SEVERELY disappointed

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I guess all of you are too shortsighted and don't seem to remember the last time HHH was injured. We had no noteworthy storylines since damn near EVERYTHING revolves around him
Spoken like a true smark who thinks he knows something about the business but really doesnt know dick. There were no storylines at all huh? HBK/Cena, Khali/Cena, Lashley/Cena, the breakup of Rated RKO, the short lived return of Mick Foley, Vince blowing his ass to smithereens, Randy Orton destroying yet another legend (Dusty Rhodes), Vince/Trump, The short lived return of The Hardyz, producing what could be considered a match of the year, Cena/Umaga, which could also be considered a match of the year, The cross brand WM Main Events program, Ric Flair telling Carlito to pull his head out of his ass, Vince McMahon as ECW Champ, Randy Orton's short lived program with RVD, yeah, you are so right, there was NOTHING going on at all....

and then we got a year and a half of Cena sparking the exact same feud with every single person on the roster until God himself struck him down.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Umaga, Bobby Lashley, HBK, Randy Orton, Edge, and The Great Khali all had the exact same feud with John Cena. So, Umaga and John Cena had a friendly face/face rivalry? And John Cena and Bobby Lashley had a vicious unstoppable monster heel vs. the squeaky clean good guy feud? Or now about Khali and Cena. Khali went after Cena's dad in his home right? Totally, that's totally the same....

HHH needs to step down, get beaten by Snitsky
Who won that match 2 weeks ago on Raw. Triple H?

and start being treated like just another superstar rather than a McMahon.
Yes, relegate the 2nd or 3rd top drawing star on your roster to being jobbed out to Snitsky and Khali, that really makes sense...

We need to have major pushes of two or three other superstars
on the RAW roster and actually have something worth watching.
You mean pushes like John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, and Jeff Hardy? Or just the people you arbitrarily think "should" be pushed because you seem to know so much about how to run the WWE. Moreso than them because you know they haven't ever made any money doing what they do....

Look at Smackdown. Major pushes for Batista, Undertaker, Edge, Mysterio, and to some extent Khali.
Where did Khali get his first major title shot? I believe it was on Raw. Where did Edge get his main event push? On Raw. Where did Batista get MADE? Oh, COULD IT BE ON RAW!? Idiot...

but the point is that each of those superstars is put on an equally high pedistal, and each of them has been beaten the hell down recently.
If everybody is "on an equal pedestal" then there are no stars. There is ALWAYS someone who is better than someone else. That's how life is, as is wrestling. Unless you live in communist China or something where everyone is equal.

If one is injured, who cares, we still have PLENTY of top card, over as hell talent to carry on a variety of storylines.
So you're saying Khali can carry a better storyline than HHH?

Matches involving them are worth watching because there's a good chance they may lose. You're allowed to be a top card superstar and lose regularly.
No, actually you're not. How often did Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Diesel, Undertaker, and HBK lose as WWE champion? Go back and check the results, they didnt. And if they did, it was through DQ or some bullshit. A top star DOESNT LOSE because if he looks weak, the shmuck who beats him isnt that great. "Yeah he beat HHH, but HHH just got beat last week by some jobber" so who gives a fuck? Once again, you prove that you dont know shit.

And don't give me this "only to the right person" bullshit. Brock Lesnar was the right person, but HHH refused to lose to him.
Really and you know this because......Brock Lesnar told you so, right? This, people, is what we call "selective reasoning". It is the picking and choosing of facts to believe instead of taking all the facts as a whole. Not that you can trust anything a bitter, hack, flash in the pan, of an employee says as fact.

Jeff was the right person, but he was only allowed to win with a rollup after being dominated for most of the match.

So. That is one of the oldest stories in wrestling. Hulk Hogan would get the shit beat out of him all match and he'd come back to win, so what. Why should a guy who is at least 60-80lbs less in muscle than a guy and WAY UNDER in experience than a guy be able to dominate someone? How does that make logical sense? It doesnt. Idiot.

Randy was the right person, and he was only allowed to win after already losing once that night, then HHH retaining against Umaga, and THEN winning a last man standing match because HHH got to his feet at 10.01.
Ok so what would you do? Oh wait, I know what you would do, you would get rid of HHH altogether, thus losing a lot of money and totally fucking your company over, then again, you dont know shit, so I shouldnt ask you that question. I dont like what the WWE did there, having the title handed over to anyone is the wrong thing to do, period. It devalues the title. But it was surprising that HHH came out and beat his ass, defended it ONCE before getting to Orton, and then losing it in one of the better matches of the year. No one knew what was going on, its called unpredictability. You can say all you want now that "i knew that would happen" because youre here and now. No one, at No Mercy, KNEW what was gonna happen because this situation had never happened before.

There's a difference between "top card superstar" and "so fucking ridiculous it's not even worth watching." HHH crossed that line when he destroyed a monster heel who was completely undefeated in ECW and a monster heel who gave Bobby Lashley half a year of bloody defeats in one hit each.

He destroyed Snitsky and Umaga because he threw one over the top rope and used a cavalcade of weapons to beat the other? So when HHH gets essentially crucified and loses, it makes him look stronger, but when Snitsky and Umaga do it, it makes them look weak why?


