The Rated R CMStar

JBL: What a hell of a night this has been!
Styles: You are right partner. We have seen Randy earned a title shot and even we have three new superstars.
JBL: But it is time now to see who is that secret man who Mark Henry and Christian Cage are defeating tonight.
Styles: Yeah, well, not exactly.
A mix of “Just close your eyes” and “Somebodies gonna get it” plays as Mark Henry and Christian Cage. Cage walks down the ramp smiling and acting cocky, while Henry comes down looking imposing and hitting his chest. They enter the ring and while Christian jogs Mark Henry invites Triple H to come out.
“The Game” plays to a huge pop from the crowd. Triple H comes out pointing and intimidating his rivals. He does his classic entrance and in the ring he comes face to face with both rivals. The crowd shuts in anticipation. Triple H gives a little smile and does the “You da man” taunt to the stage.
“Take Over” plays as the stunned crowd give the welcome and the cheer to Tomko. Christian Cage who was laughing completely changes the expression in his face as he sees his previous Problem Solver entering the ring. Tomko stares as Christian as the match gets underway.
8th Match: Triple and Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry
Tomko and Christian kicked it off. Tomko stands imposing intimidating Christian, but Cage gets angry and dashes toward him with both starting to compare strengths. Tomko gains the easy advantage and pushes him away making Christian roll over his head. Christian gets up and restarts his attack dashing again toward Tomko, who catches him and hits a back body drop, he then taunts to the crowd showing his power. He then gets Cage up and hits a powerful flapjack. Mark Henry tries to interfere and Tomko challenges him to enter, pointing that he is next. But while all of this happens Cage hits a low blow on Tomko, making him bend in pain to later connect a bulldog. He climbs to the top rope and waits for Tomko to get up. Tomko returns to his feet and sees Cage flying toward him. Cage tries to connect a crossed body splash, but Tomko hits him with a big boot in mid air. Both men fell to the canvas as the referee starts the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…, both men are dragging toward their partners, Christian takes a leap and makes the tag to the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry. He runs toward Tomko trying to stop him from making the tag, but Tomko gets up and instead of making the tag he turns around and connects a violent clothesline to Henry, knocking him off. He then tags in Triple H to a big crowd pop.
JBL: Did you saw that clothesline? How disrespectful from Tomko to do that to the World Strongest Man.
Styles: And Triple H is now in the ring, so you can expect more disrespect on the way to Mark Henry.
Triple H waits for Henry to get up looking really focused. Henry gets up and immediately Triple H starts firing right punches, each time faster, looking like a machine. He then tries to bring Henry down with a clothesline, but Mark doesn’t move. The Cerebral Assassin tries to knock him down connecting kick to the gut and then a clothesline, but Henry doesn’t fell and invites Triple H to hit him again and intimidating him hitting himself in the chest. The Game then dashes to the ropes and tries to hit him with a high knee, but Mark catches his knee on mid-air and slams Triple H right to the mat. He puts his feet on The Game’s chest ordering the Game to make the count: 1…2…, Triple pushes Henry’s feet away. Henry gets angry and covers him again this time correctly: 1…2…, Triple kicks out. Henry looks frustrated and Christian demand him to beat Triple H from the outside.
Henry waits for The Game to get up but realizes he’s not moving, so he dashes to the ropes and tries to connect the World Strongest Splash, but Triple H gets out of the way and gets up, and when Henry turns around looking for his opponent Triple hits a knee smash followed by a DDT. He then gets up and just walks to his corner, where he gives the tag to Tomko. Tomko enters the ring laughing and lifts Henry up pulling him by his hair. Henry gets up really angry and both behemoths stare at each other.
JBL: Look at that! Both Problem Solvers looking at each other.
Styles: They are more than Problem Solvers, they are two wrestlers about to destroy each other.
They continue to stare at each other, before finally start trading brutal punches on each other. They both dash to the ropes and try to hit a shoulder block, but none of them move. They dash again looking for a clothesline, but both of them had the same idea and they fell to the ring victims to a double clothesline. Henry gets up using the ropes, but Tomko gets up like nothing had happened, thing that gets the Silverback even more angry, Tomko asks him to bring it, Henry returns the invitation and Tomko tries to attack Henry, but Henry cashes him and hits a devastating World Strongest Slam, Cage then asks for the tag, which his Problem Solver gives him. Cage enters methodically and makes the cover on Tomko: 1…2…, Tomko pushes Christian away and gives the tag, letting Triple H enter the match.
