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Im really gonna have to rant here people, and its for the good of your enjoyment. Hate all you want, but I dont give a fuck, cause I dont know you:)

But anyways, here it is...

Already, Im seeing you arrogant smarks, going around like your better than wrestling, and trashing the Vince storyline again.
Well what the hell is wrong with you? Would you prefer no storylines, so we can be bored shitless? You asked fo rstorylines, feuds and more, and you got it... This draft was amazing IMO, as it was ALL big names, and we will probably see some small moves tommorow as well. But it was awesome, as theres 10-15 new feuds opened up now, which is more than I thought.

So noone should complain about that (and not many did)...

Everyone you wanted moved got moved for the most part...

Now, it also set up a probably big storyline to go along with the new feuds. The vince thing... You dont know what it could be, so I dont know why everyones trashing it... Hell, it could be a Taker return (no clue why that popped into my head) But anyways, it could lead to a debut, return, feud, or just a random storyline, but it really doesnt matter, because noones giving it a chance.

Now, the reaosn alot of you are hating on it, is because it is "stupid"... Well, I dont see how. Ovbviously its not attitude era calibre, but its as close as we will get, and could lead to some cool shit IMO. But you have to realise, wwe is a show now. Its not sports, and finally, it isnt pretending to be. Thats why thaey come out of character on all their interviews for talk shows now, and are out of character for signings, etc. They also proudly promote the fact its entertainment, and it seems to be thats the route they are taking. So you have to look at wwe like a show, in the way that, we know its fake, but we can still enjoy it, and watch the characters, and invest into them 9emotionally for storylines) while the show is on, just like a movie or a tv show.
But because its a show, its allowed to have storylines like this, and you guys should let them without attacking them. Its a show, noone will try to pretend the real vince is dead (or whatever), but his character will be hurt or whatever it is, just like when a character in a show is hurt. So accept it, and realise this shit happens in tv shows, and just watch it without complaining .


Feb 25, 2008
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Ok didn't feel like reading the whole shit. But look at this, HBK vs. Jericho right now is gold, HHH vs. Cena seems decent enough, Kane vs. Show has a nice little build. Why the fuck do we need to see Vince in the spotlight again? Who gives a fuck about him? I remember listening to Live Audio Wrestling and one of the host couldn't put it better "we love to see Vince but not too much, he's better in small doces" that's exactly what I think, we wanna see him once in a while but I don't want to see him every fucking week, I don't want to see him in the spotlight period, I bet you right now WWE.com is covered with news about Vince. What about HHH vs. Cena? Its being hyped as a Rock vs. Austin type match yet its being excluded from the spotlight because Vince feels the urge to bring down a stage set on himself. Its not that its bad, I see it more as being uneccessary, not needed and just plain useless.
Most people sit here and type "that's what fans wanna see", so because fans like to watch that shit does it mean I want to? I go by what I like not what others do that's why I don't care how much you wanna say its a tv show or whatever that don't mean I have to like what's on it.

The Rated R CMStar

Wait a minute, last week HHH vs Cena was repetitive and Kane vs Big Show was boring, but know, they are good feuds and need the spotlight instead of Vince.

Vince was away from storylines from March to July, and just came back with the Million Dollar Mania. So he's been out of sight, he's a big character, a big player in WWE storylines, and it's about time he returned to one. How about if this led to a Taker return? I would prefer this than having right off the bat Taker vs Edge. Or how about if it was a GM returning, like Paul Heyman or Eric Bischoff. Or something like that? You can't judge something it has just started. Vince's angles are never just about Vince, they always push someone else.


Feb 25, 2008
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Wait a minute, last week HHH vs Cena was repetitive and Kane vs Big Show was boring, but know, they are good feuds and need the spotlight instead of Vince.
Lol people said that not me, remember I am me, I have an opinion, I go by what I like not by what others like. If you wanna go ahead and follow suit into thinking because Cena vs. HHH feud happened only twice its boring then so be it. Kane vs. Show is ok and is building up Show as what he is suppost to be a giant who fucks people up not a giant who gets his ass kicked like they had him before.
Vince was away from storylines from March to July, and just came back with the Million Dollar Mania. So he's been out of sight, he's a big character, a big player in WWE storylines, and it's about time he returned to one. How about if this led to a Taker return? I would prefer this than having right off the bat Taker vs Edge. Or how about if it was a GM returning, like Paul Heyman or Eric Bischoff. Or something like that? You can't judge something it has just started. Vince's angles are never just about Vince, they always push someone else.

If it leads to a good angle then ill eat all my words but since most of the time it leads to a shit angle I'm gonna bash it because I can and because I have an opinion and my opinion is this angle is uneccessary and most likely will lead to another dumb angle. I think Vince has been taking a few tips from Russo.


