Mr. Glasses

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It's ALL of our business because you chose to do this in PUBLIC.

You wanna carry on your bitch-fight with TDK from another thread then fine, take it to PM, don't trash this one as well.

Wrestling Station

^you said im a moron? lol.. what a KID :)

still its a fact, nobody gives a shit about what you say.

I had enough talking to a trash, now back to the real people that i actually care about replying to. :)

I never thought this thread will last for long.. so props to

Wrestling Station

^thats not owned :mad: lol

but anyway.. i had enough posting in a single thread thats too much to talk about for one topic.. Glasses own! :D lol.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
nah.. it happens, and it just shows that Sting is not that useful coz he never wrestled for WWE :) just known in WCW and now as a washed out wrestler in TNA.

How fucking dare you regard to Sting as any of those things you mentioned.

Sting is the man and a god damn legend. His shit can tell a better wrestling story then the main event of Raw.

Sting not useful? Pretty sure it was Sting who put TNA on the map. It wasn't Double J, It wasn't their god damn X divison because no one gives a god damn shit about that and it sure as hell wasn't god damn Christian.

It was god damn Sting returning that put TNA on the map and dare I say spread the word so guys like Angle would even consider joining the crap that is TNA.

Sting is the only wrestler who still to this day can say they told Vince Mcmahon to go fuck himself and to this day still backs it up.

Sting is the man and I haven't done any justice to his credentials, and i'm hoping a better Sting fan will


How fucking dare you regard to Sting as any of those things you mentioned.

Sting is the man and a god damn legend. His shit can tell a better wrestling story then the main event of Raw.

Sting not useful? Pretty sure it was Sting who put TNA on the map. It wasn't Double J, It wasn't their god damn X divison because no one gives a god damn shit about that and it sure as hell wasn't god damn Christian.

It was god damn Sting returning that put TNA on the map and dare I say spread the word so guys like Angle would even consider joining the crap that is TNA.

Sting is the only wrestler who still to this day can say they told Vince Mcmahon to go fuck himself and to this day still backs it up.

Sting is the man and I haven't done any justice to his credentials, and i'm hoping a better Sting fan will

I'm pretty sure it was Christian, but yeah...

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure it was Christian, but yeah...

No. Honestly, I thought so too until a guy sat me down and explained it all to me.

I couldn't do justice to his explanation but honestly it was sting.

it's always sting.

the dark knight

airfixx, peep, the asshole colin white and SP already said it.

and WS gave up already so no need to continue. good boy, WS.

and for the record, i knew about TNA when shamrock was there. but i only watched like one show...then hardy+x-pac moved and i watched one show...then angle moved and i started watching more often.