The suit is much better.![]()
Seth rocks a suit like nobody else.

Somewhere @Mox Girl is swooning
By the way, maybe it's just me, but does Seth not look a little bit like Colin Farrell at some angles? I can't be the only one that sees it.
The suit is much better.![]()
I'm amped for his match at Mania. I hope he wins but Seth seems to be the in 'put people over' mode right now so Cesaro might get the W.
6. Cesaro pinned Seth Rollins in 11:27. The whole match was to build for the record setting swing and Cesaro getting his big WWE career win. Cesaro went for a gut wrench superplex but Rollins blocked it and hit a buckle bomb. Rollins did a top rope superplex and falcon arrow. Cesaro used lots of uppercuts in the corner. Cesaro did a eight rep giant swing and people groaned, although that was done on purpose. He used the sharpshooter but Rollins made the rope. Fans chanted “One more time” wanting another giant swing. They had to wait to get it. Rollins kicked out of the neutralizer. He tried a second one but Rollins reversed into a pedigree. Rollins used the Ospreay elbow smash to the back of the head. He went for a curb stomp but Cesaro used an uppercut. Cesaro then did the UFO, which is his airplane spin with no hands, which is visually awesome. He then went for the record giant swing. The idea is he did 23 reps but the crowd counted fast and it was between 18 and 19 when he put Rollins down. The idea is the record was 22, but in that one, Cesaro actually put Rollins down in the middle. Cesaro hit the neutralizer for the pin. The last few minutes saw the crowd go crazy. The crowd reaction at the end blew away anything on the show besides the Belair title win reaction, but blew away everything as far as a match goes. ****
I wonder what Seth does now. Is the Cesaro feud over?![]()
I mean a lot of them were dream matches at the time among fans of the indie scene lol.I actually watched the Bryan ROH ones the other day, great stuff. Especially that triple threat with Omega. It's just crazy to think how huge that match would be these days with all three guys being top stars.
There is a lot of dream matches from the ROH days before these guys made it big. It is like finding a treasure of gold stumbling on these matches.
I mean a lot of them were dream matches at the time among fans of the indie scene lol.
Got this the other day, it's from 2013 and those autographs are legit. Look at Seth's autograph, it's more detailed than his current one, instead of just the SR he adds a little bit extra to itI was comparing it to the other things of his I have that are autographed (lol brag) and it's def different. So woo, special!