after Wrestlemania 25 in Houston, Texas?
King- Of course it does you idiot. I can’t wait to see who will represent the respective General Managers!
Shane leaves the ring and walks backstage as the crowd cheers.
Cole- Right now, we will get to witness the official in-ring reunion of the World’s Greatest Tag Team, as they aspire to defeat Pacific Pain!
Shelton Benjamin +Charlie Haas v Sim Snuka +Manu
(Tag Team)
Charlie and Snuka begin in the ring and Haas begins very aggressive, booting Sim in the gut before attacking him with body blows and backing him into the corner. The referee counts to five to warn Charlie to back off, but Haas takes this to offense and talks back to the referee. During this, Snuka scrambles over to his corner and tags in Manu, who takes Haas down with a big boot to few cheers. Charlie rolls away to his corner where Shelton tags himself in and enters the match. Manu runs to clothesline the Gold Standard but Shelton ducks under his arm before turning and hitting Manu with a spinning hook kick to the back of the head, knocking the Samoan down. Shelton brings the boots to Manu, before whipping him into his own corner where Charlie Haas hits him with a cheap shot. Shelton tags him in and they both kick Manu in the gut in the corner, before Haas lifts him and nails him with an impressive snap suplex. Haas tries to lift Manu for the Haas of Pain but the Samoan rolls over and crawls over to tag in Sim. Snuka runs in and lifts Haas, only to be kicked in the gut out of nowhere. Haas nails him with an impressive European Uppercut before tagging in his partner. Shelton then gets in and immediately whacks Snuka with a Superkick, just as Haas picks him up for a German Suplex. Charlie rolls away as Shelton lifts up Sim before picking him up and lifting him for a vicious Exploder Suplex which gets the three count.
WINNERS- Shelton Benjamin +Charlie Haas by PINFALL in 2:20
King- I was right when I predicted that Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas would move on to big things in the tag division.
Cole- Well they haven’t really done much so far except for beating a team that hasn’t won since the turn of the century.
King- Here is another one of Raw’s fine tag teams, in Priceless!
Priceless is backstage with Todd Grisham for an interview, and the crowd boos the World Tag Team Champions.
Grisham- I am here with the World Tag Team Champions, Priceless, who have a title match tonight against the Redneck Rumblers, who have chased them for the belts, defeating them respectively in singles competition and then in a non title tag-
Cody- Stop! Those were all flukes and everybody knows it. You know it, we definitely know it, Wang Yang and Moore know it and the WWE Universe knows it.
Ted- Two dumb hicks like Jimmy and Shannon could never beat the legendary future hall of fame tandem that is Priceless.
Cody- That’s right, tonight we stop with the fun and games. We stop letting those two cousin-lovers have their fun and we get serious. Tonight, we beat those two pieces of trash down like you would have never seen before.
Grisham- But... why?
Ted- Why? WHY? Jeez, Todd, you wanna know why?
Cody- It’s because we’re freakin’ Priceless, you got that? And we are the World Tag Team Champions, and will be for years to come.
Ted- Tonight is just a warm up for us; those hillbillies aren’t even a blip on our radar. We leave them out cold in the centre of the ring tonight and move on to bigger and better things!
Cole- They seem almost overconfident in their abilities.
King- Don’t be silly, there’s no such thing as overconfident.
Cole- Either way, it’s a word that applies to Elijah Burke who will be in action against Kofi Kingston right now!
King- And the winner will choose either the Intercontinental or Hardcore champion to have a title match against!
Elijah Burke v Kofi Kingston
The bell rings and the two men lock up, as the aggressive brawler Elijah Burke gets the advantage with a particularly nasty looking headlock. Kofi gets to the ropes though and pushes Burke away into them. He goes for a dropkick but Elijah craftily holds onto the ropes and Kofi hits the ground hard, connecting with only air. The opportunistic Elijah jumps on him for a cover but Kofi immediately kicks out before getting to his feet. The two men meet and lock up again, and this time Kofi gets the upper hand with a snapmare, followed up by a dropkick to the back. Kofi then lifts Burke to his feet and swiftly whacks him in the gut with a spinning kick, and while he is doubled over, runs off the opposite ropes before catching him with a sunset flip pin which falls just short of getting the job done. Kofi then follows up with some more impressive offense, punishing Burke with an array of kicks that leave the crowd in awe, as they are entranced by Kofi’s athleticism. Kofi finishes up the medley by going for the Trouble in Paradise, only for Elijah Burke to duck it and then nail the unbalanced Kingston with a running reverse STO. Burke then stands over Kofi and mimics his ‘Boop Boop’ line to boos, before nailing him with a standing elbow drop for a near fall.
