To be honest, I couldn't see any other person winning the Rumble for a match at 'Mania against Orton. (It's obvious that Orton's gonna hold it til' Mania) I don't really care about if DB showed up. I thought it was already confirmed that he wasn't gonna be in the Rumble. He had an interview talking about how he wasn't gonna be in the Rumble. It would have been useless for Reigns to win the Rumble. Rather see a Triple Threat between The SHIELD at 'Mania than Orton vs. Reigns.
Plus, I don't want to watch Orton vs. Bryan again anyway. That shit happened like 5 times and they did all of the spots that could have made a 'Mania match.
REIGNS FUCKING OUTSHINED EVERYONE. I just wish that the ending was better. I thought the way Batista eliminated Orton was dog shit.
BUT!!! ANOTHER SCENARIO. What if like Harper & Rowan were double teaming someone and Daniel Bryan ran down (Just to be the hero) but he got intercepted by Sheamus. #BookingGenius