Randy Orton Wants Time Off

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Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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^This. He turned from an animal that destroyed everyone, to a normal heel that went with the authority.
I do believe he's more talking about Batista's 2009 run. When he turned into a douchebag style heel.

Red Rain

The Bully
Jul 3, 2014
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your mom's bed
I do believe he's more talking about Batista's 2009 run. When he turned into a douchebag style heel.
Stop is actually correct, yet my argument remains the same. Batista's persona changed from 2008 to 2009/10.
It slightly changed again in early 2014 toward his heel turn.


The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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Batista completely changed when he turned heel, bro.
Triple H in 2000 and Triple H in 2003-04 were extremely different.
CM Punk changed his look every year or two.
Changing your look keeps you fresh and motivated. I do believe if Orton changed it would rejuvenate him like it's done for 99% of people in the history of the business.

I posted 'horrible examples' yet they worked. Orton is the boring one, no the people I mentioned. 2009 was Orton's most drastic change and his peak. Why did he stop there?
Batistas attitude changed, his look was basically the same. That happens when heels turn face or vice versa, all of which orton has done.

Triple h made like one change in the past what... 14 years? Otherwise he's been the same.

I'm not disagreeing with you that orton should change things... But rather he's gojng need a big overhaul as, again, him wearing some shades like Batista did... And a leather jacket vest... Isn't gojng to do much for him.

I feel he comes back with new song, modified moves, and different attitude on mic. Maybe be a neautral chacracter... Cross between heel and face?

Idk really know why orton "stopped" but I would assume it's heavily because wwe wanted him to stay a certain way.... Yes he could argue and push more.... But unless they change something drastically with him.... He will still be the same orton.

I feel punk was your most credible example.

Red Rain

The Bully
Jul 3, 2014
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your mom's bed
Batistas attitude changed, his look was basically the same. That happens when heels turn face or vice versa, all of which orton has done.

Triple h made like one change in the past what... 14 years? Otherwise he's been the same.

I'm not disagreeing with you that orton should change things... But rather he's gojng need a big overhaul as, again, him wearing some shades like Batista did... And a leather jacket vest... Isn't gojng to do much for him.

I feel he comes back with new song, modified moves, and different attitude on mic. Maybe be a neautral chacracter... Cross between heel and face?

Idk really know why orton "stopped" but I would assume it's heavily because wwe wanted him to stay a certain way.... Yes he could argue and push more.... But unless they change something drastically with him.... He will still be the same orton.

I feel punk was your most credible example.
Batista's look was basically the same? Are you serious just arguing with me because you have to be right?
Orton has barely changed. He's simple. Batista and HHH have worn suits, jean jackets, vests, polo shirts, bad color schemes and more.
Undertaker is a boring cat too, it doesn't stop him from changing things up.
I don't buy your argument. Changing how you dress changes your mindset, it changes how people perceive you. It is not the same as before.


The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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Batista's look was basically the same? Are you serious just arguing with me because you have to be right?
Orton has barely changed. He's simple. Batista and HHH have worn suits, jean jackets, vests, polo shirts, bad color schemes and more.
Undertaker is a boring cat too, it doesn't stop him from changing things up.
I don't buy your argument. Changing how you dress changes your mindset, it changes how people perceive you. It is not the same as before.
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Lol no I'm not doing it to be right man. I just don't think if orton walked out in a jean jacket. And sunglasses, things would change. Or him changing his tights would be a big deal. You're acting like switching some colors and jackets completely change a character. Not really. It takes persona, the character you're playing, and how you present yourself in the ring.

I feel when Batista became heel, it wasn't a major overhaul. He just worn some different clothes and acted liked a jerk. Same moves. Same everything. Now I think Batistas heel feels more natural than him being a face... But yeah. It's not like Batista did a complete overhaul.

Plus orton has worn different trunks... He's even wearing wraps on his hands now... He's bounced back and forth between face and heel and you think him putting on a jacket and lokning different will change all that? No, I don't think so. Hence why I said you had bad examples.

He needs an overhaul. New music. Neutral type character. Varied move set. And let him have edgy arguments on the mic.

Red Rain

The Bully
Jul 3, 2014
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your mom's bed
They weren't 'bad examples', you disagreed. When Orton was forced to wear a suit, lo and behold, his character had life.
Successful people dress successfully. Guys on wall street don't come to work in flip flops and t-shirts because name brand suits exude quality.
How many wealthy people go to work dressed like they've walked out of a basement? The point is, how you dress makes a HUGE difference
When you are in public in front of millions of eyes, how you dress makes an impression. It can build confidence.