The kick out seems to make Elijah more aggressive, as he lifts Kofi to his feet and then grabs him by the hair, before talking trash to him. Elijah Burke is about to say a particular ‘N’ word but half way through the derogatory comment, Kofi decks him with a huge right hook to the jaw. Elijah holds his jaw and looks enraged, as he launches a barrage of punches on the vulnerable Kofi, showcasing his amateur boxing background. Burke finishes off the series of punches with a devastating uppercut, before he takes Kofi and throws him shoulder first into the metal ring post situated at the corner of the ring. Kofi slumps down, barely conscious, as Elijah realises the opportunity. He runs at the Jamaican and then leaps with both knees out, going for the Elijah Express, only for Kofi to duck away at literally the last second, leaving Burke to connect with the hard turnbuckle. Kofi pulls himself to his feet and waits for Elijah Burke to arise as well, before running and nailing the 540 degree spinning kick, a.k.a. the Trouble in Paradise! However, before Kofi can cover, John Morrison enters the ring out of nowhere and takes out Kingston with a forearm, before also booting Burke in the chest. Morrison hits Kofi with a Trouble in Paradise and Kazarian then also slides into the ring. The referee rings the bell in nobody’s favor just as Kaz climbs up to the top rope, before leaping off with a huge Spiral Leg Drop! Both champions exit on either side of the ring and leave Elijah and Kofi incapacitated in the ring. The crowd is giving a heavy mixed reaction as we go into the break, as nobody knows what’s going on or who to cheer for.
Cole- I don’t know what is going on between these four men, it is utter chaos!
King- Yeah, but who doesn’t love a bit of chaos Michael?
Smackdown Rewind
MATCH 1Chris Sabin v Kung Fu Naki(Single)
A virtual squash match here. Funaki does not gain in much offense barring a kick or two. Chris Sabin dominates with some methodical yet high flying offense, eventually sealing the deal with a Cradle Shock.
WINNER- Chris Sabin by PINFALL in 2:05
Sabin takes the microphone after the match and talks about his shocking win at No Way Out. He explains that even though there were qualifiers, it was still an invitational and he capitalized on that stipulation to become the new Cruiserweight Champion. He puts himself over as a skilled superstar before Vickie comes out and announces that his first title defense will be after Saturday Night’s Main Event, against the winner of a Number One Contendership battle royal at that same show. Sabin invites all comers and does not seem fazed about this announcement; instead he looks more pumped up.
Rosa Mendez is walking backstage, and she receives a mixed reaction when the crowd lay their eyes upon her. Mendez turns towards the camera and stops as if to begin talking.
Cole- Oh no, not some more ultra-emotional dribble from the psychotic-
King- How about you shut up and let the girl talk?
Rosa- She had it coming. They BOTH had it coming. Nobody ever thought much of Rosa Mendez did they? Nobody did, but especially Beth Phoenix. Not only did she not care, she lied to me and she used me. And I’m not someone who will let another person do that to me. That’s why I was there at No Way Out, to keep that BITCH from winning the title she never deserved.
Mixed reaction for Rosa.
Rosa- And then I was there last week to stop her again. But why am I getting overlooked? Why is it that Bethany has to get all the chances? Well I’m going to make people care... next week. Beth, I am challenging you to a one on one match next week. Not for a title, not for contendership, but just for retribution. I want retribution Beth, and I’m going to get it.
She walks away from the camera to mild boos.
King- That was... intense...
Cole- Anyway, up next we will finally get to see Priceless and the Redneck Rumblers go to head for the coveted World Tag Team Championships!
