Yes there are a lot of cutscenes you can't skip. Your character walks and runs extremely slowly, and there are parts where you can't do anything because you have to wait for stuff to happen, I really like this game but the replay value suffers a lot from all of those little flaws. It's probably why I touched it a lot less than RE 2/3/8.
I finished the game three times over the last week for trophies and I realized that I remembered very little from the last part of the game. I thought about it and remembered that I basically always stop the game when I reach the ship. It's just not that compelling after that point.
I love exploring the Baker house. The best part of the game definitely goes from the family dinner to the testing area. I like Lucas' twisted birthday cake minigame but since I know it by heart, it goes by very quickly. After the last fight with Jack in the hangar, I just don't want to bother with the whole ship part, especially because you have to do it twice, once in the flashback / VHS tape and once again to rescue Ethan. Then you have the last run as Ethan through the salt mine and it's just generic FPS action. The last fight against Evelin is quite underwhelming too.
Overall I thought the pace in Village was a lot better-handled and it has more replay value. But as a first time experience, VII was amazing. And I didn't even play it in VR, I'm not sure I would have been able to anyway.