I thought Summerslam was pretty good, alot better than I expcted.
So it started off with Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston, that match was pretty good imo, these two seem to have some good chemistry. I am pretty pissed at the ending though, what is the point in Nexus randomly getting involved in matches that contain superstars they have nothing to do with, they are on a different brand for god's sake. That was a bad move imo.
The next match was the divas match, as far as divas matches go I think it was pretty good but meh, I'm glad Melina won and the post-match was okay.
Next was the handicap match I believe, this match exeeded my expectations but it was still rather poor, since CM Punk went into that feud with Rey I think he has lost a little of his shine, I find him quite boring.
Next was Orton/Sheamus for the WWE Title, this was a good match, not great but good. I think the huge quantity of Irish Whips ruined the match a little but it was still good. I thought the ending sucked balls, why can't Sheamus get a clean win over a big main eventer?! He doesn't have one under his belt, he beat Cena by him falling off the top rope, he beat Triple H as a result of him attacking him before the match, he is yet to defeat Orton, he beat Edge/Jericho/Cena by Nexus attacking them, he beat Cena again by Nexus getting involved and I think that is it for big main eventers he has faced one on one with. If Sheamus doesn't get a clean win at Night of Champions I will rage but I do think Miz will cash in on that night.
After that was Rey Mysterio vs Kane, this match was pretty good imo, I thought it was gonna be made into a casket match but they are obviously waiting 'till the climax of the Taker/Kane feud for that gem. The post match was rather obvious, it was obvious Taker was gonna be in the casket, it was obvious he was gonna go to Rey first and it was obvious that he was gonna confront Kane after that, the one thing that wasn't obvious is that Kane would get the upper hand on Taker, having said all that I thought the whole post match was awesome. I thought that Kane, Rey and Taker played this out to perfection, I thought this was done excellently. I think it is really good that Kane got the upper hand on Taker imo, I think we're in for a really great Taker/Kane feud, possibly the best in years.
Finally we have WWE vs Nexus, Cena's announcement was a shocker, my jaw nearly hit the ground, I was happy when Miz said he would join the team but I was conflicted when Daniel Bryan joined the team, I think it is great for the storyline and was a great shocking moment but I wanted to see Miz in action

. The match itself was pretty good imo, match of the night for me, I think the Daniel Bryan thing gave it an extra sense of excitement. The match dragged on a little bit but it was still entertaining nearly all the way through. I thought the ending was major suckish, I knew as soon as Jericho (who was really hinting a face turn by playing up to the fans) and Edge attacked Cena it would be superman Cena saving the day against the odds, I have to say though to all those Cena haters that call him Mr. No Sell you can all eat your words, he has sold every little thing Nexus has done to him over the past few months to perfection imo. Although Cena came out on top last night after a massive beat down he really sold what they were doing when they were doing it, as far as I'm concerned he has sold everything excellently as of late.