Ring of Honor presented the second set of their ROH on HD Net TV Tapings on Friday 4/9 at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA
Dark Matches:
*Brandon Day vs. Shadow Phoenix - Phoenix scored the pin with a tornado DDT.
*Grizzly Redwood & ? beat The Set.
*Alex Payne defeated ? with a frankensteiner.
A table was set up in the ring as The American Wolves, with Shane Hagadorn, made their way to the ring. Davey Richards said last time they were out here, they took out the golden boys of Kevin Steen and El Generico. He said that they put Steen and Generico through a table and it's going to happen again. When it does, The American Wolves will be the new ROH Tag Team champions. Steen and Generico hit the ring and the Wolves left, abandoning Hagadorn. Steen said that he thought Wolves ran in packs, but it looks like they only run in pairs. Hagadorn begged for mercy, but Steen reminded him that he did help the Wolves kick his bad knee in, so they powerbombed him through a table.
Kenny King vs. Kenny Omega vs. Jay Briscoe (with Mark Briscoe)
Briscoe slapped both at the bell, then tossed Omega to the floor. He whipped King into the ropes. nailed a clothesline and a leg lariat. Omega returned and avoided several Briscoe moves before diving over the top to the floor on King. Omega and Briscoe worked over King on the floor until he jumped onto the apron, then hit a forward flip onto them. King tossed Omega into the ring and began working him over. The crowd chanted Omega's name and King mocked them. He choked Omega against the ropes, then locked on a surfboard. That allowed Briscoe to hit a Mafia kick to the face, then a slam. Briscoe nailed King with a STO into the turnbuckles.
Omega and Briscoe went back and forth briefly, but Briscoe tossed him out of the ring. King ducked a Briscoe clothesline and hit a kick to the back of the head for a two count. Omega broke it up but was taken out. Briscoe and King went at each other again. King choked Briscoe with a boot across the throat. He and Jay exchanged punches in the middle of the ring and Omega hit a flying bodypress off the top onto both. He nailed a double rana on both. He preened for the crowd but was caught with a Briscoe lariat. Jay set up for the Jay-Driller but King springboarded off the ropes into a Buff Blockbuster. He scored a two count.
With all three men down, the crowd clapped to rally them. King went to the top but Omega jumped him in the corner. He set up King for a belly to back suplex but Briscoe got involved. Omega avoided him, then hit a back cracker off the ropes onto King for a two count, which Briscoe broke. By this point, Omega was busted open in the nose while Jay had a cut above his eye. He hit a death valley driver on Omega and went to the top but King kicked Briscoe, who fell to the floor. King picked up Omega in a Toture Rack but Omega rolled through and then caught King in a bridged pin.
Your winner, Kenny Omega!
Good match with some fun exchanges. Omega and Briscoe got good reactions on the way out.
Irish Airborne vs. Dark City Fight Club
The fans chanted for the Fight Club. Airborne put up a decent fight but Fight Club caught one of them coming off the top rope and nailed him with a double powerbomb.
Your winners, The Dark City Fight Club!
DCFC are starting to get over with the crowd since they are basically wrecking everyone they come into contact with.
Chris Hero (with Sara del Rey) vs. Eddie Kingston
Kingston hit the ring and chased Hero outside and back in again. He began unloading on Hero, who retreated again to the floor. Kingston followed and choked Hero outside. Hero pulled del Rey on front of him, which distracted Kingston enough to allow Hero to dropkick him in the head from the ring, Hero nailed a back senton splash on the floor. There was a loudly split crowd for the match. Hero tossed Kingston back into the ring and kicked him in the face. He began working over Kingston with chops, but Kingston fired back. Hero nailed a big boot rebounding off the ropes. Hero began choking Kingston and continued to beat him with chops. Kingston begged him to keep coming.
Hero whipped Kingston into the ropes and as he rebounded, drilled him with an elbow. Kingston nailed a kick to the face, then a suplex. Kingston unloaded with a series of chops and a back drop driver. He began beating down on Hero in the corner, The referee kept trying to get him off but Kingston ignored him. The referee DQ'd Kingston, so Kingston nailed the referee to a huge pop.
Your winner, by DQ, Chris Hero!
