Big Hoss Rambler said:Better be a good PPV. :bury:
Lacky said:@[Dat Kid From Jersey] You able to watch tonight?
@[DannyWoods] How much are you looking forward to the PPV. You seem pretty excited.
DannyWoods said:I get like this every ppv. It's the only time i actually enjoy WWE. No commercials and no pointless monologues. Just good ol' wrastlin'
Lacky said:@[Dat Kid From Jersey] You able to watch tonight?
@[DannyWoods] How much are you looking forward to the PPV. You seem pretty excited.
DannyWoods said:I get like this every ppv. It's the only time i actually enjoy WWE. No commercials and no pointless monologues. Just good ol' wrastlin'
Dat Kid From Jersey said:Of course right after I go scavenging for it
Lacky said:Awesome, I wonder if you'll be top poster for this aswell?
Dat Kid From Jersey said:Nope not trying, it's too much work
Lacky said::dafuq:
Too much work, what's the difference about tonights and tomorrows?
Dat Kid From Jersey said:One is on the cpu, the other is on tv.
Lacky said:Yeah but they can still find a way to kill it with Segments backstage.ity:
I hope it's going to be good though. Hate staying awake until 3/4 and it has been for nothing. :finger:
R'Albin said:I agree. I've enjoyed the majority of the PPVs since I started watching again. It's what WWE should be all about really.