How many people here are on their periods? Can I see a raise of hands?
I don't know how old you are, honestly don't give a shit, but, when I was a kid, society was not full of the sensitive people it is filled with now. Pretty sure bubblegum pop music is higher on the popularity scale than rap music is (and lets not forget how much rap music is censored....BECAUSE OF SOCIETY BEING FULL OF PUSSIES), and people whined about GTA V and the torture scene. It's a fucking video game. You have to be careful what you do and say in this day and age because someone is going to get offended by it. They could, you know, just ignore it and look the other way, but, people choose not to, they choose to cry like a bunch of babies.
The last part of my post went way over your head. Like, WAY over your head. It had nothing to do with playing with strangers. Laughing my fucking ass off right now.