The crowd chanted, "You got f***ed up" as they carried referee Todd Sinclaire out.
Jimmy Jacobs & Brodie Lee vs. Necro Butcher & Delirious
All four brawled outside around the ring at the onset. When Jacobs and Delirious got into the ring, they rang the bell. Delirious worked over Jacobs, tossing him into the corner and then hitting a back senton splash. Lee and Necro traded punches in the middle of the ring. Necro backdropped Lee to the floor. Delirious nailed a dive off the top to all three on the floor. Necro set up two chairs in the ring facing each other and a third laying across them. He attempted to suplex Jacobs off the top through them but Lee made the save. He and Jacobs suplexed Necro off the top to the floor.
Delirious attacked Jacobs in the ring but Lee laid him out. Delirious came back with several chops but was levied with a right hand. Jacobs and Lee continued to double team Delirious but he kept kicking up. Delirious fought back to his feet but was nailed with a neckbreaker. Lee tagged in and drilled Delirious with a back elbow. Delirious tried to pick up Lee for a slam but fell backwards and was nearly pinned. Lee suplexed him over for another near fall. Through all this, Necro was out on the floor.
Jacobs tagged in and came off the top but Delirious caught him with a driving headbutt to the mid-section in the air. Lee cut him off with a boot to the face in the corner, then a Black Hole Slam. Jacobs nailed a top rope senton splash. Necro finally returned and began beating Lee with punches in the corner. He went to bulldog Lee but Jacobs tossed thumbtacks across the mat so Necro ran across them barefoot. Necro went down but scooped but tacks and threw them in Lee's face. While Lee was blinded, Necro nailed him. Lee went down on his hands and knees, allowing Delirious to nail a top rope splash across his back and score the pin.
Your winners, Necro Butcher & Delirious!
Rhett Titus vs. Roderick Strong
Roderick controlled the flow of the match early with armdrags. Titus tried to throw him out of the ring but Strong caught himself on the apron and nailed a slingshot shoulderblock and then a leg lariat. Strong continued to work over Titus. Titus came back slamming him into the buckles and then used a series of punches. He continued to beat down Strong, who came back with a series of chops. Titus slammed Strong into the buckles then hit a splash in the corner.
Strong made a comeback with a backdrop and some monster chops. He nailed a chokeslam into a backbreaker for a two count. Titus tried to roll him up with a jackrabbit but Strong kicked out. Titus clotheslined him for another two count. Strong finally made a comeback and drilled him with a flying kick to the face.
Your winner, Roderick Strong!
Daizee Haze vs. Sara del Rey vs. SHIMMER champion MsChif (Non-title)
MsChif screamed at them so del Rey leveled her then threw Haze out of the ring in a heap. MsChif came back with an Octopus but before she could get a submission, Haze came off the top with a splash. del Rey controlled the flow of the match early. MsChif grabbed her leg, allowing Haze to dropkick her from behind out of the ring. Haze then hit a splash dive from the top to the floor. Jimmy Jacobs came out to distract the ref. MsChif hit a legdrop DDT for the win on Haze.
Your winner, SHIMMER champ MsChif!
They did a lot but it didn't seem to click with the crowd.
Kyle Durden came out and said MsChif successfully defended her title (oops!) and asked her what her goals in ROH were. Jimmy Jacobs said the Age of the Fall don't have goals just accomplishments and MsChif was going to be the arsenal in his army to take out Daizee Haze once and for all.
Erick Stevens vs. Sami Callahan
Callahan got some offense early on Stevens but Stevens had enough and bit him on the ear. He went for a reverse rollup but as they rebounded, Callahan caught him with an elbow. Callahan locked on an armbar but Stevens grabbed the ropes. Callahan hit a running forearm in the corner but Stevens took him out. He nailed the Choo Choo Charge and the Doctor Bomb for the pin.
Your winner, Erick Stevens!
ROH Tag Team champions Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The American Wolves - Tables Match
All four brawled around the ring. The champions controlled the flow early. They worked over Davey Richards until Eddien Edwards interfered. It backfired on Edwards as now he was getting doubleteamed. Steen went under the ring for a table and the crowd popped. Generico whipped Richards into a table Steen held standing up at ringside, then repeated the feat with Edwards. The Tag champs pulled the table into the ring. They tried to whip Edwards into a table propped in a corner but he stopped himself short. Steen suplexed him into another corner. He went to the floor, where Generico laid him out.
