A few weeks back I noted that this was probably THE worst build up for a Wrestlemania show and I certainly wasn’t the only one thinking this. Now granted, there could have been a hint of exaggeration to that statement but the gist of it is, most of the card made little sense to begin with, as did several of the storylines leading to it. Nevertheless, I still felt that when it would all be said and done, we’d still get to enjoy a good show. At the end of the day, we’d think that we would at least get to enjoy some good matches, have some fun and look forward for things to come. Well, THINK AGAIN…
Perhaps going as far as calling it the worst Wrestlemania ever may be somewhat unfair but to me it really came close so off the bat my rating is a mere 2/10, only because of a couple of good things what were worthy for the positive vote, otherwise it would have been a big fat zero.
My notes:
Kalisto ended up retaining the gold – in an almost empty house no less – but with the way WWE have treated this belt ever since Cena dropped it, does anyone really care?
Team Total Divas picked up the win next and as expected Brie Bella got the pin which made sense as a nice sent off for her imminent retirement. All in all, no one really cared about the match but, ok, nice moment for Brie so it’s all good.
The Usos beat the Dudleyz and, again, who cares? The funny part, however, is that the Dudleyz called for (and brought) the tables. So, what happened to “our legacy won’t be defined by a piece of furniture”?
The IC ladder match pretty much turned into a spot fest and then WWE decided to give the belt to Zach Ryder. Now, starting off the show with a bang and in this particular case a surprise win of such, is something I can dig. I can definitely understand the logic behind it and at the end of the day I can honestly accept it, however there’s the other side of the story that says having KO lose on his first Mania sort of killed his momentum.
Speaking of which, how about AJ losing to Y2J? I honestly shouted WTF in disbelief of what I was witnessing. I mean, where is the logic in Jericho getting the win here, more so when we all remember just a few years back how he put over a guy like Fandango? And why give us the Styles Clash only for Jericho to…just kick out as it meant nothing? Not only was it meaningless to see these two go against each other for the fourth time already, not only was there no intrigue with an addition of any kind of stipulation, but they also gave us an ending that, in my view at least, made no sense whatsoever.
New Day vs. LON: Boy, was WWE on fire last night or what? Once again, a result that makes little sense whatsoever. Great, the LON won. Now what? They become the new force? No, of course not because less than five minutes later they get their asses whooped by three retired Hall of Famers for our nostalgia moment. Always cool to see Austin hit his stunners but other than that, a crap match that we all forgot about by the time the next match was about to start.
Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar: Probably the biggest letdown given the hype, anticipation and potential this match had. I also don’t understand why Brock had to win but that’s beside the point. No run ins, no interference, no Wyatts in particular, nothing and a street fight overall in which most of the action actually occurred…inside the ring.
Hell in Cell turned out to be good and of course Shane jumping off the top of it was the holly shit moment of the night. The ending, however, I thought didn’t feel right and once again, no interferences, no intrigue and really no continuation to the – bizarre to begin with – storyline. And where was Vince?
The women’s triple threat was, in my opinion, the match of the night. I’m glad they gave them plenty of time and all three really gave it all and even though I did get this prediction right, having Charlotte actually winning by herself and without Ric’s shenanigans every once in a while wouldn’t hurt, don’t you think?
ATGMBR: I guess a cool thing that Corbin won it, if it’s going to mean anything down the road.
The Rock segment with the Wyatts was rather disappointing as well. Nice to see Cena again but back to the Wyatts, are these supposed to be the rumored “big plans” WWE has for them?
As for the main event, I personally won’t shit on it. The match was ok, the outcome predictable and that’s that. WWE proved once more they had no balls and stuck to their original plan without even being creative about it. Again, no run ins, no interferences, no surprises, nothing.