Someone doesn't get the joke.
No am I missing a Brock Lesnar promo?!?! I'm taking a hefty shit right now. Oh poor me. I wish my toilet was in my room so I can watch all the time.
Man, fuck Brock Lesnar's mic work. My pet raccoon can cut a better promo than him.
First off, I never said better, I said on par, and the Tensai example was just one since I knew he pulled a good match out of an unmotivated worker. Second, the reason I feel that way about Cena is that I'm clearly not biased against him like you are. It's alright to hate on someone because you think they're stale or booked improperly, I do that in regards to Dolph Ziggler all the time; but I don't let it affect my opinion of his in-ring work (for the record I rate him on par with Cena as well minus the overly goofy selling). Just for a couple of quickies, Cena's Tables match with Ryback last week and with Henry at MitB were both good and he didn't look unmotivated in either of them so to me that says he's still a great worker (and motivated) regardless of opponent.I'm not really sure why you think Cena is capable of pulling out better matches with people when I find most of his matches completely unmotivated. Not his opponents, him. He used to be a great worker before he become Vince's top guy. Once it became apparent to him he was never leaving the top, he seemed to just phone it in. Unless he's facing CM Punk or Daniel Bryan, his matches to me are average at best.
Damn, Summer Rae is pretty fucking hot when she's wearing a dress and dancing and shit.