Cage tries to punch Triple H, but he ducks it and Irish Whips him to the ropes, hitting a rolling spinebuster when he returned from the bounce. He then taunts and starts circling Christian for the Pedigree. Cage gets up and Triple H kicks him in the gut and puts him in the Pedigree position, but out of nowhere Mark Henry enters and hits Triple H with the chair, causing the DQ.
Result: Triple and Tomko by DQ.
Tomko tries to enter but gets a hard shot on the head by Henry that turns his lights out. Cage gets another chair and viciously puts Triple H’s head over it, he then gets Henry’s steel chair and hits the con-chair-to. Both men then leave the ring looking back at the ring with a smile on their faces.
(Rebellion Hype)
JBL: Triple H and Tomko may have won, but Christian and his Problem Solver proved to be the better men.
Styles: Well, if you do that by losing matches by DQ, then I support you.
JBL: Ha ha! So clever aren’t you girlpants.
Styles: I am sure this ain’t over, but now it is time for our Main Event, Edge defends his World Title against Mr. Kennedy in none other that a Texas Bullrope Match.
JBL: Damn right, one man will leave this arena as World Champion and will do it even if he has to carry his opponent around the ring.
Styles: The rules are as follow: To win you must touch all four corners. When you touch each corner a light will turn on. If you touch two corners but your opponent prevents you from touching the third, you have to start all over again. Both opponents will be locked and joined to the rope by their waist, and the superstars who release themselves intentionally from the rope will be DQ.
“Kennedy” plays as Mr. Kennedy comes down to the ring. He looks pretty focused and doesn’t let the fans touch him. He enters the ring and waits for Edge to come out.
“Metalingus” sounds through the arena with lots of boos from the crowd as Edge comes out jogging and then staring at his World Championship. He enters the ring where he continues to stare at his World Championship.
Earl Hebner takes the championship and raises it up high, he then locks in the rope on both the competitors’ waist as he then rings the bell.
Main Event: Texas Bullrope Match for BTW World Heavyweight Title: Edge© vs Mr. Kennedy
Edge looks at Mr. Kennedy desperately as they both jog warming up. Out of a sudden, Edge turns around and touches the corner, lighting the green bulb. He then dashes toward the other corner looking to touch it, but Kennedy stops him pulling the rope making him stop. Kennedy then pulls it again toward him hitting a clothesline that knocks Edge off. Kennedy then starts his own quest to touch the corners, and drags Edge’s dead weight toward the first corner, where he touches it making the red bulb to light. He then drags Edge’s all the way to the next corner where he touches it one more time. He then goes for the third corner, but Edge gets up and puts resilience stopping Mr. Kennedy from moving. Kennedy turns around and both competitors start trading one-handed punches. Edge suddenly connects a kick to the gut and performs a Complete Shot on Kennedy. Edge makes the cover but the referee indicates him there are no pinfalls in this match.
JBL: That is the effect of the pression.
Styles: Maybe, or he was to confident and cocky to even prepare for this match.
JBL: How can you say that, Edge is a fine champion!
Edge continues his assault on Mr. Kennedy by kicking him while he is on the ground. The fans start chanting to Edge: “You botched, You botched”. Edge distracts and tells the crowd to shut up, leaving an open space to Mr. Kennedy that hits a blow to the gut and gets up to connect a DDT. Kennedy tries again to reach to the corner, but Edge still on the floor puts resilience pulling the rope not letting Kennedy move. Kennedy turns around toward Edge looking frustrated and tries to hit a jumping knee drop, but Edge rolls out of the way. Edge then starts acting cocky with Mr. Kennedy on the floor and sees the rope. He stares at his waist looking at it for a while and he then approaches Ken Kennedy and starts chocking him using the ropes.
JBL: Oh yeah, I remember that like if it was yesterday.
Styles: What, you chocking Eddie or you winning the match by cheating?