Steen tried to toss Richards threw a table but was unable. The Wolves came back to work over Steen's big knee by dropping him through a table on it. The crowd got all over the Wolves and chanted for Steen. Richards teased locking on a figure four but when everyone went "wooo" he gave them the finger instead. The Wolves stomped the bad knee, then set another table up in a corner.
They beat down Steen in the corner as he continued to try and survive. Generico returned from the floor, recovered and hit a flying bodypress on both. Generico hit a nasty looking Michinoku Driver 2 on Edwards. He then hit a tornado DDT out of the corner on Richards, followed by a moonsault to the floor on Edwards. Richards tried to hit a rana on Steen, who caught him and powerbombed him through a table. Steen hit a swanton on Richards followed by a Generico splash but Richards kicked up at two.
Generico and Steen stacked a pair of tables outside on the floor in almost the exact same spot where the late Flyboy Rocco Rock did the first ever double tables spot in August 1994 on Don E. Allen during a ECW TV taping. The Wolves cut off Steen and worked him over with stereo kicks. Richards went to the top as the crowd tried to rally Generico, Richards missed a shooting star press off the top. Generico slid under the bottom rope and caught Edwards with a spinning DDT on the floor. He put Edwards on a table, then hit a top rope splash through the table.
Steen locked Richards in a Sharpshooter but let it go when he saw Shane Hagadorn charging the ring. He nailed the package piledriver on Hagadorn. He placed Richards on a table as the Arena chanted, "This is awesome." He went to the top for a moonsault but Richards was playing opossum and shoved him forward through the two stacked tables. Generico attacked Richards but Edwards came from behind and got him on his shoulders. Richards hit a bulldog DDT off the top through a table and scored the pin.
Your winners and new ROH Tag Team champions, The American Wolves!
As the officials helped the former champs out, they received a nice round of applause. That was one hell of a match!
Claudio Castagnoli & Ernie Osiris (with Prince Nana) vs. Colt Cabana & Brent Albright
Albright and Cabana worked over Osyris early with a double backdrop and several armdrags. Cabana nailed an atomic drop, then used a unique pinfall combination for a two. Claudio tagged in but Cabana twisted out of a leglock. He began using lots of European style pinfall attempts. Osyris tagged back in and rubbed his armpit in Colt's face. Nana got on the apron as Colt made a comeback, distracting him long enough for Claudio to drill him with an uppercut.
Cabana nailed a backdrop and tagged in Albright. Albright cleaned house and nailed an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Claudio finally retreated with a blind tag to Osyris. Cabana nailed the Flying A*******. He then cinched in his reverse Boston Crab for the submission win.
Your winners, Colt Cabana & Brent Albright!
Kyle Durden interviewed the winners and asked them how they felt. Albright smooshed Osyris' dirty sneaker in Durden's face and asked how that felt.
Bobby Dempsey vs. Sal Rinauro
Dempsey was over like crazy and won a quick squash with the Death Valley Driver.
ROH champion Jerry Lynn vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black
They did the big fight ring introductions with everyone in the ring and ROH President Cary Silkin in the ring as well. All four shook hands before the bout. The crowd was pro-Danielson early.
Aries slapped Lynn, which led to the other two working him over. Aries powdered out of the ring and ran around on the floor like he had a big mental victory over the others. When he turned a corner, Lynn nailed a flip dive off the apron. This left Black and Danielson to go back and forth with Black getting the better of the exchange. Lynn returned to the ring and shoulderblocked Black down. Black faked a dropkick. Lynn rolled him up for a two count, then nailed flying head scissors.
Danielson returned to the ring and locked Lynn up in a leglock. Meanwhile, Black and Aries battled in the aisle. Lynn made his way to the ropes, forcing a break. Danielson drilled him with an uppercut in the corner. Lynn reversed a whip and hit a rana off the middle rope. Before he could go for a cover, Aries raked his back and chest with his fingernails. Lynn returned the favor. Aries retreated to the floor. Lynn followed. They battled outside.