You're telling me that the Randy Orton in these two pictures aren't different? You could make the argument Orton was given too much or that he's jaded.
It's clear that if Orton went to a stylist, bought some nice suits and actually cared about his appearance you'd see more life in his character.



The Game
Jan 15, 2014
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They weren't 'bad examples', you disagreed. When Orton was forced to wear a suit, lo and behold, his character had life.
Successful people dress successfully. Guys on wall street don't come to work in flip flops and t-shirts because name brand suits exude quality.
How many wealthy people go to work dressed like they've walked out of a basement? The point is, how you dress makes a HUGE difference
When you are in public in front of millions of eyes, how you dress makes an impression. It can build confidence.

You're telling me that the Randy Orton in these two pictures aren't different? You could make the argument Orton was given too much or that he's jaded.
It's clear that if Orton went to a stylist, bought some nice suits and actually cared about his appearance you'd see more life in his character.

So, again, orton changing his dress code will make him successful? Bs. Again needs an overhaul. I stand by what I said and you're missing the point... Yes chancing some clothes when you turn from face to heel or vice versa can make your heel or face character have more life...but orton has done that. It wouldn't do shit now. Plus, it takes more than just wearing some new clothes. It's the guy behind the suit that makes it different and entertaining.

Orton could walk out in cenas gear and it wouldn't make one damn difference if his character doesn't back it.

Point is this: he needs more than the typical heel/face turn (like Batista or triple h). He needs reals change.

Have him come out at the rumble wearing some changed attire. Wraps on hands.... New music... Just a seemingly indecisive personality.... Have him display a slightly different style in the ring.., and hit rkos like crazy...

Not pull a Batista and simply throw on a jacket and glasses and have awful mic skills (again, I still preferred heel Batista).

Bud I see your point, but brining up how people dress on wal street and their appearances isn't validating your point as orton has already done this.. And, in fact, he did this while he was champion. He dressed nicer... And seemed sharper... He still sucks... Didn't change a damn thing...

I feel his only shot is and overhaul.


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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Orton's frustration continues....

Randy Ortonand the WWE don’t appear to be on the best of terms right now.

After an impressive match against Chris Jericho on Sunday’s pay-per-view special, Orton has reportedly taken exception with how the WWE has been giving little attention to his character development.

Daily Wrestling News reported that Randy Ortonhas been putting on a good face for the WWE and appearing in all events he’s asked to, but behind the scenes, he is growing tired of the WWE and need a break.

The site noted:

“While he’s still headlining events, Randy Ortonhas not been a big factor in WWE in recent weeks and this has him unhappy. As a result, he recently asked management about taking some time away from the ring by the end of the year in order to rejuvenate.”

Orton joins a growing number of superstars who have problems with the WWE in the next year. CM Punkis the most visible example as years of packed bookings left his body in shambles and led him to walk away from the WWE earlier this year. Fansided notes that there are others — including Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, and Batista — to grow f...trated with the WWE this year.

This also isn’t the first rumor that Randy Ortonis unhappy with the WWE. Earlier this month, RingSide News reported that Orton was feeling run down after his workload increased with the departure of CM Punkand injuries to some other WWE superstars.

The outlet reported:

“As a result, he recently asked management about taking some time away from the ring by the end of the year in order to rejuvenate. WWE considers their roster “thin,” especially in regards to the number of top-flight wrestlers they have available. It is said that the absences of Daniel Bryan and Batista is standing in the way of Orton being granted some time off. To pacify him, Orton has been told that his character will be emphasized more on television. This probably won’t satisfy him though.”

The tension between Randy Ortonand the WWE could reflect a greater dissatisfaction with Vince McMahon, whose decisions have come into question lately. McMahon has faced criticism both on his rollout of the WWE Network and his management of the organization’s talent.


It'd be funny and one hell of a story if Orton got so frustrated that he walked out on 'em like CM Punk did. (Would be even funnier if one of them posted a picture on social media of them chilling together afterwards.) And Orton has been one of their favorites since day one, so it's not like they wouldn't welcome him back with open arms whenever he did decide to return.
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Red Rain

The Bully
Jul 3, 2014
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your mom's bed
Shawn Michaels was in a similar position (sort of) in 1997, so he rebelled and created Degeneration X.
Orton is upset about his spot, he's bored and wants to do something else.
He has far more stroke than he believes. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....than Orton should do something different,