Hogan's heel turn was fresh which was why it was so epic. He was the ultimate good guy say your prayers, eat your vitamins, drink your milk and all that trash. Then he comes out like he is going to save WCW but turns his back and joins the bad guys. He was face for the entire time he was popular on tv and then he cashes in when his character was at its absolute most stalest. He had to turn heel cause the fans were going to wind up turning on him eventually. But if it wasn't for Hall and Nash... Hogan's heel turn would not be anything that it turned out to be.
Rude on the other hand was able to do it on his own and made such an excellent career out of it. It was just beyond good. It was really epic. Hogan was good but he needed the other two to make it really work. Rude made it work on his own. Should win this one.