Fuck. Seeing how people have rated it lower than me, I feel as I should write on why I enjoyed it.
1. Randy Orton's promo was better than usual, anyone notice that?
2. Even though the opener was pretty similar as the last few weeks, they kept it entertaining.
3. Triple H threatening to fire Cody Rhodes? What a boss
4. Rhodes and Orton was match of the night. Like literally, anyone remember any other matches?
5. AJ finally got beatdown after she did a horrible job in commentary. Awesome.
Those are the good. The rest was bad to meh.
Anyways, this is probably the biggest storyline since a few years and people still find a way to complain.
It's only been 3 weeks, lets see what we've gotten.
Daniel Bryan beat Cena clean - Cool
We got a heel HHH and Orton - Cool
Shield are finally relevant - Cool
Faces are getting destroyed each week and can't do anything - Cool
Like what do people want? Daniel Bryan to stand tall against the corporation 3 weeks within the storyline? That they shouldn't even look credible?
C'mon now!
This storyline is going up to Mania, chill out people.