Mr. Glasses

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Wrestling Station

TDK, just one thing, you cant judge and try to say that you know what i did. I mean, you cant say that i just started watching wrestling in the late 2006. which is bullshit. So again, when you try to speak about me again, please talk in common sense.

When im talking about wrestling, well.. as we all know, its scripted, so its not really a convo to try and beat each other with..really.

And for you to say that i was wrong? hell no. Im not wrong about what im saying coz i still know more than you go... Kid :p lol

I had more days to live in my life and more things to experience than you did. Why? check age, profession and mentality. lol.

Anyway, if you just want me to make you happy, then ok, Kane is cool :) kane is the superman!! kane is wow!! lol happy now? T_T

As for Batista thingy, im just sick of people saying that he sucks while actually he is not that bad and he brings ratings and stuff. WWE is not only wrestling skills and stuff. so wake up.

As for you quoting for old stuff, it just tells me that you like to bring troubles and problems. Why were you laughing about the sharpshooter and the scorpian deathlock? are you crazy or something?..

And i never run away from any convo or arguement. So the "war" is not over yet :)

Did you just call me an "idiot" ?? ROFL.. man, if im an idiot i would never became a Nuclear Medicine Specialist and never became a clinical instructor from this year teaching medical students in hospital. So.. you really not trying so hard here.

Just one advice, stop trying to make a "wrestling" convo as something that big and important in life that you just want to prove yourself that you know more "knowledge in that field that me, its not true and i really dont care about who knows more about "wrestling" lol.. it wont help you in your "real" life.

You go and study well and become something important in your real life than just trying to pick on people.

Thats my advice for you... Kid :p lol.

Wrestling Station

^its not the same thing. The position of the legs are different. Its like saying inverted leg log or the 4 leg lock moves, which are different moves but kinda similar in appearance.


The Sharpshooter is a professional wrestling submission hold. The move is also known by the names reverse figure four, cloverleaf leg-lace Boston crab, grapevine Boston crab, and the Scorpion Deathlock




Just a note... The Sharpshooter and the Scorpion Deathlock ARE the same exact move. They do it in different ways (One turns to the right, the other to the left) but ultimately, both of them are supposed to hurt the back.

Wrestling Station

lol.. i guess nobody can execute the move better than Bret Hart :p lol.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
I would be terribly embarrassed if I was WS Right now

Wrestling Station

I would be terribly embarrassed if I was WS Right now
nah.. it happens, and it just shows that Sting is not that useful coz he never wrestled for WWE :) just known in WCW and now as a washed out wrestler in TNA.

And if anyone doesnt want to deal with it.. i would say.. fuck you :)


[quote=""The athlete" Colin White [/quote]I would be terribly embarrassed if I was WS Right now[/quote]

....Innit! I'm fuckin' blown away that someone that is only too eager to point out what a high-brow, intellectually challenging job they have can, at the same time, bearly write a cohesive sentence!

As for Kane & Sharpshooter debates..... Ouch! To get owned THAT badly has gotta hurt! LOL

Anyway.... ON-topic (if anyone still gives a fuck).... LOL @ The pic of Mr Glasses in the white car.... What a tool! ...Another perfect illustration of how money can't buy you style!

Wrestling Station

im not owned by anything. :) i dont care about what TDK said before, coz i dont care about him anyway :p he is just my bitch. :)



It could have been said by anyone..... Point is YOU WERE/ARE WRONG!

"Have A Nice Day!" :)

Wrestling Station

Stupid people, that post was posted long time ago.. so the point is useless anyway.
:yawn: << thats how its made.


It happened FULL FUCKIN' STOP. Deal with it (if you have then why do you STILL maintain that SShooter & SDeathlock are not the same?).

re: "Stupid people"....

That's rich.... All I'm hearing from you is name-calling, denial and self-congratulatory comments about how well you're evolving as an adult.

p.s. I don't give a fuck for smilies, but thanks for making the effort to try and impress me... :yaaaawn: :fuck-this: :etc, etc: is just how I do this biz.

Wrestling Station

^and i dont give a fuck about what you care about or think.. who asked about your opinion anyway?

Again, its non of your business. Why? coz its a fact, a real fact. its between me and TDK, so come again. thanks.