Fastlane Reigns vs. Bryan

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Green Jesus

The Showoff
Mar 4, 2014
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Well, I actually think wwe is risking it by pitting them against each other. But still, Roman remains pretty popular, even though he was booed by philly. I believe that if him and bryan have a phenomenal match, which I believe they can, the fans will not get as angry for roman coming out on top in the end.

Good matches are nice way of undermining controversial endings. The fans would only get more and more frustrated if bryan didn't at least receive some more spotlight, so wwe's hands were tied. I think this match is the right way to go, and I hope Reigns wins it in spetacular fashion, seeing as he is the rightful contender, and a loss would make the rumble lose some of its prestige. I do like Bryan more, but fucking up reigns because a single crowd was feeling rowdy is a bad move.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Well, I actually think wwe is risking it by pitting them against each other. But still, Roman is still pretty popular, even though he was booed by philly. I believe that if him and bryan have a phenomenal match, which I believe they can, the fans will not get as angry for roman coming out on top in the end.

Good matches are nice way of undermining controversial endings. The fans would only get more and more frustrated if bryan didn't at least receive some more spotlight, so wwe's hands were tied. I think this match is the right way to go, and I hope Reigns wins it in spetacular fashion, seeing as he is the rightful contender, and a loss would make the rumble lose some of its prestige. I do like Bryan more, but fucking up reigns because a single crowd was feeling rowdy is a bad move.

Absolutely correct. I hadn't really even thought about this before reading your post, but it might have been the intention of WWE to match these two guys up for exactly that reason. I must preface this by saying that I am in no way saying Roman Reigns cannot wrestle, because I know someone is going to try to jump all over me for that and it is not the point I am making. Daniel Bryan has shown a similar quality to Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair in that he can make his opponent look really good. Although I think Reigns is a decent wrestler, that is not going to be showcased in matches with the Big Show. Hell, the best wrestler in the world can look like crap fighting the Big Show. Reigns and Bryan compliment each other a lot better than Reigns and Show and this match may be an attempt to put on a spectacular match to get people more worked up for the upcoming Reigns and Lesnar match.

Just a thought.
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The Dark Master
Feb 3, 2012
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The Rock Ridge Jail
I've never understood the argument that they shouldn't ever go away from the Rumble winner headlining 'Mania. It's pro wrestling. The Champ should always main event every PPV, but that doesn't always happen. The Champion in a Championship match should always come out last, but that doesn't always happen. I don't get the "sacredness" of this particular caveat. But I digress.

Having Reigns win clean over Bryan is a terrible idea. It will do nothing to pacify the broken base that loves Bryan over all. They'll still show up, chant, and boo.

I see two probable finishes, either of which would be preferable to having Reigns go over Bryan clean:

1) The aforementioned double-dq/double-countout finish leading to a three-way at 'Mania. I don't really like this because I'm personally a big fan of one-on-one matches for the title at 'Mania and we saw a triple threat for the title last year. But, I could get over that.

2) Have Rollins interfere and cost Reigns the match, leading to Bryan vs. Lesnar and Rollins vs. Reigns at 'Mania. This might make sense in storyline due to the history between Reigns and Rollins (this could be built very well by a backstage segment on Raw or Smackdown showing how much they can't stand each other and how much Rollins doesn't want Reigns to get a title shot) and having Rollins talk about how much easier it would be to beat Bryan than Reigns as the title holder.

2a) You could also have Rollins cost Bryan the match, leading to Reigns vs. Lesnar and Rollins vs. Bryan at 'Mania with the same sort of setup, but we just saw a match between Bryan and Rollins on Raw last week (which was an excellent match, but not one that made me excited to watch a 'Mania match between them.....that's not fair; Rollins and Bryan are crazy-talented and would put on an epic match in the 'Mania's really just personal preference that I'd rather see Reigns and Rollins have their difference worked out in Santa Clara and see Bryan become the One that Beat the One in 21-1).

Besides all of that, I still think that, regardless of who wins the main event at 'Mania, Rollins will come out and cash in and walk away with the WWE Title.



The Artiste
Jan 16, 2015
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This could be the match that the hardcores (us?) are looking for from Roman. I've seen a lot of criticism that he hasn't had a great singles match yet, and I can understand that viewpoint although I enjoyed his match with Orton personally. I think Bryan's creativity could really come into play here and create some interesting high spots for both of them.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This could be the match that the hardcores (us?) are looking for from Roman. I've seen a lot of criticism that he hasn't had a great singles match yet, and I can understand that viewpoint although I enjoyed his match with Orton personally. I think Bryan's creativity could really come into play here and create some interesting high spots for both of them.

Orton, Del Rio and Rollins have brought out the best in Reigns thus far. Those were some great matches. Heck, last week on SD he had a darn good match with the Miz.
He can put on great matches, for sure and at Fast Lane, Bryan will carry him to a superb performance, I am positive.


The Artiste
Jan 16, 2015
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That interference shit doesn't work for me unless they're going to do a triple threat at Mania. Whomever wins needs to win strong because that guy needs to look like some sort of threat for Lesnar.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Knowing WWE, the match 'tween Bryan and Reigns may just end in a DQ Fest, which would lead to another triple-threat at Mania. Fine by me.

And there's also that 'fear' they have that the fans may shit on Reigns again if he goes over Bryan cleanly, which is why they may end up doing the whole interference thing in the ME at Fast Lane.

We will see, though.


The Artiste
Jan 16, 2015
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Knowing WWE, the match 'tween Bryan and Reigns may just end in a DQ Fest, which would lead to another triple-threat at Mania. Fine by me.

And there's also that 'fear' they have that the fans may shit on Reigns again if he goes over Bryan cleanly, which is why they may end up doing the whole interference thing in the ME at Fast Lane.

We will see, though.

Yeah that's all valid. Wait and see. Roman going heel with Heyman turning on Brock would be money I think. Regardless of Bryan or Roman challenging, Lesnar is totally not getting booed though. I think taking the natural momentum of Lesnar and Roman and doing the double turn could really get over.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Yeah that's all valid. Wait and see. Roman going heel with Heyman turning on Brock would be money I think. Regardless of Bryan or Roman challenging, Lesnar is totally not getting booed though. I think taking the natural momentum of Lesnar and Roman and doing the double turn could really get over.

Good idea.

- Yeah, man. Lesnar is totally beyond the point of booing.

But, here's another idea I've shared not too while ago. If your scenario with Roman going heel doesn't play out, then I would put Rollins in that spot where Heyman would screw Lesnar (remember, they teased Rollins/Heyman working together in the near future about a month ago) and successfully cashing in on him (that's as if Lesnar retains over whomever he faces, whether it's Bryan or Reigns, or both of 'em).


The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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Now that we know that Vince is set on a triple threat, which I feel will be an awesome match even though I don't like WWE having to change their plans all the time. I don't think WWE should constantly "cave" to what the fans want; however, when you poorly handle one of your top talents and make an awful rumble match, you're asking for trouble. So WWE is in part to blame for this: a repeat of last year.

Any way, I'm really look forward to this match now. The brawl they had on raw was sick...reckless abandonment showing both superstars strengths.... In really hyped for this match now, moreso than before. What do you all think?