can everyone post their scum teams now please, post flip?
Ill start with Phenom, Chris and one of CP/Tweet, probably CP
I wont be submitting my role until everyones done this lol
Phenom is supposedly confirmed in other role PM’s but I’ll need to check if he claimed after Skybawks’ death
this makes no sense? only town would agree to do that
I'm scum for agreeing with you lmaoCP, Grim and Nom or Tweet. CP and Grim both quoted my analysis of the split where I was questioning the Haza play and agreed with it if I remember correctly (CP for sure will have to check back on Grim and i won't have time until later) and that feels like scum latching onto a townie's opinion that helps their situation. N0M and Tweet are more POE, both claims could easily be fake
it's true?Wow I think I missed this first time tound
dear oh dear this is bad