Fastlane Rate Fastlane 2017

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Rate Fastlane 2017!

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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
I skimmed through 90-95% of it. Saw just enough to see the outcomes of some matches.

All shit.

All shit. was all bullshit.

And that main event..... buuuuullshit.
Sure, seeing goldberg with the title is ok...except the way it happened was fucking bullshit.

At survivor series, it was 100000% a shocker. He squashed brock in 1:26..nobody saw that coming and the shock factor was so huge.

Now at fast lane, we knew goldberg was going to win. And had to figure that it should theoretically be just as quick, if not faster to beat owens. And as soon as Jericho music hit and the ref signalled for the bell (which was kind of dumb) I knew it would be over fast.

So now heading into wrestlemania we have goldberg vs Brock for the universal title. Fucking.... LAME!

Where the fuck do we go from here?

If Brock wins, he'll probably have it for a while because the squash and rumble mean he will probably only be built back up again.
If goldberg retains then who the hell, storyline wise, can beat him? He's been booked unbelievably strong. So it will take someone big to beat him.

They've backed themselves into a corner with this one.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
So...I watched the Charlotte vs. The Idiot match again...
And...shouldn't it have been a DQ win to Charlotte as soon as
her and Sasha came into contact with each other on the outside?

Shouldn't Dana Brooke have run down to help Charlotte?
Shouldn't Nia Jax have appeared to attack/get revenge on Sasha?
Why was it booked that Bayley & Sasha used heel tactics to score the win and break the streak?

Like least on RAW Dana Brooke was there so Sasha
helping Bayley made sense...but Sasha just ran down there for no
real reason and involved herself when it was none of her business.

I really don't like this booking...Face characters should not win by cheating...
Charlotte can...she's a heel...that's the point of her character.

I mean how would people feel if Becky Lynch "cheated" to regain the
SmackDown title from Alexa Bliss?

It just doesn't feel right...

I'm guessing Sasha will ask for a shot at the title at Wrestlemania soon...
and if Bayley says no...I guess that will trigger her heel turn...I guess?

Who the fuck knows anymore?
So now heading into wrestlemania we have goldberg vs Brock for the universal title. Fucking.... LAME!
Where the fuck do we go from here?

If Brock wins, he'll probably have it for a while because the squash and rumble mean he will probably only be built back up again.
If goldberg retains then who the hell, storyline wise, can beat him? He's been booked unbelievably strong. So it will take someone big to beat him.

They've backed themselves into a corner with this one.
Its all one big long set up to put the Universal Title on Roman at SummerSlam...

Now personally...Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe at SummerSlam for the Universal that would be one hell of a match...
You just know Vince can't wait to put that shiny red belt on Roman...the same way he couldn't wait to put the
shiny white & red belt on Bayley...


The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 29, 2015
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Ontario, Canada
All in all, I'm not looking forward to wrestlemania. Atleast on the RAW side of things.

Smackdown is a little different.


The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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Slapped Kevin and Jericho in the faces for all the work they did.
Slapped Charlotte in the face for the sake of Sasha and BAYLEY!?
No Undertaker... Roman wins clean??

In 21 seconds... They managed to ruin Wrestlemania for me.



World's Finest Failure.
Apr 23, 2016
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Where yo' grandma stay.
3/10 for three good matches. The booking was shit throughout the night but the wrestling was alright-to-great. Elimination Chamber wasn't all that great either but the main event alone was better than this entire show.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Also, might I say that there is a right and wrong way to use a part-timer. Goldbeg right now is being used there any way to use them better? I say look at Triple H.

While there are times where he probably should have put over some people, he is used right. Until WM 32 he was on most the time on Raw, the only reason why he won the title was because half the roster was hurt with the goal to try to put over a younger talent (didn't work, but he tried). He wins still, but he doesn't win all the time and can put over people like he did with Daniel Bryan, like he tried with Roman and would have done with Seth if he wasn't hurt. Only people he beat really are mostly other part-timers...

