Murder On The Orient Express [A Detective's Adventure Part I]

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Avert thine eyes
Dec 17, 2019
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What was the point of this if not to convince people of your stance?

Is convincing people of your early gut based town read somehow necessary?

What was the point of this if not to look productive and simultaneously waste my time?


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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Hello friends and fellow competitors! Will read back and perhaps offer some thoughts before retiring for the evening. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2020
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I appreciate Rugrat thinking about me for the gift. I do consider myself a trustworthy person and I will take care of the gift as if it were my own child.


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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gut instinct is junk is town
I agree and my town read of her OR SHE has only strengthened since the time this post was made!
As an objective thinker, we'd be best on giving the gift to a low priority kill target. Even if they are mafia, at least at this formative point in the game, they'd have to use it to town's interest. It's possible that if scum kill the gift recipient that they receive the gift too.
Not sure what to make of all the speculation about the gift, seems like an easy way to generate content!
I think I’m gonna OMGUS Haza for a laugh

vote Haza

Not really a fan of this as you are giving people negative incentive to follow you, so what is the point? To potentially get a rise out of Haza? Please, we're all so bored of this feud by now! And yes, the same goes to Haza for even voting you in the first place! But, and I hope my good friend Haza will take no offense, I see him as more likely to engage with the game non-seriously than you. A bit sus in my humble estimation!
You, Jeff, Tweet and Rugrat all town for me so far
Leaning town on Jeff as well but the Tweet and Rugrat reads appear quite generous.
Tweet one is based on him coming in immediately with the read on Rugrat, feel like that's not as in line with his play last game
So you're basing it on the last game, in which he was pretty much immediately blown out as scum...hmm, doesn't seem wise. And you, Doddsy, are a very wise player! FOS!
well generally they look like vote : player x :jade:

in all seriousness, Odo's vote was filler and he asked a question to junk with 0 intent to follow up. he also ignored my question when I asked him about it. one thing in his favour is saying he shouldnt be read (or myself) off his intro post about the lack of sample pm , but to me thats an easy way to simply get town points without actually doing anything. so yeah. thats about where im at with him.

Haza voted for Odo and said he was serious. then left. odo omgused him and didnt actually bother to even attempt to question to.

Could be a few things (joke vote, crappy distancing vote, etc) , but if that's the only contribution, then yeah, its also a very LAZY vote.

hope that helps.

for odo tl/dr the vote was lazy because there were other things happening which he either ignored, or cherry picked, asked junk a meaningless question with no follow up, and drops an omgus vote. as i said, feel like window dressing.
I like it a lot, Jeff! Feels played out to go for Odo again day 1 though. Might end up left with little choice in the end, but I'm thinking of exploring elsewhere in the interim.
Well this is what I've learned, early on it's a bit dangerous to start reads because you're more inclined to form an opinion that someone posting is scum when really they could just sit back and it could be all town chatting shit to each other
Not really a fan of your posts thus far my good friend Flay. Discouraging Jeff from trying to get something going like this isn't a good look. Kinda makes it look like you and Odo could be scum together! Also, you have a meta of trying to take the game more seriously as scum, and while I'd love for you to one day break that meta as town, I'm not sure it's happened yet. :hmm:


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2020
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Doddsy looked to just be naming the active people in the thread except for Junk when he gave his town reads :reigns3

No buys

vote Doddsy
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Avert thine eyes
Dec 17, 2019
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I agree and my town read of her OR SHE has only strengthened since the time this post was made!
Not sure what to make of all the speculation about the gift, seems like an easy way to generate content!
Not really a fan of this as you are giving people negative incentive to follow you, so what is the point? To potentially get a rise out of Haza? Please, we're all so bored of this feud by now! And yes, the same goes to Haza for even voting you in the first place! But, and I hope my good friend Haza will take no offense, I see him as more likely to engage with the game non-seriously than you. A bit sus in my humble estimation!
Leaning town on Jeff as well but the Tweet and Rugrat reads appear quite generous.
So you're basing it on the last game, in which he was pretty much immediately blown out as scum...hmm, doesn't seem wise. And you, Doddsy, are a very wise player! FOS!
I like it a lot, Jeff! Feels played out to go for Odo again day 1 though. Might end up left with little choice in the end, but I'm thinking of exploring elsewhere in the interim.
Not really a fan of your posts thus far my good friend Flay. Discouraging Jeff from trying to get something going like this isn't a good look. Kinda makes it look like you and Odo could be scum together! Also, you have a meta of trying to take the game more seriously as scum, and while I'd love for you to one day break that meta as town, I'm not sure it's happened yet. :hmm:

Thank you for your thoughts good friend! It is regrettable that you think I would vote Haza to get a rise out of him - I would never take such an inefficient path to such a nefarious end!


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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tl/dr when I was mad EV approached me about making a site for mafia. its not some big secrect, nor will anyone give a shit. it was entertained as a fleeting thought, and I havent spoken to EV via PM in like 2 months. I also dislike Odo on a personal level, big fucking shock I know. Pretty sure he knows, and doesnt give a fucking shit either. neither does smark or anyone in this section. if anyone wants to shit on me, mock me, laugh at me, by all means do it. ill happily take the hit for this dipshit to stop posting. I have nothing to hide at all . Can we play now boys? just ban his ip and get this trashbag out of here so we can move on.

as i said, hate me, shit on me, i can take it, i really do not care :heston: im here to play mafia andkickass at it, that aint changing anytime soon
Oh man what did I miss???
Discord me screenshots
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Avert thine eyes
Dec 17, 2019
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I actually agree with CPs point on Flay

vote Flay


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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Read 3 pages, early thoughts are jeff is asking a lot of questions and not giving a lot of thoughts


Pathological Liar
Dec 30, 2019
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As an objective thinker, we'd be best on giving the gift to a low priority kill target. Even if they are mafia, at least at this formative point in the game, they'd have to use it to town's interest. It's possible that if scum kill the gift recipient that they receive the gift too.
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