Montreal Screwjob II

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The Rated R CMStar

And really, Smackdown eclipse RAW, WTF!!! Has no one been watchin how DiBiase and Rhodes have been displaying that they really are two of the most talented wrestlersto emerge for a freakin long time! CM Punk, top heel. Pleaseee!!!

That statement is ridiculous right there. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are great indeed, but let's begin with the fact that they have not being showing anything (thanks to booking, I'll give you that), until now with their DX feud.

Secondly, theres the simple logic that you cannot be the top heel unless you are booked as that, and Rhodes/DiBiase simply are not.


Sep 15, 2009
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That statement is ridiculous right there. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes are great indeed, but let's begin with the fact that they have not being showing anything (thanks to booking, I'll give you that), until now with their DX feud.

Secondly, theres the simple logic that you cannot be the top heel unless you are booked as that, and Rhodes/DiBiase simply are not.

Erm I never said they were top heels, simply greatly talented wrestlers.

N as I already mentioned, WWE can't Book a match or write a freakin storyline worth S**t often enough. That aint Rhodes and Di Biase' fault.

Look at the whole Guest host thing with their dads. Great oppurtunity to give both of them some good heat and the WWE piss*d it away.

But that don't mean that CM punk can lace their boots. Surely we all know that the WWE make epically bad decisions. CM punk will prove to be just that!


...sooooo the guy who has been carrying an entire show, cutting the best promos in the company, headlining the past few PPV's, and working incredible matches is a bad decision? Yet the guys who took months to get off the ground and establish themselves despite being paired with RAW's top heel are pure marketing genius.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Man could they have done anything MORE to protect Taker? Jesus f*cking Christ!! They guy tapped out to Angle for f*cks sake!!! All they had to do was figure out some kind of souped up move to apply EXTRA pressure to Taker, like Cena using the ring ropes on Umaga in the STFU.

Thank you.

Actual finish was extremely weak.


Guest get Legacy a face reaction in NOT put Legacy over by not giving them a clean win? It would have been completely wasted on that match and only had a novelty deja vu affect.
It actually had a purpose in the Punk/Taker keep the title on Punk and further get him over as a top heel.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Shawn losing in a screwjob finish then going on an endless whining tirade the next night on Raw because of it would've been immense.

Great One

Nah, you have to remember it was partly because of Vince this happened. Teddy Long did it to impress Vince which was the whole point.


HBK going on an endless whining tirade would have done nothing. Everyone knows pretty much all heat is reversed in why do it just for the sake of a reaction in one place.


Sep 15, 2009
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...sooooo the guy who has been carrying an entire show, cutting the best promos in the company, headlining the past few PPV's, and working incredible matches is a bad decision? Yet the guys who took months to get off the ground and establish themselves despite being paired with RAW's top heel are pure marketing genius.

Erm..... Your right, Punk is carrying the show, and not doing a very good job at it. I'm not even a big Edge fan, and every week I hope some miracle has brought him back so I don't have to listen to Punk fumble his words and say the same nonsense week in week out. Wrestling wise, average. Had some great matches in ECW, and in his first reign as champ. Recently....... NO! The past few PPV's have been terrible, (Not just Punks fault, sure) but they've been bad.

As for Legacy, yea they've been paired with the top heel in the promotion, but everytime they have had a real chance to get going, they've been killed off. They're promo's have been decent with little story, and as mic men, (Despite Cody's lisp) They're preety damn good. And you cannot deny that they are great wrestlers, with finishers that frankly, I'd like to see more of.


Erm, hey people I'm new on these boards. Infact I only signed up after watching whats has to be one of the worst PPV's in a decade of subpar booking from the WWE.

I am so suprised most of you thought that Montreal Screwjob II was a 'curve ball'. I saw this lame attepmt to shock a mile off and thought that would be the status quo. I am shocked now.

And really, Smackdown eclipse RAW, WTF!!! Has no one been watchin how DiBiase and Rhodes have been displaying that they really are two of the most talented wrestlersto emerge for a freakin long time! CM Punk, top heel. Pleaseee!!!

I'm sure as a newbie I'll get plenty of abuse for this considering the general opinion of the board, but damn, I just can't believe what I'm seeing

Couldn't agree more.


So the stumbling rise of Ted & Cody (& a half decent Mark Henry face turn) somehow trumps...

An awesome Rey vs Jericho fued.
Morrison having kick ass matches with everyone.
Ziggler doing some fine work.
SD main eventing the majority of PPVs.
Punk becoming a very entertaining ME heel.

To be honest it's not clear to me what's being argued to start with...

Punk is not #1 heel in the company(*) because Ted & Cody (who aren't even #1 on there show) are finally starting to justify the hype?

(*Not that I'm saying he is.)

...And SD hasn't been the most entertaining show since WM for the same reasons?

Not to mention, how any of this is actually relevant to the 'screwjob'?
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I just want to go on here, since this seems like the most lively BP discussion thread.

Did anyone else think that Rhodes/Dibiase and Orton were all 'buried' at Breaking Point? I suppose not so much Dibiase and Rhodes, thinking back over it they looked weak for the first 1/2 of thier match, but really pulled through with the finish.

Orton on the other hand - looked weak. He took very little 'punishment' and dealt out the most, to make John "Superman" Cena look stronger. Orton was in the STF for what? 20 seconds? And he's yelling "I Quit!"? What the fuck.

No. Punk is far from the top heel in the WWE. I still don't see him as a full blown ME'er, but that's just my opinion. He is still to get that real 'rub' from Taker (or anyone, for that matter) to elevate him as a believable competitor. Again, just my opinion.


Did anyone else think that Rhodes/Dibiase and Orton were all 'buried' at Breaking Point? I suppose not so much Dibiase and Rhodes, thinking back over it they looked weak for the first 1/2 of thier match, but really pulled through with the finish.

No. Legacy won clean and looked great.

Orton on the other hand - looked weak. He took very little 'punishment' and dealt out the most, to make John "Superman" Cena look stronger. Orton was in the STF for what? 20 seconds? And he's yelling "I Quit!"? What the fuck.

I'd have liked to have seen Orton take a bit more punnishment, but no, that's no burial. They made him look like a total psycho even if he isn't as tough as Cena.

Punk is far from the top heel in the WWE. I still don't see him as a full blown ME'er, but that's just my opinion. He is still to get that real 'rub' from Taker (or anyone, for that matter) to elevate him as a believable competitor. Again, just my opinion.

Peeps have said the same about Orton for years & Jeff for a lesser amount of time, yet at this point in time (well, until last week in Jeff's case) they're seen as legit main eventers (And in Orton's case widely considered the #1 heel in the company for some time). That said, maybe a big win for Punk is just around the corner. Also, Do not lose sight of how big a deal it was for him to not only beat Jeff clean in TLC, but then to retire him clean in a cage match the following week.