But having two part-timers main eventing Wrestlemania, whos combined age is like 90... With a title you are trying to build as a world title on the line, which has already had it rough with the first Champ getting injured and you booking the next Champ so poorly, with him losing on free TV too much and never retaining the belt on his own, that is not good at all...
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The Showoff
Aug 2, 2016
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New Zealand
I gave it a 5 which is low for me. Worst PPV I have seen since August when I joined the network beating the previous Clash of Champions.

SD is killing them in PPVs. Backlash, TLC, EC were all good, No Mercy was the worst SD one and it was alright. Fastlane and Roadblock were a bit rubbish, CoC was nothing special.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I gave it a zero and don't think I really have to explain why... everyone here covered it pretty well.

I'll get you for this, Midler. At Wrestlemania if I have to! If it's the last thing I ever do!
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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I gave it a zero and don't think I really have to explain why... everyone here covered it pretty well.

I'll get you for this, Midler. At Wrestlemania if I have to! If it's the last thing I ever do!

I'd like to see that main event :true:
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The Lunatic Fringe
Mar 4, 2014
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Having just skimmed through all the replies in this thread so far, I firstly feel the need to point out how pleasing it is to (once more) realize how this forum in general has so much quality in it and a plethora of members with brains that actually operate, refusing to become the sheep WWE apparently intends.

I literally finished watching this God awful PPV about 30 minutes ago and after a couple of cigarettes on my balcony (yeah, though a smoker I keep it outside the house) to just relax and find my composure after going through the hell we all (judging from the ratings) apparently went through, I figured I’d hit the keyboard and share some thoughts.

Now, many of you may have noticed that lately I really haven’t been as active as I used to be and though part of it indeed has to do with my busy schedule, the main reason is that WWE have managed to slowly push me away to the point I am starting to lose my interest, which is really a shame. I mean, Smackdown aside, which has proven to be the only bright spot of the week (not counting NXT only because I have no time to follow it closely), everything else continues to be just cringe. Come to think of it, doesn’t it just blow your mind how Smackdown has been consistently good (to the say the least) whereas RAW and their exclusive PPVs just suck? Are we not talking about the same company? How the fuck do they manage to put shit show after shit show on Mondays and awesome shows on Tuesdays? How is it that almost every story line on SD makes sense, keeps us interested and invested whereas almost every story line on RAW is like shit hit the fan? Not to go off topic, but all this just goes back to the draft and the mistakes they made. From the very beginning, I expressed my belief, for example, that they should have kept the woman's division on one show and the tag team division on the other, thus giving both brands certain exclusive stuff to work with and a lot more options as far as story lines are concerned and a bigger variety of matches.

Anyway, back to the Fastlane PPV last night…what the fuck? Seriously, what the fuck just happened and how does any of what we witnessed make any sense? Most importantly, why should we even care? How about that folks, we are 4 weeks out of Wrestlemania and they’ve managed for us to not give a fuck? Am I going to watch it? Yes, of course I will but that’s beside the point.

In all fairness, some of the booking decisions were correct, as in Samoe Joe going over or Gallows and Anderson retaining or Neville retaining. Not that it was rocket science anyway but at least in these occasions, all the calls were the right calls, including that little shady finish in the tag team championship match, which apparently will serve as an excuse for a rematch at Mania, where Enzo and Cass (should) get their big moment.

Elsewhere, after making such a big fucking deal about Charlotte’s PPV streak, they decide that Fastlane, out of all places, was the time to end it? In other words, you had two big moments, thus Bailey’s first championship victory and Charlottes first defeat, both of which worthy of a Wrestlemania being given away on a random RAW and a “B” level PPV? And for what, must I ask? Oh, yeah, Sasha will turn on Bailey, blah blah blah, which indeed could develop to a storyline leading to Summer Slam but Idk, this all just feels so bad. Oh, and by the way, how the fuck does the referee NOT call for the DQ when Sasha Banks initially got involved?