Inside, Black got the better of Danielson in a corner, but Danielson fired back with uppercuts and as knee to the gut. Danielson cinched nin a bow and arrow, but as he lifted Black, Aries drilled him with a kneedrop. Lynn rolled up Danielson in a small package for a two count. Danielson drilled him, then tried to roll up Black, who was stomping Aries in a corner.
They did a nice nod to the Night the Line Was Crossed with all four men doing a sleeper followed by a quadruple jawbreaker. Black locked on a figure four on Lynn. Aries turned them over, then locked in a Camel Clutch on Lynn. That was great. Danielson broke up the exchange. All four continued to go back and forth. Aries drilled Lynn with a neckbreaker while he was in the ropes. He locked in a stump puller but saw Black get on the apron and released it to nail him back down.
Aries continued to work over Lynn, hitting a running shoulderblock to the gut in the corner. He drilled Lynn with a reverse stroke. Danielson returned to the apron but Aries knocked him off. Lynn made a comeback with a series of shoulderblocks but Aries knocked him to the floor. He teased a dive but Danielson tripped him. Aries knocked him to the floor, then teased diving on him, but Lynn tripped him. Lynn hit the guillotine legdrop. Black nailed a springboard clothesline on Aries. Danielson rebounded off the ropes with a kneelift.
Danielson, Lynn and Black began exchanging strikes. Lynn hit a sunset flip off the center turnbuckle onto Danielson, who had a waistlock on Black. As Danielson flew black, he suplexed Black. Danielson and Lynn went into a pinfall exchange. Danielson bridged out of a Lynn pin attempt but Black hit a quebrada off the ropes. He then went for the pin but Danielson bridged out on both Lynn and Black atop of him.
Aries knocked Lynn out of the ring and then hit a back suplex on Danielson. It was down to Black and Aries in the ring. They exchanged chops. Black whipped Aries into the ropes ane he used the momentum to nail a dive onto Lynn. Black then did a flip dive on them both. Black was tossed into the first row by Aries, Danielson hit a sliding kick onto Aries, who flew into the front row. Danielson then hit a dive into the crowd on them both but Aries avoided it.
Aries was the only man in the ring as the referee began counting everyone else out. Lynn rolled back in at 19.
Aries grabbed Lynn for a suplex but Lynn reversed it into a backslide for a two count. Lynn hit a twisting sunset flip out of the corner but Aries evaded it and drilled him with several kicks. Aries hit the brainbuster and went for the pin but Lynn got his foot on the rope at two. Aries went to the top for the 450 splash but missed it. Black returned to the ring and hit the running powerbomb on Aries into Lynn in the corner. He drilled Aries with a kick but Lynn broke up the pin. The building chanted ROH.
With Aries and Lynn down, Danielson hit a belly to back suplex off the top on Black, landing on the others as they tried to get out of the way. The building chanted, "This is awesome." Dragon began stomping the face of Black and cinched in a triangle choke. Lynn went to break it up but Aries rolled him up for a two and then cinched in an Oriental Torture Device. Black powered Danielson up and powerbombed him onto Aries and Lynn.
All four returned to their feet and began exchanging strikes. Black drilled Danielson with an enziguiri and a fisherman's buster for a two count when Lynn broke it up. The fans chanted, "F*** you Lynn." Lynn and Black grappled in the corner. Aries nailed a dropkick to Lynn and went for the brainbuster. Danielson broke it up and went for a suplex on Aries. Lynn broke it up and nailed the cradle piledriver on Danielson for the pin.
Your winner and still ROH champion Jerry Lynn!
A GREAT main event.
Notes: The next TV tapings will be 5/29 and 5/30 with Ric Flair appearing on the 29th and KENTA appearing both nights....The Arena is now selling a "Property of The Arena" T-shirt for $20....There were a lot of kids at the taping and you can see the company is trying to maximize that by selling action figures. They should just market Delirious masks as well....They found a nice groove with these tapings as the formula seemed to be a squash, an angle building for the future, a "main event" bout and another solid competitive match underneath. It worked. If they can work out the audio issues (low crowd noise, mics picking up referee giving cues) that were in the first batch of episodes, this will be a fun six weeks. They had a nice mix of wrestling and storyline.
