These are the only 2 guys worth watching on youtube. They may not always be right and sometimes be 'biased' but who gives a shit, they're interesting and entertaining. Truthslayer looks like the biggest loser I have ever seen, I hate the way he talks, looks, I just hate the guy, seriously. But, he's right sometimes, just like Bill and Doug, it's no different. Except Bill and Doug aren't bitching about TRIPLE BACKSTAGE POLITICZ in every video and I think Truthslayer missed the part where Bill would do a FULL review on BFG later with Doug (referring to his response video to this). But yeah, they're both right in their own sense and that's all that matters to them. Just throwing it out there, but I believe Bill and Doug have the most views still out of any other youtube blogger guys, including Truthslayer, so that tells you something.