Hollywood Dolph'sZiggler said:
Miz Christian no thanks. miz has beaten him twice and would beat him a 3rd time.. Neither match was all that great either. No thanks, but I'm sure it will be there
Santino/Cesaro whats the point? Santino loses every F**cking match he is in, the piece of tin around his waste doesn't mean s***. Cesaro shouldn't waste his time squashing Santino or winning that shitty belt
Now Sandow getting on the card should happen. I thought he and Ryder could have had a nice feud before they decided to end that with a 60 second beatdown on SD in a pointless segment
Okay, we have six matches (I believe they announced the tag match on Smackdown, Ziggler/Jericho's on it's way, and the Kane/Bryan thing) plus the inevitable Divas' match, so adding these won't happen anyway. This card looks like total shit outside of Ziggler/Jericho.
To your point, Miz/Christian they've already blown on free TV so there's no reason to put it on the show. The mid-card belts are fundamentally flawed and there's no reason to care about them, but considering how badly they've already botched Cesaro they may as well try to use one for something productive... but Sandow vs Santino may be the biggest mid-card draw that WWE has had in a while and they'd be Blue to let that slip away. Hope you enjoy your title shot, Claudio.
I'm expecting the same thing as last year, adding a pointless 6-man tag and a concert nobody gives a fuck about, with countless adverts to fill time and let the summer storyline sell tickets by itself... but they have 2 weeks to prove why Brock Lesnar is the badass he is for that to work.