Marvel Cinematic Universe Thread

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Wangman Page

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

As we look forward to a number of superhero films hitting theaters this year, there’s also plenty by way of costumed characters heading our way in 2014 and 2015 as well. One such anticipated property is 20th Century Fox’s reboot of Fantastic Four. The studio tapped Chronicle director Josh Trank to take the helm, and the project was recently given a March 2015 release date. As comics guru Mark Millar was just hired on at Fox as their creative consultant on all things Marvel, the talkative creative has been privy to all the in-the-works projects, including Fantastic Four. Now Millar has spoken up a bit about the reboot, teasing what fans can expect from Trank’s iteration of the characters. Hit the jump to see what he had to say.

fantastic-fourDuring an interview with SciFiNow, Millar revealed that Trank is working on contemporizing the story:

“From what I’ve seen and from talking to him – he and I have had dinner a couple of times and we talk quite regularly as well – he’s contemporizing it. I think he’s just making it work for the screen – he’s a great storyteller.”

He went on to talk about the pic’s tone, teasing that it will include elements that have yet to grace the silver screen:

“What I wasn’t expecting actually was just how funny and likeable he could make this as well as getting the more awesome moments on screen – I use awesome in the traditional British sense and not the California sense awesome, you know? The Ridley Scott moments, and the Fantastic Four really are jaw-dropping in the same way you feel when you saw Alien for the first time. There’s some moments in this – not to be specific – that are actually gonna be phenomenal on screen and stuff you haven’t seen in a superhero movie before.”

Hopefully we hear more about the project as it moves closer to production. The Fantastic Four will open on March 6, 2015.

Way to soon for a reboot, but if done well I don't think anyone will be mad.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

Well it's not due for another 2 years, so it'll have been 8 years since Rise of the Silver, so it's not too soon for me.

Honestly thought the previous two are underrated, but neither performed spectacularly at the Box Office. But it's a Marvel film, so colour me interested.

Wangman Page

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

The Daily Mail chatted with Jackman, shortly after he walked away with a Golden Globe for his performance in Les Misérables. Wolverine confirmed what Fox’s newly-appointed Marvel Movie Universe architect Mark Millar has been saying for a while now – that Days of Future Past features a Terminator-esque time-travel storyline – and promised tons of familiar faces to the X-movieverse are making an appearance.

To quote:

“You wouldn’t have enough room on the page after you’ve listed them all. Every other actor who’s ever put on a superhero uniform will be in it. There’s an element of time travel and, naturally, it will be action-packed.”

Millar hopes to branch out further into the X-Men universe down the line, with future installments exploring mutants who have yet to make the jump from comic book to live-action form. However, before a shared (and coherent) X-Men movie universe is possible, there needs to be some restructuring done to account for how the trilogy, Origins: Wolverine, First Class and this summer’s The Wolverine fit together. Days of Future Past is expected to do that (in collaboration with director James Mangold’s post-X3 Wolverine flick), which explains why multiple trilogy players may be coming back for another round of mutant madness.

The Cast of X-Men 2

Important X-Men trilogy characters such as Storm (Halle Berry) and Rogue (Anna Paquin) are reasonable possibilities to show up in Days of Future Past; though, it gets trickier, with respect to someone like the deceased Cyclops (James Mardsen) making an appearance. X3‘s Kelsey Grammar (Hank McCoy/Beast) and X-trilogy alum Rebecca Romijn (Mystique) would be fun additions, especially meeting up with their First Class counterparts (Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence) after Romijn’s cameo in Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men prequel/reboot/whatever.

Do you agree with those (obvious) choices? Are you hoping to see Shawn Ashmore (Iceman), Ellen Page (Kitty Pride) or even someone like Vinnie Jones (Juggernaut) in Days of Future Past? Let us know in the comments section.

The Wolverine hits theaters July 26th, 2013. X-Men: Days of Future Past follows on July 18th, 2014.