Edge continues his vicious attack chocking his opponent. Kennedy starts to fade way as his face starts turning red. Kennedy starts tapping out. Edge laughs as he sees Kennedy tapping but again the referee indicates there aren’t any pinfalls or submissions in the match. Earl Hebner then forces Edge to release the hold. The Rated R Superstar gets up really angry and confronts the referee. Mr. Kennedy starts moving and recovering its sense, but Edge sees him and when he was getting up Edge connects the Edgecution. After it, Edge places Mr. Kennedy facing up and goes behind him, forcing Kennedy’s arm into an awkward position. He then makes the rope tense and hits a legdrop on it punishing Kennedy’s clavicle. Kennedy screams in pain as he tries to get back up, but Edge grabs his arm and hits a DDT with his arm still grabbed. Edge immediately goes to the corner, he touches the first one, dragging Kennedy who is still not moving. , but Kennedy, still on the floor, manages to get mildly up and touch the same corner that Edge did. Edge continues and advances to the next turnbuckle, touching it and making thegreen bulb to light, Mr. Kennedy is still mildly up and incorporates, touching the same corner that Edge just did. Both superstars have touched two turnbuckes. Edge goes directly and confident to the third corner, but Mr. Kennedy comes back to full life and punches him, bringing him to the ground where he connects more punches. Kennedy then quickly gets up and leaps to the turnbuckle, touching it.
JBL: Isn’t he smart! Not only did he touched the two same turnbuckles that Edge did, but he attacks Edge when he is about to touch the third corner, forcing the count for Edge to go back to 0, and he touches the third corner.
Styles: Anyways, if he touches the turnbuckle missing he becomes the new World Champion.
Kennedy starts to drag his way to the last turnbuckle, as the crowd start chanting his name. He is so close to the corner. But when he is about to touch the last turnbuckle, Edge recovers coming back to his feet. He pulls Kennedy toward him hitting him with a devastating spear. Both men collapse down to the canvas. The referee looks desperate as none of the men are moving but he cannot count for the end of the match as there is no countdown. Both men remain still on the floor, not moving, but Kennedy starts recovering and, still complaining from his injured arm starts getting up. He gets up and looks at the unconscious Edge and at the corners. He starts walking toward the corner, but he suddenly stops, and slowly turns around, sees at Edge and insults him. Ken Kennedy starts lifting Edge up and when he finally does he chocks him with the rope, but he releases him quickly moving his head saying no. Kennedy comes face to face with Edge and spits him, he gets him up and they both walk to the corner. Kennedy sits Edge on the top. Both lights turn on as both competitors are touching the turnbuckle. Kennedy puts Edge over his shoulders and screams before hitting the Green Bay Plunge. Kennedy gets up and smiles as he knows he is total control. He then looks down and sees Edge again. He lifts him up and Kennedy starts chocking him again with anger. Edge starts desperately seeking for the ropes, in intent of making the ref release the hold. Instead, he hits the turnbuckle, lighting his second light. Mr. Kennedy sees the green light go on and begins arguing with the ref, time in which Kennedy gets up using the ropes and taunts for the spear. Kennedy finally turns around. Edge dashes toward him looking for the spear, but Kennedy reverses the move and hits a flapjack, but Edge touches the corner in mid air, making it the third light. Kennedy looks really angry as he now know he can restart the lights from his opponent. Ken Kennedy starts unleashing his anger stomping and kicking on Edge. He then connects punches Edge with great anger. The referee gets distracted for a second as his foot gets caught on the rope, and Edge takes advantage and hits a low blow on Kennedy. Edge then slowly gets up, feeling the effect of the match and immediately goes after the last corner. But Mr. Kennedy also gets up and follows him, but Edge sees him and turns around and connects Kennedy with a kick to the head, knocking him down, he immediately touches the last corner and wins the match.
Result: Edge defeats Mr. Kennedy
Edge releases himself from the rope and waits Kennedy to get up, Mr. Kennedy finally gets back to his feet and gets connected by a spear.
JBL: Well, I don’t now how to feel, Edge won but Mr. Kennedy lost.
Styles: It was a hell of a match and a hell of a PPV, and at the end Edge made honor to his nickname: “The ultimate opportunist”.
