Really don't care who wins at this point. And I'm not even sure if that's the result of being excited at the different main event possibilities for Mania or if it's just a general feeling of apathy on my part towards the whole storyline (I'm leaning towards it being the latter.)
If Bryan wins, cool. We get to see Lesnar vs Bryan, which is guaranteed to be a better match than what Lesnar vs Reigns would have been. But irregardless of how that turns out, the main thing I wanted for Bryan this year was his Rumble moment. He's already had his Wrestlemania moment, and obviously I have no issue with him having another, but the one big thing that was really missing from his resume was a victory in the Royal Rumble match and they've already ruined that this year, for the second time in a row.
If Reigns wins, cool. We get a new main event superstar, but the general reactions Reigns has been receiving so far coupled with the fact that obnoxious Bryan marks seem determined to turn almost everyone who takes what they perceive to be Bryan's spot heel would probably mean that at best, Reigns will end up being Cena 2.0 (loved/hated by almost equal parts of the audience), and at worst, will be forced to turn heel shortly after Mania. Not that a heel Roman Reigns would be the worst thing in the world, but I see plenty to get out of him as a babyface.
All and all, we're likely getting a triple threat, which I don't really care for, but it honestly seems like the most viable option at this point, unfortunately.