Credit: Mike Johnson from PWinsider for a great in-depth report.
Dark Matches:
*Brandon Day vs. Shadow Phoenix - Phoenix scored the pin with a tornado DDT.
*Grizzly Redwood & ? beat The Set.
*Alex Payne defeated ? with a frankensteiner.
A table was set up in the ring as The American Wolves, with Shane Hagadorn, made their way to the ring. Davey Richards said last time they were out here, they took out the golden boys of Kevin Steen and El Generico. He said that they put Steen and Generico through a table and it's going to happen again. When it does, The American Wolves will be the new ROH Tag Team champions. Steen and Generico hit the ring and the Wolves left, abandoning Hagadorn. Steen said that he thought Wolves ran in packs, but it looks like they only run in pairs. Hagadorn begged for mercy, but Steen reminded him that he did help the Wolves kick his bad knee in, so they powerbombed him through a table.
Kenny King vs. Kenny Omega vs. Jay Briscoe (with Mark Briscoe)
Briscoe slapped both at the bell, then tossed Omega to the floor. He whipped King into the ropes. nailed a clothesline and a leg lariat. Omega returned and avoided several Briscoe moves before diving over the top to the floor on King. Omega and Briscoe worked over King on the floor until he jumped onto the apron, then hit a forward flip onto them. King tossed Omega into the ring and began working him over. The crowd chanted Omega's name and King mocked them. He choked Omega against the ropes, then locked on a surfboard. That allowed Briscoe to hit a Mafia kick to the face, then a slam. Briscoe nailed King with a STO into the turnbuckles.
Omega and Briscoe went back and forth briefly, but Briscoe tossed him out of the ring. King ducked a Briscoe clothesline and hit a kick to the back of the head for a two count. Omega broke it up but was taken out. Briscoe and King went at each other again. King choked Briscoe with a boot across the throat. He and Jay exchanged punches in the middle of the ring and Omega hit a flying bodypress off the top onto both. He nailed a double rana on both. He preened for the crowd but was caught with a Briscoe lariat. Jay set up for the Jay-Driller but King springboarded off the ropes into a Buff Blockbuster. He scored a two count.
With all three men down, the crowd clapped to rally them. King went to the top but Omega jumped him in the corner. He set up King for a belly to back suplex but Briscoe got involved. Omega avoided him, then hit a back cracker off the ropes onto King for a two count, which Briscoe broke. By this point, Omega was busted open in the nose while Jay had a cut above his eye. He hit a death valley driver on Omega and went to the top but King kicked Briscoe, who fell to the floor. King picked up Omega in a Toture Rack but Omega rolled through and then caught King in a bridged pin.
Your winner, Kenny Omega!
Good match with some fun exchanges. Omega and Briscoe got good reactions on the way out.
Irish Airborne vs. Dark City Fight Club
The fans chanted for the Fight Club. Airborne put up a decent fight but Fight Club caught one of them coming off the top rope and nailed him with a double powerbomb.
Your winners, The Dark City Fight Club!
DCFC are starting to get over with the crowd since they are basically wrecking everyone they come into contact with.
Chris Hero (with Sara del Rey) vs. Eddie Kingston
Kingston hit the ring and chased Hero outside and back in again. He began unloading on Hero, who retreated again to the floor. Kingston followed and choked Hero outside. Hero pulled del Rey on front of him, which distracted Kingston enough to allow Hero to dropkick him in the head from the ring, Hero nailed a back senton splash on the floor. There was a loudly split crowd for the match. Hero tossed Kingston back into the ring and kicked him in the face. He began working over Kingston with chops, but Kingston fired back. Hero nailed a big boot rebounding off the ropes. Hero began choking Kingston and continued to beat him with chops. Kingston begged him to keep coming.
Hero whipped Kingston into the ropes and as he rebounded, drilled him with an elbow. Kingston nailed a kick to the face, then a suplex. Kingston unloaded with a series of chops and a back drop driver. He began beating down on Hero in the corner, The referee kept trying to get him off but Kingston ignored him. The referee DQ'd Kingston, so Kingston nailed the referee to a huge pop.
Your winner, by DQ, Chris Hero!
The crowd chanted, "You got f***ed up" as they carried referee Todd Sinclaire out.