Apr 12, 2008
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Ok didn't feel like reading the whole shit. But look at this, HBK vs. Jericho right now is gold, HHH vs. Cena seems decent enough, Kane vs. Show has a nice little build. Why the fuck do we need to see Vince in the spotlight again? Who gives a fuck about him? I remember listening to Live Audio Wrestling and one of the host couldn't put it better "we love to see Vince but not too much, he's better in small doces" that's exactly what I think, we wanna see him once in a while but I don't want to see him every fucking week, I don't want to see him in the spotlight period, I bet you right now WWE.com is covered with news about Vince. What about HHH vs. Cena? Its being hyped as a Rock vs. Austin type match yet its being excluded from the spotlight because Vince feels the urge to bring down a stage set on himself. Its not that its bad, I see it more as being uneccessary, not needed and just plain useless.
Most people sit here and type "that's what fans wanna see", so because fans like to watch that shit does it mean I want to? I go by what I like not what others do that's why I don't care how much you wanna say its a tv show or whatever that don't mean I have to like what's on it.

Who gives a fuck about him? Are you serious??? Without him, there wouldn't be a damn WWE. It's his company, and he can & will do whatever the hell he wants.. you don't have to watch it if you don't like it. He's apart of the WWE too so he has every right to be in any storyline.


I have always liked these type of who done it storylines. Even if the outcome is predictable.


Nov 3, 2007
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From Parts Unknown
Ok, Go to WWE Fan Nation. That place is absouluetly depressing.

1. I agree with you on everything. Vince set that up good. I was totaly fooled at first. I was thinking WTF? I hope Vince is alright. But after watching it back on my Tivo I relised he set it up.
2. I like the superstars moves. Alot of people complain because Hardy or HHH got moved to SD and its their favorite superstar which is usually 12 year olds or so. Well my overall thoughts? It was a good Raw, ok matches, and a great ending


Feb 25, 2008
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Who gives a fuck about him? Are you serious??? Without him, there wouldn't be a damn WWE. It's his company, and he can & will do whatever the hell he wants.. you don't have to watch it if you don't like it. He's apart of the WWE too so he has every right to be in any storyline.

Kid nobody in life can do what they want, proof of that is his numerous attempts to get an incest angle going. So fucking what if he's the owner? So what. When was the last time you saw Dana White blowing himself up for ratings? Try to defend it all you want its more cries for media attention wich will only give you one night of good ratings then the rest of the year will be back to the same old ratings. Only rating that will change is SD's and that's because they finally freshened up the roster.
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
If it leads to a good angle then ill eat all my words but since most of the time it leads to a shit angle

The last like 3 major storylines involving Vince...didnt even get to be finished, so how can you solidly stand on that? And also, you realize that some of these angles Vince cant get going is because of the network wont allow it.


Also, I couldnt tell you who Dana White is, for what its worth.

I like the Vince McMahon angles, and tbh, the WWE doesnt write shows for you, they write shows for the fans. So saying that you are right because YOU dont want to see it, shows that you are of a lower mind state then most of us here. Because obviously if WWE wrote shows for you they would suck. I bet you would have The Miz headlining shows like you do in your little ring with your action figures or some shit.

Mike I totally agree with you. People jump on these Vince storylines because the last few have been "shit". They havent been "shit", they have been shit on. He is trying to get something going for his company, all around. And seriously, what better time to do it.

Think back to last year...ahhh, yes.... Right around Draft time again is when he blew himself up. You dont think he had something huge planned? If Benoit hadnt been an asshole a year ago today, then we would probably have a better WWE product. What better time to do it, they been advertising the 3 hour Draft show, everyone is watching, 15 Man Battle Royal at the end which I hear was awesome. HHH and Kennedy to SD, then McMahon calls and gives some schmuck 500 grand and he collapses the stage on himself. What are people thinking? HOLY SHIT!? Because watching it, seeing the light fall, he played that off perfect, then the stage, a little less believable, then it collapsed, would have been better if more collapsed, then he stood up, and then to let everyone know that it was just a story, the bills fell. And we knew it was fake then because he looked at it way before it fell. So yes it is a TV show. And from what I saw before I left and heard from after, it was a damn good TV show. I am going to be watching the over this week and into next to see how it all works out.

I mean when Entourage has a storyline with that one really boring guy, I take my time after 5 minutes of seeing a storyline develop at the end of the show, I dont wait till next week to see what happens, I go on the Entourage forums and jump the writers balls about writing such a shitty 5 minutes instead of taking it for what its worth, and hoping it turns out good.

Which oddly enough, most McMahon storylines do end up good. So Mike, this kid should just watch, and wait...

I have a feeling, that someone is going to fuck this storyline up too, then this kid is gonna be like


Yeah it did, your right, having to bring Hulk Hogan back because the Undertaker killed his family and kids.....

