I am playing properly.
I have nothing else to retort to Jeff if he’s locked in his tunnel
I feel like this is literally a fucking test of my fucking patience, if you think this is playing properly, I don't know what to fucking tell you man.
any chance you can get your head out your ass please? You’re making yourself an easy target and I’m not willing to lose because you want to escalate another pointless feud
why the fuck is poyser higher than odo and magic lol wut
Order of flips I want
Big Man
Wouldn’t lynch Pez or Chris
Poyser is a town read and I don’t want to lynch him first...
why are you stil lreading odo scum when you attached his scum read to your certainty that junk was scum. fairly certain its in the quoate i posted.
If I’m alive tomorrow I’m going to have to regrettably read the thread again
I’m worried I may have given out too many ‘too shit to be scum’ cookies
because Magic and Odo are interchangeable for me. I still believe one of them are scum.
what was it you said earlier on, unlikely they’re all town?