JBL: See you everyone.
Styles: You are right partner. We have seen Randy earned a title shot and even we have three new superstars.
JBL: But it is time now to see who is that secret man who Mark Henry and Christian Cage are defeating tonight.
Styles: Yeah, well, not exactly.
A mix of “Just close your eyes” and “Somebodies gonna get it” plays as Mark Henry and Christian Cage. Cage walks down the ramp smiling and acting cocky, while Henry comes down looking imposing and hitting his chest. They enter the ring and while Christian jogs Mark Henry invites Triple H to come out.
“The Game” plays to a huge pop from the crowd. Triple H comes out pointing and intimidating his rivals. He does his classic entrance and in the ring he comes face to face with both rivals. The crowd shuts in anticipation. Triple H gives a little smile and does the “You da man” taunt to the stage.
“Take Over” plays as the stunned crowd give the welcome and the cheer to Tomko. Christian Cage who was laughing completely changes the expression in his face as he sees his previous Problem Solver entering the ring. Tomko stares as Christian as the match gets underway.
8th Match: Triple and Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry
Tomko and Christian kicked it off. Tomko stands imposing intimidating Christian, but Cage gets angry and dashes toward him with both starting to compare strengths. Tomko gains the easy advantage and pushes him away making Christian roll over his head. Christian gets up and restarts his attack dashing again toward Tomko, who catches him and hits a back body drop, he then taunts to the crowd showing his power. He then gets Cage up and hits a powerful flapjack. Mark Henry tries to interfere and Tomko challenges him to enter, pointing that he is next. But while all of this happens Cage hits a low blow on Tomko, making him bend in pain to later connect a bulldog. He climbs to the top rope and waits for Tomko to get up. Tomko returns to his feet and sees Cage flying toward him. Cage tries to connect a crossed body splash, but Tomko hits him with a big boot in mid air. Both men fell to the canvas as the referee starts the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…, both men are dragging toward their partners, Christian takes a leap and makes the tag to the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry. He runs toward Tomko trying to stop him from making the tag, but Tomko gets up and instead of making the tag he turns around and connects a violent clothesline to Henry, knocking him off. He then tags in Triple H to a big crowd pop.
JBL: Did you saw that clothesline? How disrespectful from Tomko to do that to the World Strongest Man.
Styles: And Triple H is now in the ring, so you can expect more disrespect on the way to Mark Henry.
Triple H waits for Henry to get up looking really focused. Henry gets up and immediately Triple H starts firing right punches, each time faster, looking like a machine. He then tries to bring Henry down with a clothesline, but Mark doesn’t move. The Cerebral Assassin tries to knock him down connecting kick to the gut and then a clothesline, but Henry doesn’t fell and invites Triple H to hit him again and intimidating him hitting himself in the chest. The Game then dashes to the ropes and tries to hit him with a high knee, but Mark catches his knee on mid-air and slams Triple H right to the mat. He puts his feet on The Game’s chest ordering the Game to make the count: 1…2…, Triple pushes Henry’s feet away. Henry gets angry and covers him again this time correctly: 1…2…, Triple kicks out. Henry looks frustrated and Christian demand him to beat Triple H from the outside.
Henry waits for The Game to get up but realizes he’s not moving, so he dashes to the ropes and tries to connect the World Strongest Splash, but Triple H gets out of the way and gets up, and when Henry turns around looking for his opponent Triple hits a knee smash followed by a DDT. He then gets up and just walks to his corner, where he gives the tag to Tomko. Tomko enters the ring laughing and lifts Henry up pulling him by his hair. Henry gets up really angry and both behemoths stare at each other.
JBL: Look at that! Both Problem Solvers looking at each other.
Styles: They are more than Problem Solvers, they are two wrestlers about to destroy each other.
They continue to stare at each other, before finally start trading brutal punches on each other. They both dash to the ropes and try to hit a shoulder block, but none of them move. They dash again looking for a clothesline, but both of them had the same idea and they fell to the ring victims to a double clothesline. Henry gets up using the ropes, but Tomko gets up like nothing had happened, thing that gets the Silverback even more angry, Tomko asks him to bring it, Henry returns the invitation and Tomko tries to attack Henry, but Henry cashes him and hits a devastating World Strongest Slam, Cage then asks for the tag, which his Problem Solver gives him. Cage enters methodically and makes the cover on Tomko: 1…2…, Tomko pushes Christian away and gives the tag, letting Triple H enter the match.