Romo Is God

May 17, 2008
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My guess to who dun it is........................

Donald Trump.


Feb 25, 2008
Reaction score
The last like 3 major storylines involving Vince...didnt even get to be finished, so how can you solidly stand on that? And also, you realize that some of these angles Vince cant get going is because of the network wont allow it.
The son angle finished, reguardless of the outcome it finished. All but one of Vince's recent angles have finished so how can't I stand on that?

Also, I couldnt tell you who Dana White is, for what its worth.
Wikipedia him.

I like the Vince McMahon angles, and tbh, the WWE doesnt write shows for you, they write shows for the fans.
No shit I'm a fan so he is writing stuff for me.

So saying that you are right because YOU dont want to see it, shows that you are of a lower mind state then most of us here. Because obviously if WWE wrote shows for you they would suck. I bet you would have The Miz headlining shows like you do in your little ring with your action figures or some shit.
Who said I was right? This is a forum, you share opinions here. Nobody is right. Um actually I never owned WWE figures, I'm a little too old for that and no I would have Jeff Hardy headlining =P.

Mike I totally agree with you. People jump on these Vince storylines because the last few have been "shit". They havent been "shit", they have been shit on. He is trying to get something going for his company, all around. And seriously, what better time to do it.
So I guess blowing yourself up and throwing giant money on top of yourself isn't "shit".

Think back to last year...ahhh, yes.... Right around Draft time again is when he blew himself up. You dont think he had something huge planned?
No shit he did but what made it shit was that Sherri had just died and completely made a mockery of it. It also made a mockery of tribute shows who are usually legit.

If Benoit hadnt been an asshole a year ago today, then we would probably have a better WWE product. What better time to do it, they been advertising the 3 hour Draft show, everyone is watching, 15 Man Battle Royal at the end which I hear was awesome. HHH and Kennedy to SD, then McMahon calls and gives some schmuck 500 grand and he collapses the stage on himself. What are people thinking? HOLY SHIT!? Because watching it, seeing the light fall, he played that off perfect, then the stage, a little less believable, then it collapsed, would have been better if more collapsed, then he stood up, and then to let everyone know that it was just a story, the bills fell. And we knew it was fake then because he looked at it way before it fell.
Ok like I said if this leads to a good angle then ill shut the fuck up, in the meanwhile I see this as more stupidity.

So yes it is a TV show.
Hmm so because its a tv show we have to like everything that is on it? Great philosophy.

And from what I saw before I left and heard from after, it was a damn good TV show. I am going to be watching the over this week and into next to see how it all works out.
Again I have said this almost 5 times now, I never said it was a bad show so learn to read.

I mean when Entourage has a storyline with that one really boring guy, I take my time after 5 minutes of seeing a storyline develop at the end of the show, I dont wait till next week to see what happens, I go on the Entourage forums and jump the writers balls about writing such a shitty 5 minutes instead of taking it for what its worth, and hoping it turns out good.

Which oddly enough, most McMahon storylines do end up good. So Mike, this kid should just watch, and wait...
Nope most of them don't really. Stop kissing Mike's ass and let him reply, and stop calling me a kid I'm probably older than you.

I have a feeling, that someone is going to fuck this storyline up too, then this kid is gonna be like

Again I'm not a kid. Nobody is gonna fuck anything up, at least I hope, I pray it doesn't so ya can see how crappy its still gonna be.

Yeah it did, your right, having to bring Hulk Hogan back because the Undertaker killed his family and kids.....

Ok >_>

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
I'd rather be an arrogant smark than a mindless mark. :shifty:

That said, I don't care about this storyline either way. But I did just read something that kinda rings true...

ProWrestlingFans.com said:
How terrible is it for WWE to do an angle where a scaffolding collapses pinning a man underneath it when the same thing just happened in real-life killing a worker from TNA two weeks ago. That's wrestling for ya, folks.

Hometown Kid

I'd rather be an arrogant smark than a mindless mark. :shifty:

That said, I don't care about this storyline either way. But I did just read something that kinda rings true...

Great point Roxxi...well that just killed any cred this storyline had...(and it didn't have very much to begin with)


I'd rather be an arrogant smark than a mindless mark. :shifty:

That said, I don't care about this storyline either way. But I did just read something that kinda rings true...

Im not a "mindless mark" at all actually. If I was, I wouldnt be on this forum, considering marks like to think wrestling is real, which I clearly know its not. Enjoying a show doesnt make me a mark, it makes me a fan, and as a fan, I want to see a good product. And thats what I stated. that I like how this is going so fa, the draft part anyways. And this storyline, we dont know if it will be good or bad, it could be either, but at least give it a shot is what Im saying. Theres no use shooting it down before it even starts, juist let itstart before jumping all over it... Byt "mindless mark" really didnt make sense asshole:)