Bryan/Wyatt was great. It wasn't five stars or anything, but I probably couldn't ask for a better match between the two than what we got. The disappointing part was that I thought the loss pretty much guaranteed that Bryan was entering the Rumble and winning. When his match with Bray went on first and he lost, I had this idea that Bryan losing at the start of the show (and feeling crushed by the loss in a backstage segment, perhaps) was meant to bring the show full circle by the end by having him enter and win the Rumble to close out the show. Those hopes weren't realized, of course.
Brock/Show was just a disappointment. I wanted an actual MATCH between the two, a real contest of strength/power/dominance between two behemoths, but all we got was Lesnar smacking Big Show with a chair a bunch of times, Lesnar being hit with the WMD and then Brock ducking a second one and catching Big Show in one of his most impressive looking F-5's, all in quick order. Don't get me wrong, Lesnar still being conscious after taking the WMD and then him basically walking across the ring with Big Show on his shoulders was awesome, but I wanted a full-length match, not just the best spots of one all within a five minutes or less.
Cena/Orton was actually pretty good and was made even better by the crowd shitting all over it. And it looks like Cena/Wyatt is happening after all (Meltzer right on the money again.)
The Rumble match was pretty decent. A lot of newer stars did get the chance to shine and put on pretty good performances - The Shield, Luke Harper and Ceasro all lasted awhile in the Rumble match (especially Rollins.) They made Reigns really look like a beast tonight as we all expected them to, and even Alexander Rusev, a guy who isn't even part of the main roster yet, looked impressive tonight. Beyond that, just an averagely good Rumble match that had a whole bunch of predictable moments, the most predictable being the obvious ending.