Cole- I am excited, come on and ring the bell!
World Tag Team Championship
Cody Rhodes +Ted DiBiase v Jimmy Wang Yang +Shannon Moore
(Tag Team)
Priceless give their belts to the referee and then decide that Cody will be in the match first, while the Redneck Rumblers point at the titles and slap hands, and Shannon gets onto the apron. The bell rings for the title match and Rhodes and Yang lock up, with the former getting the better of things, putting Jimmy in a hammerlock. However, Wang expertly twists himself out and then nails Cody with a hip toss, flinging him across the ring. Yang then follows up with a running dropkick which knocks Cody down to the mat. Jimmy motions that he wants more but instead, Cody dusts himself off and tags in Ted DiBiase. DiBiase and Yang lock up and the son of the Million Dollar Man is fresher and uses that to his advantage, spinning Jimmy into a sleeper hold. He wrenches the head and tries to transition the move into the Million$ Dream, but Jimmy runs backwards and slams Ted into the corner, where he is forced to release the hold. He does so, but then takes down Yang with a forearm from behind. Yang holds his neck in pain as he is suddenly grabbed from behind and tossed shoulder first into the unforgiving ring post.
DiBiase tags in his Priceless counterpart and the World Tag Team Champions gloat to the crowd to gain some heat, before picking Yang out from the corner only to receive an elbow to the gut each. Yang then dropkicks DiBiase and sends him to the outside before catching the legal man Cody Rhodes with a leg sweep that sends him falling back first onto the canvas. Yang then incredibly leaps up and nails Rhodes with a Standing Moonsault and you can tell that the Dream’s son is winded from the blow. Shannon Moore is then finally brought into the match and he leaps in full of energy, and immediately nails Cody in the stomach with a running senton. Moore brings down a few well-placed boots down to Cody’s chest. He keeps the high flying offense going for a while managing to keep Cody down and heighten the chance of a title change. After some time of being in control, Moore finds himself at the top rope and Cody Rhodes is swaying in front of him. He presumable goes to dive down for his Supercanrana, but gets pushed down from behind by Ted DiBiase to a lot of heat. The referee sees the interference and immediately awards the disqualification and rings the bell and the Redneck Rumblers are shocked, having won the match but not gained the titles. They take Priceless out with dropkicks before celebrating, though their spirits are somewhat lower with the result that took place.
WINNERS- Jimmy Wang Yang +Shannon Moore by DISQUALIFICATION in 5:49
Cole- What? That match was completely ruined by dirty tactics!
King- Priceless are clever, they retained their titles successfully and the Redneck Rumblers have lost their shot.
Cole- I still don’t agree with their methods. However, up next we will see another man who has fallen to cheap tactics recently, and that is Shawn Michaels!
King- I can’t wait to see what HBK will have to say about CM Punk.
Cole- Let’s face it, he won’t let Punk get off easy after the awful things he said last week to his former mentor HBK.
‘Sexy Boy’ hits as Shawn Michaels walks solemnly down to the ring, getting a huge pop. He holds a microphone and goes to speak but suddenly stops. Shawn then motions towards the entrance ramp as if anticipating somebody’s arrival.
HBK- Punk, if you weren’t such a coward, such a PUNK, then you would come out here right now and face me like a man!
Mixed reaction, as the crowd cheers Shawn’s intensity but boos Punk’s cowardliness.
HBK- You’ve got a lot of explaining to do and you’d better do it quick if you don’t want an IMMEDIATE ass kicking!
King- Wow, we haven’t seen Shawn this fired up in a long time!
Big pop.
HBK- You see I don’t appreciate being conned or being tricked into a friendship, I don’t like my respect being abused and I think it’s pretty damn obvious I don’t like steel chairs being slammed into my back!
Cole- I wouldn’t like it either-
King- Shhhh!
Heat for the attack.
HBK- CM Punk, what you did was unforgivable and you will pay the price. You said you took out the trash? Well the trash is you, until you come out here and grow the balls to confront me face to face; man to man. You wanted me to be there at No Way Out; well I don’t know where you were because I WAS there. Wait I do know where you were, out UNCONSCIOUS!
