Congrats to WWE on the build for this PPV. I didn't think it was possible for me to care about a card like this, and really didn't think they had it in them after half-assing the last two Summerslams, but they pulled it off.
The Ziggler-Jericho match feels hot. The PTPers have gotten enough heat on themselves and have one-upped the champions enough times to make the tag match feel as important as a tag match could feel these days. With only 6 (plus the preshow) matches announced, they can add a short Sandow vs Brodus which would be awesome due to the characters involved, plus a WHC match which was at least well-built.
And if I can look forward to Triple H vs Lesnar, a feud I was doing my best to ignore, they really out-did themselves. Awesome final segment on Raw.
Granted, the WWE Championship match feels lousy, but there's only so much you can do with Cena/Big Show. The IC match was just thrown out there, the US title match feels lackluster due to Cesaro's lack of direction, and Kane/Daniel Bryan can't look any worse right now. But still, they did plenty of things right going into this show.