All the cast sounds freaking amazing.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

The casting scale of this movie is starting to make The Avengers look piss easy, if they can pull it off it's one hell of an achievement.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

More X-Men alumni confirmed:

Bryan Singer has revealed on his Twitter that three former X-Men cast members will return to the franchise in Days of Future Past.

He wrote: "Very excited to welcome #annapaquin, @ellenpage & @shawnrashmore to #XMen #DaysofFuturePast - thank you @BrettRatner for letting them live!.

Anna Paquin played Rogue, Ellen Page played Kitty Pryde and Shawn Ashmore played Iceman in the first three X-Men films, although Page was only in the third film. There's still no word on if James Marsden's Cyclops will be back as well.

At this point it seems there are more original cast members than First Class cast members.


Wangman Page

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

New Thor details.

For nearly a year, we’ve been speculating that Thor: The Dark World could feature multiple realms and more than one enemy faction vying for the destruction of Asgard. Lately, the majority of the Thor 2 villain conversations have centered around a face-off between the titular God of Thunder and Dark Elves led by the wrathful Malekith the Accursed (Christopher Eccleston). An official plot synopsis for Thor: The Dark World painted a clear picture of where Malekith and his army fit into the post-Avengers storyline – leading many fans to assume that the Dark Elves were the only game in town.

However, a new comment from Marvel Studios executive producer Craig Kyle confirms that the Dark Elves will not be the only enemy faction Asgard will face in Thor 2 - teasing another group of evildoers known as “The Marauders.â€

The Marauders were previously captured in Dark World set-photos and video – though it was unclear, at the time, how they fit into the larger storyline (aside from Mjolnir fodder). Now, courtesy of an Empire [via CBM] interview with Kyle, we have a bit more insight into their Thor 2 role as well as confirmation of other key plot details.
Christopher Eccleston Malekith Thor 2 Costume

Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and the Dark Elves​

According to the report, Thor: The Dark World will pick-up one year after The Avengers – and two years after the first Thor movie. At the sequel’s start, Thor – “now a full-time general†– and his forces are over-extended at war in The Nine Realms as a group of “rag-tag invaders known as The Marauders†thins and weakens the Asgardian army. Responding to the Marauder threat leaves Asgard vulnerable - allowing Malekith and the Dark Elves to mount a more effective assault on Thor’s home realm. Whether or not The Marauders are acting on their own orders or are manipulated by Malekith, Loki, Thanos, or some other unseen enemy isn’t known at this time. Though, it’s easy to imagine The Dark Elves using The Marauders as pawns in their larger plans to destroy Asgard.

Readers who have been following our coverage of Thor: The Dark World will remember we had speculated that Malekith might team with Surtur and the fire giants of Muspelheim in the attack on Asgard. Marvel has promised that there are plenty of Thor 2 surprises yet to be spoiled (along with a few that have been spoiled) but it’s looking more likely that, instead of a realm-specific army, The Marauders are a mix of viking-like humans as well as isolated members of other beastly races – some possibly from Hel (the Norse Underworld) and Vanaheim.

Other Realms in Marvel’s Take on Norse Mythology​

Whether or not prior casting reports that called for extras “skilled in playing with fire“ means that The Marauders could also include a few Muspelheims or just fire-breathing/twirling humans is speculation at this point. While prior evidence of The Maruaders came in the form of that live action on-set battling, it’s still possible that their respective scenes also include set pieces where Thor and his compatriots fight giant fiery CGI monsters as well. That said, it’s equally likely that Marvel is saving full-on appearances by Muspelheim and Hel for future sequels.

Kyle admits that Thor was the toughest sell in Phase One but, now that the character has been introduced in The Avengers, there’s a lot more room to explore fantastical story (and enemies) in Phase Two:

“Expectations are high. By bringing director Alan Taylor into the mix, with his expertise on The Sopranos, Mad Men and Game Of Thrones, we came up with a take that allows us to get more into the nooks and crannies of Asgard and its people. We spend more time on the ground with the commoners, as opposed to in the palace. It’s a very complicated blend [of genres: high science fiction, gritty fantasy, and realism]. Thor is, until Guardians of the Galaxy hits, by far our most wild, fringe Marvel piece. But that’s why it’s the Marvel Universe and not Marvel Earth!â€

The Marauders should serve as a good way of putting Thor and his friends on the ground with the Asgardian army – as opposed to the first film where the story focused primarily on the God of Thunder, Sif, and the Warriors Three with little insight into how Loki’s actions were affecting the people of Asgard. Between The Dark Elves and The Marauders, along with the ever-scheming Loki, The Dark World should provide a better balance of captivating drama to accompany lightning strikes and Mjolnir face smashing.