Jimmy Jacobs & Brodie Lee vs. Necro Butcher & Delirious
All four brawled outside around the ring at the onset. When Jacobs and Delirious got into the ring, they rang the bell. Delirious worked over Jacobs, tossing him into the corner and then hitting a back senton splash. Lee and Necro traded punches in the middle of the ring. Necro backdropped Lee to the floor. Delirious nailed a dive off the top to all three on the floor. Necro set up two chairs in the ring facing each other and a third laying across them. He attempted to suplex Jacobs off the top through them but Lee made the save. He and Jacobs suplexed Necro off the top to the floor.
Delirious attacked Jacobs in the ring but Lee laid him out. Delirious came back with several chops but was levied with a right hand. Jacobs and Lee continued to double team Delirious but he kept kicking up. Delirious fought back to his feet but was nailed with a neckbreaker. Lee tagged in and drilled Delirious with a back elbow. Delirious tried to pick up Lee for a slam but fell backwards and was nearly pinned. Lee suplexed him over for another near fall. Through all this, Necro was out on the floor.
Jacobs tagged in and came off the top but Delirious caught him with a driving headbutt to the mid-section in the air. Lee cut him off with a boot to the face in the corner, then a Black Hole Slam. Jacobs nailed a top rope senton splash. Necro finally returned and began beating Lee with punches in the corner. He went to bulldog Lee but Jacobs tossed thumbtacks across the mat so Necro ran across them barefoot. Necro went down but scooped but tacks and threw them in Lee's face. While Lee was blinded, Necro nailed him. Lee went down on his hands and knees, allowing Delirious to nail a top rope splash across his back and score the pin.
Your winners, Necro Butcher & Delirious!
Rhett Titus vs. Roderick Strong
Roderick controlled the flow of the match early with armdrags. Titus tried to throw him out of the ring but Strong caught himself on the apron and nailed a slingshot shoulderblock and then a leg lariat. Strong continued to work over Titus. Titus came back slamming him into the buckles and then used a series of punches. He continued to beat down Strong, who came back with a series of chops. Titus slammed Strong into the buckles then hit a splash in the corner.
Strong made a comeback with a backdrop and some monster chops. He nailed a chokeslam into a backbreaker for a two count. Titus tried to roll him up with a jackrabbit but Strong kicked out. Titus clotheslined him for another two count. Strong finally made a comeback and drilled him with a flying kick to the face.
Your winner, Roderick Strong!
Daizee Haze vs. Sara del Rey vs. SHIMMER champion MsChif (Non-title)
MsChif screamed at them so del Rey leveled her then threw Haze out of the ring in a heap. MsChif came back with an Octopus but before she could get a submission, Haze came off the top with a splash. del Rey controlled the flow of the match early. MsChif grabbed her leg, allowing Haze to dropkick her from behind out of the ring. Haze then hit a splash dive from the top to the floor. Jimmy Jacobs came out to distract the ref. MsChif hit a legdrop DDT for the win on Haze.
Your winner, SHIMMER champ MsChif!
They did a lot but it didn't seem to click with the crowd.
Kyle Durden came out and said MsChif successfully defended her title (oops!) and asked her what her goals in ROH were. Jimmy Jacobs said the Age of the Fall don't have goals just accomplishments and MsChif was going to be the arsenal in his army to take out Daizee Haze once and for all.
Erick Stevens vs. Sami Callahan
Callahan got some offense early on Stevens but Stevens had enough and bit him on the ear. He went for a reverse rollup but as they rebounded, Callahan caught him with an elbow. Callahan locked on an armbar but Stevens grabbed the ropes. Callahan hit a running forearm in the corner but Stevens took him out. He nailed the Choo Choo Charge and the Doctor Bomb for the pin.
Your winner, Erick Stevens!
ROH Tag Team champions Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The American Wolves - Tables Match
All four brawled around the ring. The champions controlled the flow early. They worked over Davey Richards until Eddien Edwards interfered. It backfired on Edwards as now he was getting doubleteamed. Steen went under the ring for a table and the crowd popped. Generico whipped Richards into a table Steen held standing up at ringside, then repeated the feat with Edwards. The Tag champs pulled the table into the ring. They tried to whip Edwards into a table propped in a corner but he stopped himself short. Steen suplexed him into another corner. He went to the floor, where Generico laid him out.
