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Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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1) I find it funny that while MS and a few other staff members virtually hate my presence here, *its no secret MS doesn't like me and This Guy has even said in a thread before that he would personally like to see me go* I've been on the loudest defenders of just about every decision they have made for the past couple of weeks to months now. lol.

2) Efedders are notorious for being drama queens, the efed isn't going anywhere. *believe me I know, I've been one and have dealt with efeds since 2004*

3) I seriously SERIOUSLY call for Y2Jasmine punishing. In SOME way. If not banning she needs to be taken care of. Especially if what MS says is true and his intuition tells him we have a freakin PREDATOR on the boards. Who has struck not just against G-1, not just against Montana, but is a huge danger to striking and possibly corrupting many more people. Not just in the efed either.


Lol, since when can Kassidy decide if the site has an e-fed? He can decide if he wants to write it, but I didn't think he can close it down...

Well Kass is one of the big guys that keep the Fed running so if he or any of the others left I doubt it would survive.

Hometown Kid

I would think Jasmine needs to post a picture or video or some sort of proof that's she's not a 45 year old man/rapist. Until then I wouldn't think she should be allowed to come on here if she's already got to a bunch of people on here. Just a response, explanation or something beyond the MSN thing that Monk had with her would be nice as well. Now that Monk has deemed it serious and whatnot, we could probably get some mature responses to it if she is not what she appears to be.


I would think Jasmine needs to post a picture or video or some sort of proof that's she's not a 45 year old man/rapist. Until then I wouldn't think she should be allowed to come on here if she's already got to a bunch of people on here. Just a response, explanation or something beyond the MSN thing that Monk had with her would be nice as well. Now that Monk has deemed it serious and whatnot, we could probably get some mature responses to it if she is not what she appears to be.


Hidden Blaze

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I don't know where this is going to go but I'll just start and see where it leads me.

Do you people think I like banning people or infracting people whom I like and respect? No I don't, despite what a few ignorant assholes might say. It actually bugs me when I have to do it because number one, I really don't want to. Which is why I pretty much ignore a lot of stuff. Most infractions are not handed out by me, again despite what anyone might think. And number two, I'm generally enforcing some stupid fucking rule that I've always hated, but I have to do it anyway.

Obviously this whole thing has been precipitated by the Jasmine situation which yes, I did start. And I did so for a good reason. It's because I actually give a damn about this place and I try my very best to make this place as accessible and fun for the members as I can. So when I find out that one of our members is a fucking predator, and again, I don't care if you think I'm being egotistical by touting my intelligence but Jesus fucking H Christ I have a Masters Degree in psychology, it's pretty goddamned easy for me to spot a sick fuck when I see one and forgive me for thinking that having preying scum like this on our forum is a fucking bad thing. You people want me to leave her here? Fine, you win. Have her.

As to Montana, I did not want to do what I did but you didn't leave me very much choice in the matter dude. I sat there staring at the screen for about 10 minutes before I actually clicked the button. Again, it bugs the shit out of me. I don't even want to de-mod you. I hate the idea actually but I don't know what else to do.

Anyway, I don't know if this means anything but I'm sick and tired of this. I'm sick and tired of people screaming abuse of power just because I do something I probably didn't want to do in the first place. I've just been shrugging this shit off for the last what? Two years. Yeah, well it's finally starting to get to me and its making it really hard to come here sometimes.

I dunno what I hope to achieve with this I just needed to get that out.

Not trying to start anything but wanting to know if the reason your pissed is because it was done to a member you like..

I mean like lets say insted of G1 it was me. Would you have been as pissed as you are now about all this.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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"Do you people think I like banning people or infracting people whom I like and respect?"

lol not really what I'm asking.

I think that was about banning Montana.

I'm saying would he have gotten so pissed off at Jasmine if she did this shit to me. Would he have banned Motana if I started threads over and over that were closed only to get myself banned.

Like I've said G1 and Motana are both cool and my books and I just wish all this shit would stop so everything can go back to normal...what ever that is around here anyway..

edit: lol saw your edit


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If that wasn't clear from the initial post here I don't know what else I can say.

Hidden Blaze

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So is that a yes you would still be mad or a no you wouldn't give a crap if it was me that it happend 2


3) I seriously SERIOUSLY call for Y2Jasmine punishing. In SOME way. If not banning she needs to be taken care of. Especially if what MS says is true and his intuition tells him we have a freakin PREDATOR on the boards. Who has struck not just against G-1, not just against Montana, but is a huge danger to striking and possibly corrupting many more people. Not just in the efed either.

Oh, God this! I don't get why the person/thing behind pretty much all of this has yet to be banned.

the dark knight

Nah, Montana was a super moderator long before we did that so that cannot be the cause.
hate me for doing this but, have you read my post in the "s.mod my ass thread"? the first one? the guy was never s.mod worthy in the first place. sorry. its not the first time he closes/deletes threads he doesn't like in the flame chamber. you guys just seem to pass shit like that all the time like they never happen.

Actually both were. We added SP, K-Man and Peepshow. None of which have given me cause for headache.
that could mean a lot of things, most of em aren't a reason for a jump.

anyway, this whole power abuse thing. im gonna speak for myself. im sure you want nothing but the good of the forum and for us to have fun, but like i said before you take everything into YOUR OWN hands and take no one else's consideration before your actions. some of the things you do can/do seem like power abuse although the term is harsh sometimes. remember what you said in the new layout thread? "TBH all of you can stfu. I just don't care"....same thing said in smallshow's ban remember? serving the mass? maybe...but that doesn't change anything i never doubted your intention.

you know you're in my A-list but that doesn't mean we gotta agree on everything we do right? we kinda talked about this before.


im sure you wont like this, but since someones gotta tell you i figured it has to be me cuz everyone else is a pussy to say anything in public.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
3) I seriously SERIOUSLY call for Y2Jasmine punishing. In SOME way. If not banning she needs to be taken care of. Especially if what MS says is true and his intuition tells him we have a freakin PREDATOR on the boards. Who has struck not just against G-1, not just against Montana, but is a huge danger to striking and possibly corrupting many more people. Not just in the efed either.

Oh, God this! I don't get why the person/thing behind pretty much all of this has yet to be banned.

Honestly, all these stupid arguments have been spinning off between members. Dark Knight and This Guy, J-Dawg and Dylan, Montana and G-1, it's all absolutely ridiculous. WHY HAVE WE NOT GOTTEN RID OF THE SOURCE? We keep on doing things like banning Montana, or arguing with the efedders, when ALL OF THESE arguments were caused by ONE person. Y2Jasmine! So instead of trying to cut off all the weeds that have sprout from the ground why can't we just dig deep into the roots of the problem and get rid of the source?!

Don't tell me we don't have cause to ban her, she's turned the entire forum against itself with the shit she has pulled. Do you seriously think an intelligent poster like Montana would be doing what he was doing unless Jasmine got ahold of him first? Even the efedders? I mean if single handedly destroying the efed on IWF isn't cause enough to be banned I don't know HOW far I would have to go to get banned.

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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anyway, this whole power abuse thing. im gonna speak for myself. im sure you want nothing but the good of the forum and for us to have fun, but like i said before you take everything into YOUR OWN hands and take no one else's consideration before your actions. some of the things you do can/do seem like power abuse although the term is harsh sometimes. remember what you said in the new layout thread? "TBH all of you can stfu. I just don't care"

i have to agree with the fag here.

and i have always thought monk needs an ego as big as his to limit him in certain circumstances, not because you have bad intentions, just somebody who isn't afraid to disagree and say ''no''. but tbh, it's my impression from the outside, i can't really know what goes on in the admin lounge.