This is the third WWE PPV in a row where the main event is unpredictable, which I very much like. I was sure Triple H would beat Lesnar at Summerslam, but knew there was a possibility of Lesnar actually going over, and I turned out to be right. Wasn't sure if they would let Punk walk out as WWE Champion at NOC or whether they'd give Cena the belt only to have it back on Punk's shoulders by the Rumble so it made that match more exciting. Now I'm not sure if they're gonna have Punk retain somehow (probably by a no contest) or if they will actually hotshot the belt onto Ryback just to see what happens (though Punk will somehow have it back by the Rumble.)
Sheamus-Show will suck, but I'm looking forward to how Ziggler might play a part in it. A large part of me says he is definitely cashing in, because he doesn't have a match and they mentioned a couple times on Raw the possibility of him cashing.
The tag title match should be pretty good as well. For a match that's only had two shows worth of build, I'm actually looking forward to it quite a bit. Kofi will easily retain the IC Title but the match should be decent at least. Orton-Del Rio should be decent, and I could care less about the triple threat diva's match.