WrestleMania Rate WrestleMania 32

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Rate WrestleMania 32

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I lost it. I'm InSaNe!
Apr 16, 2014
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I think the point was to :shovel: the Wyatts. Hopefully once and for all.
Yeah, especially with the way The Rock had a match for ...like... 5 seconds. So. Ridiculous. But also so. awesome. :)

Total Divas beat B.A.D & Blonde at 11:25 < Eh, it was okay.

The Usos beat The Dudley Boyz via Pinfall at 5:18 < Could've been better, but it was okay.

Zack Ryder beats Kevin Owens (c), Stardust, Dolph ZIggler, The Miz, Sin Cara and Sami Zayn in a Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Champion at 15:23 < Match of the night, IMHO.

Chris Jericho beats AJ Styles via Pinfall at 17:05 < Was a good match, but a shitty finish.

The League of Nations beat The New Day via Pinfall at 10:02 < Could've been better, but okay.

Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels return < Austin was in his element here. Foley was okay. Shawn Michaels doesn't seem to be in the moment, at all.

Brock Lesnar beats Dean Ambrose in a Street Fight via Pinfall at 12:49 < Absolutely the worst match of the night.

Charlotte (c) beat Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks via Submission for the WWE Women's Championship at 16:03 < 2nd Best Match of the Night.

The Undertaker beat Shane McMahon via Pinfall in a Hell in a Cell match at 30:31 *recommended* < My opinion is that it was disappointing.

Baron Corbin won the André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at 9:46 < 3rd Best Match of the Night.

The Rock returns < Awesome!

The Rock beats Erick Rowan via Pinfall at 0:06 < LMFAO.

Roman Reigns beats Triple H (c) via Pinfall for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at 27:14 < Awesome!


Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Eh, what can I say? It felt like watching an extended episode of RAW. The highlight of the show was definitely the IC title ladder match and the Women's title match. Other than that, everything else on the show was either disappointing due to the fact you could see it on WWE TV or just off-putting due to the outcome.

So, all in all, WrestleMEHnia gets a 5/10 from me.

- The IC title ladder match was a pretty darn good spotfest. ***½
What a way to open the show. Everyone did something cool. Was hoping for KO to retain or Zayn to win, but Ryder winning was a nice swerve, I guess. Doubt he'll be holding it more than a month, though. Wouldn't be surprised to see him drop it tonight on RAW.

- Y2J vs AJ Styles was good, hated the finish. *** STYLES SHOULD'VE WON, DAMMIT!
Sooo, Y2J vs AJ Part 5 at Payback??? Meh.

- The League of Booties vs The New Day in a BATTLE FOR SUPREMACY (LOLOLOLOLOL) was decent, but I just didn't care for it at all. **
The New Day's entrance was cool, though, as well as the post-match segment with HBK, SCSA and Foley beating the LoN.

- Lesnar vs Ambrose was solid, but it was just a huge disappointment. **½
This was the only match I legit cared about and they ruined it. It's not that I was disappointed that there was no blood, it's just that nothing about this match was compelling. I don't know, it just didn't work.

- Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch was a very good match. ***¾
I'm glad the girls were given enough time to shine and they delivered. Now, I'm not a fan of the outcome and not a fan of the new title, but at least the term WOMEN is back and that's all that matters.

- Taker vs Shane-O Mac was decent, but nothing to write home about. **
Shane is still insane and dove off the top of the cell, Taker won. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

- The ATGMBR was meh, boring. IDGAF about the winner either. But hey, at least Shaq was there. LOL

- The Rock's return was cool and all, but then they did The Rock vs Rowan, which was dumb and pointless. Well, not really pointless, since the goal was to bury The Wyatt Family once and for all, I guess. Cena's back ahead of schedule once again, eh? That dude is a machine.

- Reigns vs HHH was very long and not very good. **
I was bored watching this. I was already tired come ME time and the only time I popped was when Reigns speared HHH through the barricade, when HHH did a Neckbreaker on Reigns off the announce table, and when Reigns speared Stephanie out of her boots. Other than that, this ME was nothing to write home about. The outcome was predictable, the fan reaction was predictable and overall, not a good show.