Steen tried to toss Richards threw a table but was unable. The Wolves came back to work over Steen's big knee by dropping him through a table on it. The crowd got all over the Wolves and chanted for Steen. Richards teased locking on a figure four but when everyone went "wooo" he gave them the finger instead. The Wolves stomped the bad knee, then set another table up in a corner.
They beat down Steen in the corner as he continued to try and survive. Generico returned from the floor, recovered and hit a flying bodypress on both. Generico hit a nasty looking Michinoku Driver 2 on Edwards. He then hit a tornado DDT out of the corner on Richards, followed by a moonsault to the floor on Edwards. Richards tried to hit a rana on Steen, who caught him and powerbombed him through a table. Steen hit a swanton on Richards followed by a Generico splash but Richards kicked up at two.
Generico and Steen stacked a pair of tables outside on the floor in almost the exact same spot where the late Flyboy Rocco Rock did the first ever double tables spot in August 1994 on Don E. Allen during a ECW TV taping. The Wolves cut off Steen and worked him over with stereo kicks. Richards went to the top as the crowd tried to rally Generico, Richards missed a shooting star press off the top. Generico slid under the bottom rope and caught Edwards with a spinning DDT on the floor. He put Edwards on a table, then hit a top rope splash through the table.
Steen locked Richards in a Sharpshooter but let it go when he saw Shane Hagadorn charging the ring. He nailed the package piledriver on Hagadorn. He placed Richards on a table as the Arena chanted, "This is awesome." He went to the top for a moonsault but Richards was playing opossum and shoved him forward through the two stacked tables. Generico attacked Richards but Edwards came from behind and got him on his shoulders. Richards hit a bulldog DDT off the top through a table and scored the pin.
Your winners and new ROH Tag Team champions, The American Wolves!
As the officials helped the former champs out, they received a nice round of applause. That was one hell of a match!
Claudio Castagnoli & Ernie Osiris (with Prince Nana) vs. Colt Cabana & Brent Albright
Albright and Cabana worked over Osyris early with a double backdrop and several armdrags. Cabana nailed an atomic drop, then used a unique pinfall combination for a two. Claudio tagged in but Cabana twisted out of a leglock. He began using lots of European style pinfall attempts. Osyris tagged back in and rubbed his armpit in Colt's face. Nana got on the apron as Colt made a comeback, distracting him long enough for Claudio to drill him with an uppercut.
Cabana nailed a backdrop and tagged in Albright. Albright cleaned house and nailed an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Claudio finally retreated with a blind tag to Osyris. Cabana nailed the Flying A*******. He then cinched in his reverse Boston Crab for the submission win.
Your winners, Colt Cabana & Brent Albright!
Kyle Durden interviewed the winners and asked them how they felt. Albright smooshed Osyris' dirty sneaker in Durden's face and asked how that felt.
Bobby Dempsey vs. Sal Rinauro
Dempsey was over like crazy and won a quick squash with the Death Valley Driver.
ROH champion Jerry Lynn vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black
They did the big fight ring introductions with everyone in the ring and ROH President Cary Silkin in the ring as well. All four shook hands before the bout. The crowd was pro-Danielson early.
Aries slapped Lynn, which led to the other two working him over. Aries powdered out of the ring and ran around on the floor like he had a big mental victory over the others. When he turned a corner, Lynn nailed a flip dive off the apron. This left Black and Danielson to go back and forth with Black getting the better of the exchange. Lynn returned to the ring and shoulderblocked Black down. Black faked a dropkick. Lynn rolled him up for a two count, then nailed flying head scissors.
Danielson returned to the ring and locked Lynn up in a leglock. Meanwhile, Black and Aries battled in the aisle. Lynn made his way to the ropes, forcing a break. Danielson drilled him with an uppercut in the corner. Lynn reversed a whip and hit a rana off the middle rope. Before he could go for a cover, Aries raked his back and chest with his fingernails. Lynn returned the favor. Aries retreated to the floor. Lynn followed. They battled outside.