I like this news and think it can take this franchise a little bit further for at least another film or to.

Wangman Page

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

Despite the seemingly rushed nature of Sony Pictures’ reboot of the Spider-Man franchise after dropping Sam Raimi’s problematic Spider-Man 4, The Amazing Spider-Man – despite its flaws – successfully reintroduced Peter Parker in large part due to its roster of talent onscreen. For The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Marc Webb looks to keep that magic flowing with inspired casting that already includes Jamie Foxx as the villainous Electro, Shailene Woodley (The Descendants) as Mary Jane and Dane DeHaan (Chronicle) as Harry Osborn.

Today we’ve learned that Sony is looking to bolster the cast led by Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone even more by adding Paul Giamatti and Felicity Jones.

The scoop comes from THR who have it on good authority that Oscar-nominated Paul Giamatti is in negotiations to join The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as the villainous Rhino, while Brit actress Felicity Jones (Like Crazy) is also in talks for another, unknown role. Could she play one-time love interests Betty Brant or Liz Allan, or is Webb pulling out all the stops and introducing Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat?

Felicity Jones in Like Crazy

The report confirms Sony’s attempt at distancing itself from the Sam Raimi trilogy of Spider-Man films by taking advantage of a different set of villains. Both Electro and Rhino were mentioned among fan wishlists for inclusion in Raimi’s ill-fated Spider-Man 4 and will finally get their chance in the Marc Webb universe.

Every character Giamatti touches is gold and to see him play the physically-dominant Rhino will be something unique for the superhero genre, especially given the track record of the franchise to successfully adapt the more “out there†characters like Sandman and The Lizard. So, expect to see a super-powered and gigantic Rhino on screen battling Spider-Man.

Paul Giamatti in Shoot ‘Em Up

In Marvel Comics, Rhino (real name: Aleksei Sytsevich) was a member of the Russian mafia who, after undergoing a lengthy process genetic manipulation with chemicals and radiation, was given his superhuman abilities, but unfortunately no superhuman level of intelligence. His powers are further enhanced by a suit he wears on top of his thick armored skin.

As our own Kofi Outlaw brought up in chatting with Marc Webb last summer, it looks as if the end credits sequence of The Amazing Spider-Man and the plans for the sequel could be leading to the formation of the Sinister Six (read Webb’s curious response here), where multiple Spidey villains (The Lizard, Electro and Rhino included in various incarnations) form together. Such a large-scale threat certainly boosts the blockbuster appeal of the franchise in a post-Avengers genre.

For fans of The Amazing Spider-Man video game, I met with the producers behind it who spent many hours working with Sony to ensure the game fits within the plans for the film universe where Oscorp and their biological experimentation were the central point for all of the super-powered characters we know from years of Marvel Comics. Rhino (pictured up top) was re-imagined for the game.

Fun fact: The Oscorp tower from The Amazing Spider-Man almost made its way into The Avengers but digital effects on the New York skyline were already near completion.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 releases May 2, 2014.

I love Paul Giamatti. He does great work and always delivers in almost every role. This could be a great addition to the cast.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

ASM is risking a Spiderman 3 character overkill scenario here.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread


Teaser confirms Rhodes is the Iron Patriot. Full trailer coming Sunday.


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Teaser confirms Rhodes is the Iron Patriot. Full trailer coming Sunday.

I don't know how I feel about that. Of course they can't use Osbourne, but couldn't they at least have the iron patriot be a bad guy to keep it some what close to the story.