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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WWE could have used Triple H's third opponent to redebut Big Show, or one of their new acquisitions, or just get Khali, or hell, mysteriously turn Lashley heel and toss him in, but instead we get 30 seconds of a caffienated Regal.

OMG you should book shows for raw you are a genius
1st Redebute the big show for HHH to beat him on his return coz that makes no sense at all only to you, Plus you would be the 1st one to hammer trips in a post for squashing big show on his return match :Confuzzled: .

2nd again Lashley returning from months of injury turn him heel and let trips just shot him out of the ring that would do wonders for lashleys momentum wouldnt it.

3rd and the most stupidest thing you have said get rid of 1 of the wwe biggest stars yeah that makes loadz of sense doesnt it

Really it didnt matter what happend with HHH match it could have been the match off century and you would find something to slag trips off im just glad you dont book matches for wwe with ya mad arsed ideas . :gun_guns:


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
I am not really sure why you even started this thread. You knew going into the match that HHH was going to win. There is no way a healthy HHH was not going to the rumble. So you think this over the top rope gauntlet match against 3 glorified jober(imo) is worse than having a one-one match with a returning Big Show? Personally I think beating the Big Show would actually prove your point more than an over the top rope gauntlet match with basically nobody's.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I choose not to respond to any of these arguments until you people mature enough to debate without throwing insults around in every other sentence. PM me when you're able to do that and i'll respond. Good day.

Translation, he has no comeback because he knows he doesnt know shit. It's ok, go run and hide little one :yes:


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
The above is true, not to mention its not an insult when it happens to be a fact.


Jan 4, 2008
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thats a good point. the match could have been a little more intresting last night -_-


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Dude? You're 14. You're not even worth debating with because your brain hasn't even fully developed yet. Go have some milk, some red meat, and complete puberty.

See what it's like when someone doesn't reply maturely? For now and for the future, if you're unable to carry on a mature discussion; if you're unable to reply to my post without having childish little insults in it, don't waste your time typing it out because i'm not going to reply to it, or even read past the first insult. Simple as that.

You said that already, yet you responded, thus showing that not only are you not intelligent enough to have a REAL conversation about this, you dont really want to. You'd rather go back and forth like this because you believe this is something you can "win" but rest assured, you cant.

The Rated R CMStar

Roxxi, I might agree with you on the part that the Gauntlet was not the best way for HHH to enter the Rumble. Myself I would have prefered a one on one singles match. Obviously not against Big Show or Lashley, because a returning superstar always has to win, but against Snitsky or Regal himself.

But, you then make that stupid post in which you argue saying that even Khali deserves more HHH spot in the Rumble.

Kaedon has made the long, clever post practically saying everything, so I don't have to do it right now, but I am saying this.

HHH is top talent. You can throw any excuse you want, going from his talent or his backstage influence, it doesn't matter, nothing changes the fact that he is top, main event talent. Every top talent always never loses their matches, and when they do, they do it either by DQ, count out or when they lose cleanly the more clean end you will get is a surprising roll up. Removing the bias out of you, when was the last match Kurt Angle lost clearly? Oh yes, Sting, another major talent and in the next show he recovered the belt. How is that better than Cena retaining the title for half a year on HHH just losing by roll up? Oh yes, Cena doesn't put 5 star matches, just 3.5-5, and HHH is nailing Steph.

Now, again, give any reason you like, HHH is in the moment Raw's Number One Face. Yeah, you might say that just because he is a Mcmahon, but the crowd reacts to him like that, the crowds pop to him as a main eventer. If TNA would copy the RR concept, and Kurt Angle happened to not have the belt, do you think he would be left out? No, because he is top talent, he is main eventer, he makes people buy PPVs.

And the comment saying that Big Show would draw more than HHH, I cannot even react to that.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
I never said Khali deserves to be in the Rumble more, I said he'd have been a more exciting Jobber #3 than Regal. Khali wouldn't be beaten in 30 seconds. He'd put up a serious fight, and this whole thing wouldn't have been so anticlimatic and disappointing.


Jan 4, 2008
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they should have thought more on the fight to make it more intresting

The Rated R CMStar

For someone who whines about what's wrong with WWE, and labels the biggest legend in this business as talentless, you are giving too much credit and confidence to Khali


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
^Hahaha yea seriously. I mean Khali? He's absolutely horid and your acting like he's this unstoppable force. Like I said he's currently in a feud with a midget and he continually get's beat down by Finlay. So Finlay is better than HHH?

It's nice to have you back friend haha. I got a little scared when you agreed with Roxxi, but welcome back.

There's really nothing more that I can add or need to add, Kaedon and CMS has pretty much covered it so good job guys, keep up the good fight.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
For someone who whines about what's wrong with WWE, and labels the biggest legend in this business as talentless, you are giving too much credit and confidence to Khali
All i'm saying is that the match was horribly anticlimatic and disappointing. We were pretty much promised a surprise opponent to give HHH one hell of a match, but instead we got Snitsky Vs. HHH for the third or fourth time, then Mark Henry for some reason, and then Caffienated Regal. Why is it so hard to agree that the match was a letdown?

And Kaedon, stop editing my post. Everything here is on topic.

The Rated R CMStar

To that, I can't say anything.

This has nothing to do with HHH, the whole booking of the match was lame.