Wait magic, what the fuck lmao, what kind of cop are you
I’m a little out the loop atm
A cop specifically for if they're that conspiracy aligned or not that conspiracy aligned.
I’m getting an itchy finger here
Did you understand your role when you used it? I’m just trying to work out what actually happened in terms of why you thought he was guilty?
wait holy shit t-pein is scum
I thought this was a cop soft but with wang's claim I'm thinking not. because yeah I'm a duelist and I have to be in the duel so I'm pretty sure I'm a killer. fake result!
Didn't Tpein claim Joat during the night or was he just giving shit to Ace
well I was pretty hammered at the time but I liked his reads post with opinions on junk and odo, seemed like his own independent thoughts. I did not like the claim but given what t-pein softed and the fact that he shouldn't have gotten the result he seems to be claiming to have gotten on me it seems like t-pein is scum and wang is town to me
very drunk
Lost in my mind..tprin copped me?
I did not cop you.
" data-source="post: 2174045" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">No you told Ace that not me. I did read the thread.I literally told you I am not cop.
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No I did not claim JOAT,
I was taking the piss.
trying to scare you a bit.
I said the JOAT scanned you....
If you had read the thread you would know that never happened....
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The heck?
You literally asked me if I am cop and I said no.
I never claimed or hinted cop.
That was all you.
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