Damn, this show.
I stopped watching around about 12 bit the dust. Not because I was rage quitting because, "DOCTOR WHO IS A WOMAN, OMG?!" but I generally don't watch a lot of it as it goes live, I have a weird tradition of binge-watching it. Incidentally, I think 12 is a bit underrated; I thought Peter C was fantastic in the role, the issue with him was....he couldn't escape the black hole that was Clara heavy stories. (No disrespect to Coleman, but man, was that character boing) Once she left the show, I thought he really started coming into his own....and that, of course, was the last season.
Slight sidebar; I have a conspiracy theory that Peter C didn't want to leave the show, but he was made to "Quit" I have no physical evidence to back that up. It's just me reading between the lines. A) At the start of his run, he said he would never willingly leave. B) A new showrunner was coming in C) The bad vibes between him and the Doctor Who people now.
When Jodie was given the role, I loved that casting. It was about time they broke the glass ceiling with Who, and I've seen her in Broadchurch. Fantastic. I thought this would be a slam dunk.
Spoiler; it wasn't.
Like I said, I haven't seen any full eps of her run, but from what I've seen, my God, some of the worst writing I've ever seen on any TV show, I won't go into depth about all the issues because they've all been talked about till the cows came home, but it takes some nerve to fundamentally change the canon of a show that's been on 50 years. So what? The Doctor is and always has been a god?! That's just.....DUMB.
I feel bad because none of the issues of her run was Jodie's fault. They say she was boring in the role, but she wasn't given a lot to work with. Seriously; The 13th doctor had no personality whatsoever besides vaguely quirky and nice. I honestly do feel bad for her; she truly didn't deserve the hate she got.
As for the new Doctor? Meh. I try not to judge any doctors before they have their first ep. I'm just glad we have someone who GETS The Doctor, who now writing it, and a fresh start with a super good actor.