Inside, Black got the better of Danielson in a corner, but Danielson fired back with uppercuts and as knee to the gut. Danielson cinched nin a bow and arrow, but as he lifted Black, Aries drilled him with a kneedrop. Lynn rolled up Danielson in a small package for a two count. Danielson drilled him, then tried to roll up Black, who was stomping Aries in a corner.
They did a nice nod to the Night the Line Was Crossed with all four men doing a sleeper followed by a quadruple jawbreaker. Black locked on a figure four on Lynn. Aries turned them over, then locked in a Camel Clutch on Lynn. That was great. Danielson broke up the exchange. All four continued to go back and forth. Aries drilled Lynn with a neckbreaker while he was in the ropes. He locked in a stump puller but saw Black get on the apron and released it to nail him back down.
Aries continued to work over Lynn, hitting a running shoulderblock to the gut in the corner. He drilled Lynn with a reverse stroke. Danielson returned to the apron but Aries knocked him off. Lynn made a comeback with a series of shoulderblocks but Aries knocked him to the floor. He teased a dive but Danielson tripped him. Aries knocked him to the floor, then teased diving on him, but Lynn tripped him. Lynn hit the guillotine legdrop. Black nailed a springboard clothesline on Aries. Danielson rebounded off the ropes with a kneelift.
Danielson, Lynn and Black began exchanging strikes. Lynn hit a sunset flip off the center turnbuckle onto Danielson, who had a waistlock on Black. As Danielson flew black, he suplexed Black. Danielson and Lynn went into a pinfall exchange. Danielson bridged out of a Lynn pin attempt but Black hit a quebrada off the ropes. He then went for the pin but Danielson bridged out on both Lynn and Black atop of him.
Aries knocked Lynn out of the ring and then hit a back suplex on Danielson. It was down to Black and Aries in the ring. They exchanged chops. Black whipped Aries into the ropes ane he used the momentum to nail a dive onto Lynn. Black then did a flip dive on them both. Black was tossed into the first row by Aries, Danielson hit a sliding kick onto Aries, who flew into the front row. Danielson then hit a dive into the crowd on them both but Aries avoided it.
Aries was the only man in the ring as the referee began counting everyone else out. Lynn rolled back in at 19.
Aries grabbed Lynn for a suplex but Lynn reversed it into a backslide for a two count. Lynn hit a twisting sunset flip out of the corner but Aries evaded it and drilled him with several kicks. Aries hit the brainbuster and went for the pin but Lynn got his foot on the rope at two. Aries went to the top for the 450 splash but missed it. Black returned to the ring and hit the running powerbomb on Aries into Lynn in the corner. He drilled Aries with a kick but Lynn broke up the pin. The building chanted ROH.
With Aries and Lynn down, Danielson hit a belly to back suplex off the top on Black, landing on the others as they tried to get out of the way. The building chanted, "This is awesome." Dragon began stomping the face of Black and cinched in a triangle choke. Lynn went to break it up but Aries rolled him up for a two and then cinched in an Oriental Torture Device. Black powered Danielson up and powerbombed him onto Aries and Lynn.
All four returned to their feet and began exchanging strikes. Black drilled Danielson with an enziguiri and a fisherman's buster for a two count when Lynn broke it up. The fans chanted, "F*** you Lynn." Lynn and Black grappled in the corner. Aries nailed a dropkick to Lynn and went for the brainbuster. Danielson broke it up and went for a suplex on Aries. Lynn broke it up and nailed the cradle piledriver on Danielson for the pin.
Your winner and still ROH champion Jerry Lynn!
A GREAT main event.
Notes: The next TV tapings will be 5/29 and 5/30 with Ric Flair appearing on the 29th and KENTA appearing both nights....The Arena is now selling a "Property of The Arena" T-shirt for $20....There were a lot of kids at the taping and you can see the company is trying to maximize that by selling action figures. They should just market Delirious masks as well....They found a nice groove with these tapings as the formula seemed to be a squash, an angle building for the future, a "main event" bout and another solid competitive match underneath. It worked. If they can work out the audio issues (low crowd noise, mics picking up referee giving cues) that were in the first batch of episodes, this will be a fun six weeks. They had a nice mix of wrestling and storyline.
Credit: Mike Johnson from PWinsider for a great in-depth report.