Is it worth it though for Vince to bring him back into the picture? How do you know he won't try this same shit in a few months when he doesn't get booked the way he thinks he should.. I mean Batista wants more creative input and he's not gonna get it which is probably why we won't be seeing him for another good while, not to mention he's being rumored to have a decent role in this Marvel universe now with the implementation of the Guardians of the Galaxy.. I can see Punk doing the same thing, demanding some creative input on how his storylines should go; he doesn't get his way and he bails again after a few PPVs..
I do see what you're saying though and it's hard to deny that he would be a boost to both the Main Event picture as well as the revenue that would be brought in so you may have something there.. I'm just questioning the risk of it all.
It's the Empire's fault for even allowing this. This is the company's fault, believe it or not.
Punk walked out, yes. I'm not letting him off the hook. However. Punk's contract was structured in such a way WWE could do nothing.
Austin walked out twice, I believe. People ask for their release quite often, which is what CM Punk should have considered.
If WWE is scared of CM Punk walking out, they have to structure his contract in a way which prevents this.
If the Empire cannot structure a legally binding deal suiting both them and their client, they are low rate and deserve heavy criticism.