You are
Mildred Gunning,
Crockett Island-aligned
Recovering JOAT. Bedridden with a broken hip and suffering from dementia, you are unable to attend church mass in person, leading Father Paul to attend to your mass with nightly house calls instead. Miraculously, your health seems to be getting inexplicably better, with you appearing more and more able each day. Each Night, you will be able to select one role to use from a list of roles available to you. As the game progresses, the list of available roles will increase.
You win when all threats to Crockett Island have been eliminated.
Night 1: Motion Detector
Night 2: Motion Detector, Voyeur
Night 3: Motion Detector, Voyeur, Oracle
Night 4: Motion Detector, Voyeur, Oracle, Healer
Night 5: Motion Detector, Voyeur, Oracle, Healer, Gunsmith