Overall this gets 6/10
The matches came out good, just almost everything finished badly
Total Divas vs. Bad and Blonde was the proper Brie Bella send off and it was a great move to start off with on the card. Eva barely did anything! Good! As for Lana. Now she is just an eye candy, but aye, let's make her an ass women eye candy amirite? What? We can't get real women's wrestlers and butt models?
I never payed attention to Usos and Dudleys
Zack Ryder winning the IC title was the biggest shocker, what I really hope is this is actually a quality comeback and not where he loses is immeditley, Zack looks like his persona is evolving into a great mid carder.
AJ Styles vs. Jericho was great but like many matches tonight ended weirdly... Jericho won? What? If they wanted big pops tonight for the huge 100,000 attendance then give it to AJ? We love Jericho but we are seeing AJ Styles at Mania!!! Give it to him!
The Women's Championship match was everything we wanted except the ending which is why everyone shit on it. Ric Flair assistance, really?! That's another voided pop.
The Street Fight was very disappointing, should of been longer, I knew dean couldn't really use the saw or bat but maybe he could've did something with it? Suplex counter tho >>>>
Taker vs. Shane happened like everyone thought, but no Vince Appearence? Taker just won? The match was obviously for Shane to jump off the Cell, and since that's the newer bigger cell it was higher than Foley's drop so bravo Shane for that. He ok.
Baron Corbin winning the Battle Royal? Yes please, good job there. Shaquille being in there was weird.
No musical performances! Well expect for Snoop but that was for Sasha Bank's entrance, which was on point.
John Cena and The Rock burying the Wyatts was questionable, but I guess it's cool to see Cena back like that. Maybe he should rest more because going that fast for an injury can cause bad implications still, Cena is still human.
Roman vs. Triple H was everything we expected, well the weird ass thing was someone teased no dq on some posters, the fuck was that? And Triple H had another crazy entrance where Stephanie became Alice Cooper. The dudes under the masks had to be NXT guys by the way. Roman of course got booed and won, many expected Seth to be there but he's still human, it's takes a while to recover from a torn ACL.
I still don't get why all these people ask why we hate Reigns, well he hasn't worked hard at all. He has had everything handed to him by Vince, no Indy background, no big past as a wrestler, just a football player who was very built. So we can't get behind someone who barely climbed a ladder.