HBK- If not for me you would have laid motionless on that floor for the entire night, and only now I realised that this would have been my best option. You said that I should hang up my boots? Well, maybe the time is nearing that I will need to retire, but I will make sure that before that happens, I will leave your ass BEATEN and BLOODIED!
Huge pop.
HBK- But I don’t have all day and since your punk ass ain’t showing up, I’ll just come out and say what I have wanted to say all night. CM Punk... I am challenging you... to a match at WRESTLEMANIA 25!
Cole- A match between these two would truly be one for the ages!
The crowd goes wild!
As the crowd roars CM Punk appears on the titantron to heat.
Punk- Shawn, I’m sadly not here to tell you this in person... but I ACCEPT!
King- Holy crap! We have our match!
The transmission cuts off as ‘Sexy boy’ plays again and Shawn walks back up the ramp to lots of cheers, looking rather pleased.
Cole- Shawn definitely looks happy after having his match, but I think Punk may have asked for more than he can handle.
King- But focusing on the present, we are about to see Rosa Mendez in action.
Rosa Mendez v Mickie James
The bell rings and the mentally unstable Rosa Mendez immediately runs full force at Mickie James and tackles her to the ground, before repeatedly whacking her head into the ground via pulling her hair. James kicks her off and tries to get to her feet but Rosa again tackles the former Women’s Champ before she gets the chance. Rosa screams in Mickie’s face and James, still on the ground, slaps Mendez’s cheek, which just seems to enrage her more. Mendez gets up and runs at Mickie, who this time manages to use Rosa’s momentum against her and nail a drop toe hold. James then gets up along with Rosa, before whipping her into the corner. Mickie runs and nails a running clothesline, before whipping her into the opposite corner. She runs for a repeat of the previous move, but Rosa lefts her boots up to stop Mickie. However, James sees the move coming and grabs Rosa’s feet, before pulling her away and nailing her with an alleyoop. Mickie covers for a two, before going to the top rope. Rosa climbs to her feet just as Mickie jumps for a Diving Lou Thesz Press, only for Rosa to counter with a dropkick in mid air. Mendez picks Mickie up and lifts her onto her shoulder, but James manages to control her weight and spin Rosa out into a Tornado DDT! Mickie gets up, on a roll and when Rosa arises, James goes for the Mick Kick! However, Mendez ducks the move, before nailing the shocked Mickie James with a very quick Backflip Reverse DDT and scoring the pin!
WINNER- Rosa Mendez by PINFALL in 2:05
King- Rosa Mendez is quickly solidifying herself as a top diva, she just beat a former multiple time Women’s Champion!
Cole- But can she beat the current Women’s Champion in Melina?
Cole- We go backstage to the General manager’s office.
Stephanie McMahon is backstage in her office filing papers when Chris Jericho casually walks through the door, chewing on a piece of gum. The crowd boos when they see both of these hated personalities.
Jericho- Isn’t it great?
Stephanie turns around to see Jericho and she frowns inquisitively.
Jericho- Isn’t it great that we will finally have one General Manager on Raw?
Steph- Well, only if it’s gonna be me- which it will be.
Jericho- Oh, don’t be worry, that’s exactly what I meant, I mean, do you honestly think that dumbass brother of yours could find someone good enough to face me?
Heat for the cutting down of Shane.
Steph- You?
Jericho- Oh, did I not mention why I was here? I am proposing that for your match at Wrestlemania, you choose me to represent you and finally bring you into your sole position you deserve, as Raw General Manager.
Steph- Well that’s a great proposition and you know what? I accept. You’re going to Wrestlemania Chris.
King- Do you hear that? Chris Jericho is going to Wrestlemania!
The crowd boos.
Jericho- Excellent. And as for my opponent-
Shane McMahon suddenly walks through the door and smiles at Steph.
Shane- You know sis, if you’re going to be making such offers I’d close the door first. I couldn’t help overhearing you and neither did the man who will be representing me and facing Chris Jericho and Wrestlemania 25.
Steph- Which is who?