Cage tries to punch Triple H, but he ducks it and Irish Whips him to the ropes, hitting a rolling spinebuster when he returned from the bounce. He then taunts and starts circling Christian for the Pedigree. Cage gets up and Triple H kicks him in the gut and puts him in the Pedigree position, but out of nowhere Mark Henry enters and hits Triple H with the chair, causing the DQ.
Result: Triple and Tomko by DQ.
Tomko tries to enter but gets a hard shot on the head by Henry that turns his lights out. Cage gets another chair and viciously puts Triple H’s head over it, he then gets Henry’s steel chair and hits the con-chair-to. Both men then leave the ring looking back at the ring with a smile on their faces.
(Rebellion Hype)
JBL: Triple H and Tomko may have won, but Christian and his Problem Solver proved to be the better men.
Styles: Well, if you do that by losing matches by DQ, then I support you.
JBL: Ha ha! So clever aren’t you girlpants.
Styles: I am sure this ain’t over, but now it is time for our Main Event, Edge defends his World Title against Mr. Kennedy in none other that a Texas Bullrope Match.
JBL: Damn right, one man will leave this arena as World Champion and will do it even if he has to carry his opponent around the ring.
Styles: The rules are as follow: To win you must touch all four corners. When you touch each corner a light will turn on. If you touch two corners but your opponent prevents you from touching the third, you have to start all over again. Both opponents will be locked and joined to the rope by their waist, and the superstars who release themselves intentionally from the rope will be DQ.
“Kennedy” plays as Mr. Kennedy comes down to the ring. He looks pretty focused and doesn’t let the fans touch him. He enters the ring and waits for Edge to come out.
“Metalingus” sounds through the arena with lots of boos from the crowd as Edge comes out jogging and then staring at his World Championship. He enters the ring where he continues to stare at his World Championship.
Earl Hebner takes the championship and raises it up high, he then locks in the rope on both the competitors’ waist as he then rings the bell.

Main Event: Texas Bullrope Match for BTW World Heavyweight Title: Edge© vs Mr. Kennedy
Edge looks at Mr. Kennedy desperately as they both jog warming up. Out of a sudden, Edge turns around and touches the corner, lighting the green bulb. He then dashes toward the other corner looking to touch it, but Kennedy stops him pulling the rope making him stop. Kennedy then pulls it again toward him hitting a clothesline that knocks Edge off. Kennedy then starts his own quest to touch the corners, and drags Edge’s dead weight toward the first corner, where he touches it making the red bulb to light. He then drags Edge’s all the way to the next corner where he touches it one more time. He then goes for the third corner, but Edge gets up and puts resilience stopping Mr. Kennedy from moving. Kennedy turns around and both competitors start trading one-handed punches. Edge suddenly connects a kick to the gut and performs a Complete Shot on Kennedy. Edge makes the cover but the referee indicates him there are no pinfalls in this match.
JBL: That is the effect of the pression.
Styles: Maybe, or he was to confident and cocky to even prepare for this match.
JBL: How can you say that, Edge is a fine champion!
Edge continues his assault on Mr. Kennedy by kicking him while he is on the ground. The fans start chanting to Edge: “You botched, You botched”. Edge distracts and tells the crowd to shut up, leaving an open space to Mr. Kennedy that hits a blow to the gut and gets up to connect a DDT. Kennedy tries again to reach to the corner, but Edge still on the floor puts resilience pulling the rope not letting Kennedy move. Kennedy turns around toward Edge looking frustrated and tries to hit a jumping knee drop, but Edge rolls out of the way. Edge then starts acting cocky with Mr. Kennedy on the floor and sees the rope. He stares at his waist looking at it for a while and he then approaches Ken Kennedy and starts chocking him using the ropes.
JBL: Oh yeah, I remember that like if it was yesterday.
Styles: What, you chocking Eddie or you winning the match by cheating?