Tonight's RAW shouldn't be a disappointment, though, as post-Mania RAWs are usually good.
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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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A few weeks back I noted that this was probably THE worst build up for a Wrestlemania show and I certainly wasn’t the only one thinking this. Now granted, there could have been a hint of exaggeration to that statement but the gist of it is, most of the card made little sense to begin with, as did several of the storylines leading to it. Nevertheless, I still felt that when it would all be said and done, we’d still get to enjoy a good show. At the end of the day, we’d think that we would at least get to enjoy some good matches, have some fun and look forward for things to come. Well, THINK AGAIN…

Perhaps going as far as calling it the worst Wrestlemania ever may be somewhat unfair but to me it really came close so off the bat my rating is a mere 2/10, only because of a couple of good things what were worthy for the positive vote, otherwise it would have been a big fat zero.

My notes:

Kalisto ended up retaining the gold – in an almost empty house no less – but with the way WWE have treated this belt ever since Cena dropped it, does anyone really care?

Team Total Divas picked up the win next and as expected Brie Bella got the pin which made sense as a nice sent off for her imminent retirement. All in all, no one really cared about the match but, ok, nice moment for Brie so it’s all good.

The Usos beat the Dudleyz and, again, who cares? The funny part, however, is that the Dudleyz called for (and brought) the tables. So, what happened to “our legacy won’t be defined by a piece of furniture”?

The IC ladder match pretty much turned into a spot fest and then WWE decided to give the belt to Zach Ryder. Now, starting off the show with a bang and in this particular case a surprise win of such, is something I can dig. I can definitely understand the logic behind it and at the end of the day I can honestly accept it, however there’s the other side of the story that says having KO lose on his first Mania sort of killed his momentum.

Speaking of which, how about AJ losing to Y2J? I honestly shouted WTF in disbelief of what I was witnessing. I mean, where is the logic in Jericho getting the win here, more so when we all remember just a few years back how he put over a guy like Fandango? And why give us the Styles Clash only for Jericho to…just kick out as it meant nothing? Not only was it meaningless to see these two go against each other for the fourth time already, not only was there no intrigue with an addition of any kind of stipulation, but they also gave us an ending that, in my view at least, made no sense whatsoever.

New Day vs. LON: Boy, was WWE on fire last night or what? Once again, a result that makes little sense whatsoever. Great, the LON won. Now what? They become the new force? No, of course not because less than five minutes later they get their asses whooped by three retired Hall of Famers for our nostalgia moment. Always cool to see Austin hit his stunners but other than that, a crap match that we all forgot about by the time the next match was about to start.

Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar: Probably the biggest letdown given the hype, anticipation and potential this match had. I also don’t understand why Brock had to win but that’s beside the point. No run ins, no interference, no Wyatts in particular, nothing and a street fight overall in which most of the action actually occurred…inside the ring.

Hell in Cell turned out to be good and of course Shane jumping off the top of it was the holly shit moment of the night. The ending, however, I thought didn’t feel right and once again, no interferences, no intrigue and really no continuation to the – bizarre to begin with – storyline. And where was Vince?

The women’s triple threat was, in my opinion, the match of the night. I’m glad they gave them plenty of time and all three really gave it all and even though I did get this prediction right, having Charlotte actually winning by herself and without Ric’s shenanigans every once in a while wouldn’t hurt, don’t you think?

ATGMBR: I guess a cool thing that Corbin won it, if it’s going to mean anything down the road.

The Rock segment with the Wyatts was rather disappointing as well. Nice to see Cena again but back to the Wyatts, are these supposed to be the rumored “big plans” WWE has for them?

As for the main event, I personally won’t shit on it. The match was ok, the outcome predictable and that’s that. WWE proved once more they had no balls and stuck to their original plan without even being creative about it. Again, no run ins, no interferences, no surprises, nothing.


Oct 1, 2015
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I get being a little bummed about some parts but it seems like the majority of you all are taking this too seriously. I didn't pay anything to watch this PPV. Regardless if it was over hyped or not, not paying money for a 6.5 hour should count for something. No one had to pay ANYTHING. I think most of this show was either killing off old feuds and starting new ones which is what WrestleMania should be. I am sure Raw will help it make more sense but come on.. the show was free. I was disappointed with the Main Event and Brock vs Ambrose but neither match was awful. Everyone complains they want change so they give us change and people still complain. I loved that they weren't completely predictable.


