@Evans reminder this is the question
1. u made that post when i was town reading ubro
So in all the time we've played together - you've never pushed me for reads when scum reading me?
now answer the question, what does this prove!
here's one i found of you asking for reads from me
now answer the question, what does this prove!
My point was that you have plued more with me than the majority of players here. That is all... and thought you would know how I play.got incredibly sidetracked because i got left to handle this house all by myself + had an essay i desperately needed to work on butlet'smoveonfromthere
it's been 3 years at the most, I joined WC around September of 2020 (jesus it's been that long) and here around December of 2020. There was a huge period of time where I just wasn't playing and if I was, I wasn't really "playing" the game rather than sitting around and floating.. I'm trying to do more now, but I have major room to improve
this post also confuses me slightly because i don't know if you're directly addressing me. i'm not sure how much mafia you've played on here but I don't feel like we've played all that often. like i said, I didn't "play" the game enough or show enough care previously to really get that previous player read.
oh is that so? then why do u wanna find a post of mine where i ask people for reads? what r u trying to prove here? answer.
there are 100000s of posts with me asking for reads, i can find alot of them for u. both as me being town and scum
now answer the question, why r u finding this and what does this prove, and how is this related to my posts to mando
no shit sherlock, i always ask for reads. as town, as scum, as indieThat you ask for reads...
no shit sherlock, i always ask for reads. as town, as scum, as indie
u keep dodging this question. what does me asking for reads prove?
ive done it this game too, what does that tell u?