I don't think there should two mystery slots but I'm guessing Charleston Stars for the tag team match:
Willie "Twinkle Toes" Perdue & George "The George" Georgeson are gonna Charleston Shuffle their way to the top!
I don't think there should two mystery slots but I'm guessing Charleston Stars for the tag team match:
We actually have the entire time to write the show while you guys roleplay. Maybe that's why its eleven days until the PPV.
I dunno I guess that would make sense.
Trust me we have everything under control there is a reason why were the staff.
If you haven't noticed already its been like that the entire time. We don't write up the entire show in two days. We write out the matches while you guys write up your roleplays.
Agreed with RJC. I don't usually wait to post the day of the deadline but I'll have to make an exception since I can't type fast atm lol, I'll be getting an RP in though.
Wow, idiot. ;p
You know too bad he fractured his wrist, you know maybe that's why he has to type slow.
It was a joke.