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Apr 21, 2013
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To be fair, every PPV can be free if you use a new email every month when you sign up. And if their change was trying to be unpredictable, well they sure didn't change much going by the ME(even though it shouldn't have). Sometimes the expected isn't always a bad thing. It's about the journey, not the destination. And the journey was utterly boring.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2013
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I'm surprised at the negative backlash; I enjoyed it more than last year. Heck, it's my 2nd favourite WM (granted, I just finished watching it but if they had Bryan vs Lesnar in the main event and gave Ambrose another street fight, plus maybe fixed up some booking, it would have been the best)... Okay, thinking about it, WWE defied my VERY low expectations so I'm happy - despite all they tried to fuck up, the TALENT in the locker room made this WM32 look almost worthy of the biggest of all time. Almost.

I didn't watch the Pre-Show so uhh, yeah... :p
The fact that Ryder won the title in the opening match shocked me; a great match with some great spots, KO losing on his first Mania isn't disappointing at all to me considering how he had to fight so many other men in a LADDER match - I'm surprised that Stardust isn't kill and seeing 100,000 (lol) sing Sami Zayn's theme sent chills down my spine. Ryder winning felt amazing and I'm excited to see how they progress from here. I feel as if they gave this match more time than last year's and well, we got around 2 more minutes and it helped. I hope we get to see more of all of these guys in the future, they are ALL brilliant. Great
Y2J vs AJ Styles was great, although that finish... Y2J winning doesn't bury AJ at all, but AJ winning would have put him in contention for a major title. Shame. But a good match ended by a Super Codebreaker (as I would like to call it) isn't that disappointing to me. Good
The League of Booty vs The NEW DAY (ROCKS) was pretty damn good, the New Day's entrance was one of the best of all time IMO (could've done with some unicorns flying around the stadium but not even New Day can defy the laws of the universe, I would assume) and their faces when the crowd finally chanted "NEW... DAY ROCKS!" was amazing. I liked the match and the segment afterwards was hilarious. Well done. It could also set up some more League of Booty going after the titles in the future, although at this point I'd rather they turn Rusev face and give Barrett his Bad News gimmick. Great
Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose was a pretty decent match/street fight, I expected for Brock to win in the end and Ambrose really tried... but it kinda fell flat to me. I felt as if we could've done with some more actual wrestling CM Punk-Lesnar style if they were hell bent on doing more a match than a street fight (and a lot of the violence was THROW CHAIRS AND WHACK HIM WITH A KENDO STICK, DAMNIT!) and it was a bit of a short match. I'm assuming they'll build to something else but hey. Not a bad match but I'd expect something brilliant from Lesnar and Ambrose, especially in front of 100,000 at WrestleMania. Meh
The women's triple threat title match surprised me tbh, it was on-par with Bayley vs Asuka from NXT TakeOver: Dallas and well, both were EXCELLENT. This is why I will pay attention to the NEW WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP (Fantastic decision, by the way. And Lita is <3), this match was perhaps even match of the night and if it wasn't for Nakamura vs Zayn, Bayley vs Asuka would've been my match of the night in the other Dallas event. I'm somewhat dissapointed that they wouldn't give the heroes a win, doesn't matter if it's Becky or Sasha, but if they're gonna set them up to win on RAW tonight or at another PPV... well, why not do it at WrestleMania? WWE fucked up what could've been a perfect end to an EXCELLENT match. Excellent (MOTN)
Undertaker vs Shane McMahon was just a spectacle to me. I didn't give a shit about much of the wrestling, it was kinda boring at times but I must say, they took each other to the absolute limit and Shane's jump from the top of the cell? Holy shit. Dissapointed that Shane won't be able to take control of RAW (but anything can happen. Smackdown, perhaps?) and I must say, I'm only happy that Undertaker will wrestle possibly next year (and the future?) if he fights Cena next year or puts someone else over that is a fan favourite. Good?
And onto the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale. I felt as if Corbin winning MADE HIM, I'm excited to see him in the future and well, what the fuck? That was pretty funny seeing Shaq, even if I don't watch basketball. I'm sad that they didn't give Sandow a bigger chance though, fuck WWE for that. That (and Henry not going further) kinda spoilt it for me. Although WWE gets point for those dang Social Outcasts. Also, to be fair, I did skip past a bit of the match when it was just "punch kick try throw over top rope fail punch kick repeat" so yeah. Good?