Shane- Someone who knows Chris Jericho very well. Chris, I think you know who I’m talking about.
Christian Cage then walks through the door wearing a wide smile, as the crowd goes insane, while Jericho looks a little nervous.
Cole- Christian Cage taking on Chris Jericho... what a match!
Massive pop.
Christian- That’s right peeps; Christian Cage is going to Wrestlemania 25! And he is bringing home a new Raw General Manager in Shane McMahon!
Steph- We- Well then its official. At Wrestlemania 25, it will be Chris Jericho...
Steph- ...Accompanied by Stephanie McMahon...
More heat.
Steph- ...Taking on Christian Cage...
Steph- ...Accompanied by Shane McMahon!
Even bigger pop.
Steph- And the winner’s manager will be the NEW general manger of RAW!
Cole- Now that was a HUGE match announcement!
The crowd cheers as the scene fades to black.
Smackdown Rebound
The show begins with Jeff Hardy in the ring. He talks about his win over Edge at No Way Out before saying how he successfully defended his title; therefore he is the hottest thing on Smackdown right now. United States Champion MVP comes out and says that he also defended his title, so he is better than Hardy. General Manager Vickie Guerrero comes out and announces a Champion v Champion match for later in the night, and MVP leaves. Jeff stays in the ring and looks pleased, but out of nowhere Randy Orton slides in behind him and nails him with an RKO, laying him out.
MVP is backstage and he takes a microphone. He hypes up his champion v champion match for later tonight. He says that he should be the WWE Champion and that every gold belt should be around his waist. MVP proclaims himself as the best US Champion in history and says that tonight; he will beat the worst WWE Champion in history.
Randy Orton is backstage and he talks about his first appearance on Smackdown tonight. He talks about winning the Raw Elimination Chamber at No Way Out and then talking to both General Managers and being allowed to come to the blue brand. He says he has come straight for Jeff Hardy and he plans to beat him at Wrestlemania, saying it shouldn’t be too hard considering Hardy’s track record. He puts over his NWO win some more as well as the RKO earlier in the show. Orton says Legacy is gone and he will have to survive on his own, but he will do it as a champion, and that he will beat Hardy in front of 75000 of his fans at Wrestlemania 25!
Jeff Hardy is backstage with Todd Grisham. He is asked about his champion vs champion match tonight. Jeff responds by saying that there is a reason the WWE title is above the US title and that is because scum like MVP will never hold the WWE title. Hardy says that he is coming off a huge win and he plans to keep that momentum rolling. Todd asks him about Randy Orton, and Jeff seriously nods his head. Hardy puts over Orton as a serious contender who is coming off a big match at No Way Out, but he says Orton does not have the passion and heart that the Extreme Enigma has. Hardy says that whenever Orton wants to fight, he will be ready. He says that if Randy wants him at Wrestlemania, so be it, he will just have to kick the Legend Killer’s ass in front of the 75000 in attendance!
MATCH 6MVP v Jeff Hardy(Single)
This is a good match with again, fairly even offense. Hardy’s intensity allows him to capitalize at the start of the match but MVP dodges an early Swanton, before controlling the bulk of offense for a long while. MVP stays in control until Hardy makes a comeback by breaking a submission, before landing his signature moves in succession. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but MVP escapes and goes for the Playmaker, only to have Jeff Hardy flip into an innovative pin and get the three. After the match Orton again gets behind Hardy and hits him with another RKO, posing over his fallen body to end the show.
WINNER- Jeff Hardy by PINFALL in 12:46
King- We’re about to see a pissed off Animal!
‘I Walk Alone’ plays to a huge pop as the Animal Batista makes his way down to the ring, with his usual theatrics along the way. He slides into the ring and grabs a microphone, before waiting for the cheering to die down.
Batista- Sometimes, animals are wounded. It’s the food chain; each animal is eaten by another. But sometimes, it’s not just animals that harm each other. It can be humans. Birds are shot out of the sky, fish are caught in nets and even bears fall to metal traps. This Animal fell victim to a metal trap, but in this case... a steel chair.
The crowd boos, knowing Batista was beaten down by Booker last week.