Edge continues his vicious attack chocking his opponent. Kennedy starts to fade way as his face starts turning red. Kennedy starts tapping out. Edge laughs as he sees Kennedy tapping but again the referee indicates there aren’t any pinfalls or submissions in the match. Earl Hebner then forces Edge to release the hold. The Rated R Superstar gets up really angry and confronts the referee. Mr. Kennedy starts moving and recovering its sense, but Edge sees him and when he was getting up Edge connects the Edgecution. After it, Edge places Mr. Kennedy facing up and goes behind him, forcing Kennedy’s arm into an awkward position. He then makes the rope tense and hits a legdrop on it punishing Kennedy’s clavicle. Kennedy screams in pain as he tries to get back up, but Edge grabs his arm and hits a DDT with his arm still grabbed. Edge immediately goes to the corner, he touches the first one, dragging Kennedy who is still not moving. , but Kennedy, still on the floor, manages to get mildly up and touch the same corner that Edge did. Edge continues and advances to the next turnbuckle, touching it and making thegreen bulb to light, Mr. Kennedy is still mildly up and incorporates, touching the same corner that Edge just did. Both superstars have touched two turnbuckes. Edge goes directly and confident to the third corner, but Mr. Kennedy comes back to full life and punches him, bringing him to the ground where he connects more punches. Kennedy then quickly gets up and leaps to the turnbuckle, touching it.
JBL: Isn’t he smart! Not only did he touched the two same turnbuckles that Edge did, but he attacks Edge when he is about to touch the third corner, forcing the count for Edge to go back to 0, and he touches the third corner.
Styles: Anyways, if he touches the turnbuckle missing he becomes the new World Champion.
Kennedy starts to drag his way to the last turnbuckle, as the crowd start chanting his name. He is so close to the corner. But when he is about to touch the last turnbuckle, Edge recovers coming back to his feet. He pulls Kennedy toward him hitting him with a devastating spear. Both men collapse down to the canvas. The referee looks desperate as none of the men are moving but he cannot count for the end of the match as there is no countdown. Both men remain still on the floor, not moving, but Kennedy starts recovering and, still complaining from his injured arm starts getting up. He gets up and looks at the unconscious Edge and at the corners. He starts walking toward the corner, but he suddenly stops, and slowly turns around, sees at Edge and insults him. Ken Kennedy starts lifting Edge up and when he finally does he chocks him with the rope, but he releases him quickly moving his head saying no. Kennedy comes face to face with Edge and spits him, he gets him up and they both walk to the corner. Kennedy sits Edge on the top. Both lights turn on as both competitors are touching the turnbuckle. Kennedy puts Edge over his shoulders and screams before hitting the Green Bay Plunge. Kennedy gets up and smiles as he knows he is total control. He then looks down and sees Edge again. He lifts him up and Kennedy starts chocking him again with anger. Edge starts desperately seeking for the ropes, in intent of making the ref release the hold. Instead, he hits the turnbuckle, lighting his second light. Mr. Kennedy sees the green light go on and begins arguing with the ref, time in which Kennedy gets up using the ropes and taunts for the spear. Kennedy finally turns around. Edge dashes toward him looking for the spear, but Kennedy reverses the move and hits a flapjack, but Edge touches the corner in mid air, making it the third light. Kennedy looks really angry as he now know he can restart the lights from his opponent. Ken Kennedy starts unleashing his anger stomping and kicking on Edge. He then connects punches Edge with great anger. The referee gets distracted for a second as his foot gets caught on the rope, and Edge takes advantage and hits a low blow on Kennedy. Edge then slowly gets up, feeling the effect of the match and immediately goes after the last corner. But Mr. Kennedy also gets up and follows him, but Edge sees him and turns around and connects Kennedy with a kick to the head, knocking him down, he immediately touches the last corner and wins the match.
Result: Edge defeats Mr. Kennedy
Edge releases himself from the rope and waits Kennedy to get up, Mr. Kennedy finally gets back to his feet and gets connected by a spear.
JBL: Well, I don’t now how to feel, Edge won but Mr. Kennedy lost.
Styles: It was a hell of a match and a hell of a PPV, and at the end Edge made honor to his nickname: “The ultimate opportunist”.
JBL: See you everyone.