Aren’t you the copDo we have any actual info roles besides voyeur and tracker btw? They'd make sense together right? Especially since EV said he was only 2-shot, still either could have been Rugrat's role.

Aren’t you the copDo we have any actual info roles besides voyeur and tracker btw? They'd make sense together right? Especially since EV said he was only 2-shot, still either could have been Rugrat's role.
so Mikey isn’t included in that because ?
I say let’s look at the flip of Barry, as Chris just got a banging result off
Vote Barry
Was the point of this not the fact that Doddsy wasn’t pushing Mikey?I know its a scum/scum convo but would both be pushing Mikey that early?
Could be, it seems a weak roleMostly was thinking 2-shot tracker and 2-shot voyeur would make sense without a watch or anything since voyeur is pretty weak anyway
I’m Roy Geary. Absorber. I haven’t got anything yet so either Chris is faking it which is unlikely or I was bus driven. I think given my inactivity I was highly likely the cop target so bus driving me makes sense.
Was the point of this not the fact that Doddsy wasn’t pushing Mikey?
Was the point of this not the fact that Doddsy wasn’t pushing Mikey?
This is gonna be a weird argument probably, but might be that could be linked to the fact Odo pretty quickly read me town. Basically the only person who's mentioned me all game is Brutus (and that's all he's done) and now more recently EV.The more I think about it the more I have no idea why he claimed absorber. Trying to cast doubt on Chris?
Anyway my Big ISO makes me lean more comfortably toward Magic and Poyser, honestly a little less so on Alco. That's two scum ISOs I've done and neither mentioned him.
That's not a smoking gun or w/e it's just kinda eh. Big also did not mention Lethal (same as Doddsy).