The Rock beating Rowan in 6 seconds was hilarious... but kinda sad for the Wyatt Family. Cena's return was fucking epic though, that pop was amazing. Also, "John Cena suuuuucks!" A good WrestleMania moment, I guess. Good?
And now for the big MAIN EVENT! Fucking shit. Too long, I skipped past a few bits and well, the only reason why I smiled was because Stephanie finally got rekt but we all know that tomorrow she'll probably slap the shit out of someone to compensate. Roman got booed to hell and back, kinda feel sorry for him but fucks sake, WWE. What a shitty main event. Nobody cares. Except for the 15 year old girls in the audience but they probably like Sami Zayn more. Who doesn't like Sami Zayn, right? :p BOOOOOOTY, and not even the good kind :'D

Overall, not a bad spectacle with some solid wrestling... but to be honest, I didn't give 3 fucks for the main event and well, the WWE's booking decisions are a whole load of booty, and it's not even worthy to be in a box of Booty-O's. YES, YES, YES! We have injuries... but WWE almost fucked it all up, they're lucky the talent are so good at what they do.

7/10, I guess.


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Jan 7, 2014
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Intercontinental Ladder Match - 9/10: The match was great. The lineup isn't nearly as talented or good as last years and the overall feel was kind of unepic, but the high paced action and awesome spots kept it afloat. Stardust with the spotted ladder and his attire was a great tribute to Dusty Rhodes. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens had a great story, and was a reoccurring brawl. They put out some great spots and really showed their talent. Their back and forth action kind of reminds me of their ROH ladder match. We had a great double ladder spot. Sin Cara had a great showing and The Miz was really packing the heel heat. Zack Ryder getting his moment had me marking out. I've stuck with Ryder for years and I'm glad I got to see him on-top for once. :woo: :woo: :woo:

AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho - 7/10: The match too average. The overall feel for the match was average. The two have fought eachother a dozen times since January and the only good thing to come out of this was an awesome heel run/turn by Jericho and a kick ass video pacakge. They had some good back and forth action, and the Styles Clash attempt from Jericho was pure gold. They had a good match that probably would've garnered a "This is Awesome" chant on RAW, but it felt tame for a Mania especially between AJ and Jericho. The match was okay but it lacked the appropriate atmosphere to make it really epic.

The League of Nations vs. The New Day - 5/10: New Day's entrance was cool and they were on-top with their shtick. The League of Nations had a new look, and that echo made their theme sound so much better than usual. The match itself was boring and lame. There was no memorable moments and LoN winning seems really weird to me. The New Day's first feud/major match since the face turn and they lose? And it's not like there was anything at stake so I don't really care for this match anywho. The best part of the match was when they were laid out by Steve Austin. Props to Rusev and Woods for taking the stunner like fucking champs.

Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Amrbose - 3/10: Worst match on the card. It was slow and boring and short and no extreme spots. The craziest it got was when Dean licked the barbed wire bat. It was lame and is totally skipable. The 13 suplexes was the only highlight overall.

Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks - 8/10: Really good match. Flair taking bumps at 100 is always a highlight. The match had a good pace, but Banks was out of the match for the most part. Her frogsplash gave me goosebumps and was a sick spot. I'm surprised but not upset with the outcome. You would think Snoop's rap, video diary and fresh babyface turn would have her on-top.

The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon - 10/10: I don't care what Shadow says. This match had me on edge. The match had an easy to follow story with some of the best and most promo-worthy moments in history. Shane asking for more. Undertaker sacrificing himself and throwing them both through the table. The legit strikes to the head from Taker's boot and Shane's tool box. Shane leaping off was awesome and one of the scariest moments I've witnessed. Shane McMahon was an MVP on this show. Taker throwing his gloves gave me chills for whatever reason and Shane's thumbs up was :woohoo:


The Rock vs. Erick Rowan - DUD: No...this match was the worst on the card.

Roman Reigns vs. Triple H - 7/10: The match was well paced and was a good old fashioned match. Steph taking that spear like a boss, the video package, the pyro, HHH's entrance and Steph's speech made this match feel intense. It got a little dragged out during the outside part. But it was good. Reigns got booed when he entered but got a pop when he won. I'm still a fan, so I don't care what anyone says the man deserves to have his Mania moment. He deserved it last year, but this year was good anyways.

Yeah. It was more of a 8/10 than a 9/10. But The WOO WOO WOO Kid, Long Island ICED Z, The Ultimate Broski, My Broski ZACK FUCKING RYDER made this Mania just that good. 9/10. :woo::woo::woo::woo::woo::woo::woo:
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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I could do the match by match review... But not only is there no real point as y'all have explained it beautifully already (plus I can't give a very emotional review) but as we look back on 30 and 31, we remember Daniel Bryan's big night and Rollins' cash in and the birth of Suplex City and Cesaro slamming the Giant and the best damn RKO ever and Ronda slamming Stephanie and... People look back on those shows fondly despite Cena burying young talent, the Streak ending, and Hunter pinning Sting, and all the other craptastic stuff that happened on those shows.