As far as Roman and Strowman, well, WWE just couldn’t help themselves, could they? They just had to go with the clean finish and have their monster pinned clean already? In my opinion, worst booking possible being I feel it was still too early but it’s Roman Reigns, right? Roman Always Wins, right? I ain’t discovering America or anything here but how simple was it to just have the Undertaker show up or even just have the fucking gong hit and cause the simple distraction, thus protecting both men? It’s simple and it makes sense, if indeed the plan is for Taker and Roman, is it not? How much exactly are these idiots in creative getting paid?

The main event was, well, predictable and expected. You knew this was going to be short, you knew they still need to keep Goldberg protected so they stalled and stalled (which is why we got those random matches midst show with Juicer Mahal and Dead Buried Rusev or the unnecessary New Day segment, all of which felt typical Monday Night Rawish), Jericho’s music hit, the bell hit, you know the story. Can’t say I mind it and by the looks of it, with Brock apparently winning at Mania we will probably get a Lesnar/Reigns feud headed towards Summer Slam, unless they decide to do Lesnar/KO instead, which I honestly would like to see instead.

On a final note and speaking of those random matches in the midst of the show that served as good toilet breaks, what is going on with Rusev? I mean, all this build for his second big run for him to team up with Jinder and eventually job to the Big Show? I ain’t no insider or anything but I’d bet a nickel something is up backstage that has not come out.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Fastlane sucked. 3/10

It didn't feel like a PPV, it felt like an extended episode of RAW and that is not a compliment. The show was a bloody chore to watch.

The show simply dragged on and did nothing to get me excited for WrestleMania on the RAW side of things. Oh, well. At least we get NXT TakeOver: Orlando before WM.

- Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn was a good show opener. ★★★¼
This was Joe's match and he was dictating the pace throughout and never really allowed Sami to get going. He put up a good fight, but this was supposed to be a dominant performance from Joe and it was just that. Mission accomplished.

- Gallows & Anderson vs Enzo & Big Cass was decent. ★★
I never really got into it, but I'm glad G&A retained.

- Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax was a bit boring, but it wasn't bad. ★★

- Cesaro vs Jinder Mahal was boring and heatless. ★
Why did they feel the need to put this on the main show? It was boring and nobody cared about it. This should've been on the pre-show.

- Big Show vs Rusev was the same as the previous match - boring. ★

- Neville vs Jack Gallagher was pretty good and MOTN. ★★★½
This was different than anything else on the show at this point, and it was good. It started out slow, then built some good intensity and turned into a good back-and-forth match down the stretch. Both lads put on a good performance. Gallagher bumped like a mad man, the bumps he took on that Release German Suplex and when Neville dumped him face first prior to hitting the Red Arrow were sick! Glad Neville retained and hopefully he has a lengthy reign because the heel turn's done wonders for him.

- Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman was solid. ★★½
Not a bad match, but I think it would've come off better if it was a few minutes shorter and if it was a bit more energetic. Nonetheless, they had some cool ideas here, the table spot was good and the homestretch was really well done. Roman winning isn't surprising considering he's in a program with Taker, but at least Strowman didn't look bad and survived some of Roman's best shots. And who are we kidding? Strowman was always built up to put Roman over clean sooner or later, but perhaps they could've saved it for a bigger PPV and could've let Strowman win here via Taker interference, but oh well.

- Bayley vs Charlotte: I did not care about this match at all, so I fast-forwarded to the final two minutes and saw Sasha get involved and the ref didn't call for the bell? LOL. And the faces pretty much screwed the heel here? Oh, well. At least the silly streak is over, although I was sure they were saving it for Mania. But, that still won't make me tune in to RAW's women's division.

- Goldberg vs Kevin Owens was garbage.
Spear, Jackhammer, 1-2-3. FLAWLESS VICTORY.

22 freakin' seconds? Seriously? We all knew Goldberg would squash Owens, but he didn't even last 5 minutes? Lame. The Y2J interference was supposed to "protect" KO, but it really didn't, and the fact that we're getting KO vs Y2J at Mania is nice, but it should've been for the Universal title. Oh, well. If Mania sucks, I'm probably dropping RAW and will stick to watching SmackDown and PPVs only.
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