Batista- Booker T, last week after our match you beat me down, you wounded this Animal. Well you should have learned by now that this is one man that never backs down, and even if it takes him years, he will get his retribution.
Pop for the fired up Animal.
Batista- Last week you challenged me to a match at Saturday Night’s Main Event. You nodded my head on your behalf but let’s make this official. This time I’m conscious and I ACCEPT!
Cheers for this match being made official.
Batista- So we’ll be going one on one and the winner gets a spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania... sounds good to me. You know, I’ve never been in a ladder match before but I hear they’re quite extreme. I think that maybe we should get a little warm up in case we get into this extreme match after the show next Saturday. I think that in our match, we should warm up for Wrestlemania with a very extreme STREET FIGHT!
Even more cheers for this stipulation.
Batista- See you there, Booker!
Cole- A street fight? That’s one of the most brutal matches out there, one of these men is going to be broken in half!
King- Which is a very fitting way to end this feud!
Batista’s music plays and he walks backstage to a huge pop.
Cole- Ladies and gentleman we are about to see a heavily anticipated Main Event!
King- That’s right, brothers will collide as the Undertaker takes on Kane!
Kane v Undertaker
The bell rings and the two monsters pace around the ring, not taking their eyes off each other. The hulking brothers then meet up in the centre of the ring with a stare down, and the crowd can feel the intensity rushing through them. Kane breaks the silence with a right uppercut to boos, before Taker returns the favor to a pop. The brothers then trade uppercuts with the fans booing or cheering depending on who is delivering the punch. However, after a particularly brutal uppercut from Taker, Kane decides to go for a big boot instead, and he almost takes the Dead Man’s head off. Kane follows up with some signature high powered yet surprisingly athletic offense, showing his mean side by dominating his brother for a few minutes, hitting what includes a running seated dropkick, a side slam and a diving clothesline. After the latter, Kane sticks his arm out; motioning for the Chokeslam while the crowd boos. Taker gets up and Kane grabs the Phenom by his throat, only to have his throat grabbed as well. The crowd cheers as both men are choking each other out until Kane boots Taker in the abdomen and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, the Big Red Machine goes for a clothesline but gets nailed by one himself, and after the simultaneous clotheslines both men are down on the canvas. The crowd cheers in anticipation and then truly marks out when they brothers do their signature sit-ups at the same time.
They both get to their feet and Kane boots Taker in the gut before going for a Powerbomb, but the Undertaker will have none of it and drops Kane with a back body drop. Taker then lifts Kane before hitting his Snake Eyes/Running Big Boot combination, before dragging the wounded Kane over to the ropes, and then climbing them. He holds onto Taker’s arm and then dives for the Old School, but gets caught at the throat on the way down and then lifted for a brutal Chokeslam! Kane covers, 1, 2, No! Taker raises a shoulder before sitting up once again and hitting the Big Red Monster with a wicked right hand while he is still seated. Kane holds his face in pain as Taker makes his way to his feet. Undertaker nails Kane with another one of the brutal right hands, before going for the Last Ride, only to be pushed back onto the mat. Kane leans in onto Taker, who out of nowhere catches him in the Hell’s Gate and makes his brother tap out almost immediately! The bell rings and the lights go out with the Undertaker celebrating, but when they come back on John Cena is standing behind Taker. He attacks the Dead Man with an array of clubbing shots and then lifts him onto his shoulders for the FU, only to be taken out with a blow to the back from Kane, defending his brother’s honour! Cena drops Taker and turns to Kane, who the crowd is now cheering for because he suddenly nails the champ with an uppercut! Cena holds his face and scowls before hammering away at the weakened Kane, before lifting him up and planting him down with the FU! Cena rolls out of the ring and points at Taker, who is in the ring standing over his defeated brother and vows for revenge.
WINNER- Undertaker by PINFALL in 9:39
Cole- The Undertaker may have won the match, but John Cena got the last laugh.
King- I think Kane came out of this the worst, he loses to his brother and then when he tries to aide his family he gets an FU courtesy of John Cena!
Cole- Either way, make sure to tune in to Raw next week!