At least for me, what I'll mainly remember down the road is the rebirth of the Women's Division, and how wonderful that Charlotte/Sasha/Becky match was. And Ryder's shocking win + great match. And Shane jumping off the Cell. And possibly the rise of Baron Corbin. and Shaq. And Xavier Woods jumping out of an oversized box of ass cereal dressed as Vegeta. So much good stuff on this show will go down in our memories.

So it's definitely getting a positive rating from me despite LOTS of garbage, lol. They spectacularly failed at hooking casual fans to stick around, but that's their problem, not mine. Didn't every heel on thee main card win besides Ryder? (Reigns is a heel)

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I get being a little bummed about some parts but it seems like the majority of you all are taking this too seriously. I didn't pay anything to watch this PPV. Regardless if it was over hyped or not, not paying money for a 6.5 hour should count for something. No one had to pay ANYTHING. I think most of this show was either killing off old feuds and starting new ones which is what WrestleMania should be. I am sure Raw will help it make more sense but come on.. the show was free. I was disappointed with the Main Event and Brock vs Ambrose but neither match was awful. Everyone complains they want change so they give us change and people still complain. I loved that they weren't completely predictable.

I couldn't care less about paying for it. I'm happy to pay for the WWE Network and that doesn't factor into my opinion at all.

I haven't complained about wanting change in general. There are always very specific things I think should be changed. Me wanting them to change what they are doing with Roman Reigns isn't going t be satisfying by changing the women's title or having Zach Ryder win.

When I complain it's because I see something that I think is making the product suck, regardless of the price, and I'll keep complaining until that specific issue is addressed. WWE doesn't have to care, and I recognize that, but I've been a fan of this for 30 years and if I live that long, I can say with confidence that I'll be a fan for 30 more, so I think I'm allowed to bitch a little.


The Artiste
Apr 2, 2016
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Plymouth, England
6/10 I was pretty disappointed as a whole with this Wrestlemania. I still enjoyed it because it was Wrestlemania and we had an awesome chat in the LD, but as a whole this was just really blah.

This was a bad night that was obviously set up to try and make people believe Triple H had a chance to win.,. me not being one who believed this...it was clear, as I stated that Roman would win clean Most of the matches went with the unpredictable outcome and we were treated to one of the most boring and predictable main events ever. We were subjected to Shaq for no reason at all.

IC title match ***1/2 Not as great as a spot fest as I was hoping for but had some good moments... I was really shocked by the Ryder win but the surprise wasn't enough to rate it higher.

Jericho vs AJ *** Not as good as I hoped and it was pretty fucking stupid to have Jericho win. Dumb.

New Day vs LON ** Boring match and couldn't have cared less than i did.

HBK, Austin and Foley *** I wasn't as gaga over this as everyone else but it was nice to see.

Lesnar vs Ambrose *** a decent match but a hUGE disappointment. It was slow paced and anticlimactic.

Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch ***1/2 a very good match. I was surprised that this was as good as it was. Love the new belt and loved the match. This is the sort of match the women should be allowed to do more often.

Shane McMahon vs Undertaker **** I didn't think this was the best match but it was a great story telling match. I was actually in suspense the entire time. and Shane's elbowdrop from the top of the cage... wow.

ATGMBR 1/2 * Utter crap and I love battle royals...the thing with Shaq throwing off most of the guys at once was stupid.

Rock vs Erick Rowan 0* pointless and idiotic

HHH vs Roman Reigns *1/2. A boring match with the predictable outcome. Dreadful main event to cap off the night. And I am not rating it low just because of the outcome, I rating it low because it was really boring.
Gotta agree with your review of the main event, yeah the result was crap but the match was plodding and awful with no real positives, if only it ended in 6 seconds!


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
I'm joining the "Lesnar vs Ambrose was a huge disappointment" club, too.

Where was that No Holds Barred Street Fight?! I must've missed it.
I'll go a step further. Lesnar matches in general are pretty dull nowadays. He just spams suplexes like a kid who gets a new game and only knows what a few of the buttons do.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Also in the "That was total shit" club. They build up Ambrose as resilient and make us feel like weapons will be the great equalizer as he can tame the beast, then... Nothing. Lesnar dispatched him pretty easily.