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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

ASM is risking a Spiderman 3 character overkill scenario here.

Definitely agree with this. Electro should just be the main villain. Not sure how to fit Rhino in. I'm sure Jones will be Black Cat but she's not usually a down right enemy so I don't know... Love Giamatti for Rhino though, this cast is working out well. I'm sure it will unsurprisingly be Ultimate Rhino.

Now as for Iron Man 3, does this mean War Machine is simply using the Iron Patriot armor or has he turned? I thought it was basically confirmed James Badge Dale's character was going to be Iron Patriot?

Wangman Page

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

Bullet to the Head wasn’t the success or epic action film that Sylvester Stallone hoped it could be, but it was a great vehicle for supporting actor Jason Momoa to get some positive buzz back in his corner after starring as Conan the Barbarian.

Momoa had a limited but impressive role in HBO’s Game of Thrones and now he’s joining one of the world’s biggest film franchises, as one of the core members of Marvel Studios’ upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy.

Latino-Review – who’ve been leading the charge in dropping Guardians news bits before Marvel even confirmed the film – has the scoop on the major casting news, and according to their trusted (and proven) sources, Jason Momoa will play Drax the Destroyer.

According to the report, Momoa won Marvel’s attention with an impressive screen test and they immediately offered him the part. He’s currently in negotiations to join the James Gunn written and directed film.

Drax is the second character to be cast, with Chris Pratt signing up as the film’s lead Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord last week. Unsubstantiated rumors previously listed Isaiah Mustafa (center in the below image), Brian Patrick Wade (left) and Dave Bautista (right) as being up for the role.


With his physically focused roles in Stargate Atlantis, Conan the Barbarian and Game of Thrones, Momoa is no stranger to showing off his upper body muscles and wielding bladed weapons, and that’s exactly what Guardians of the Galaxy needs. Take a look at the official Guardians concept art version of Drax to see – looks like Momoa will make due without the long hair for this role:

Drax the Destroyer in Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

Like Pratt, Momoa is another great pick-up for the franchise, as someone who has many years ahead of him in the business, is on the edge of becoming a star in Hollywood, and can easily become a fan-favorite – especially as the ruthless Drax whose one objective in life, after dying as a human and being re-purposed as a weapon, is to hunt down and destroy Thanos.

James Gunn has very clear and specific ideas for each of the characters according to executive producer Victoria Alonso, and next, needs to cast voice actors for Rocket Raccoon and Groot, while choosing a female lead for Gamora. Other characters they may be casting for include Nova, Quasar, and potentially many other beings from Marvel’s cosmic universe. Pre-production and special effects/animation work has already begun and principal photography begins this June in London.

I still think he sucks would rather the old spice guy and Batistia would be cool.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

UK poster for Iron Man 3 is suitably badass


Meanwhile, Norman Osborne is cast in Amazing Spider-Man 2:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 already has a Harry Osborn in the shape of Chronicle’s Dane DeHaan. But it had been looking for a Norman Osborn, especially since the character was such as hefty – if almost completely unseen – presence in the first film. The filmmakers have now found their man, with Chris Cooper signing on for the role.

Norman, of course, is the man who becomes something of a mentor to Peter, a relationship that takes a sour turn when the industrialist becomes the Green Goblin.

Whether we’ll see Cooper make the transition in this film is unclear, particularly since the Spider-sequel already boasts the villains Electro, played by Jamie Foxx, and Rhino, embodied by Paul Giamatti, and we’re really hoping it doesn’t end up with bad guy overload.

Still, Cooper, last seen being evil and rich in The Muppets, is certainly a great choice for the role, continuing the franchise’s ability to attract solid actors to major roles. He joins a cast that current includes returning stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Sally Field and Martin Sheen, with new faces including DeHaan, Foxx, Giamatti, Shailene Woodley (as Mary Jane Watson), Felicity Jones and Colm Feore.


Phenomenal casting, Cooper should do great in the role.

Postman Dave

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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread


The trailers just get better every time. 8 weeks left!


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Re: LB presents: The Marvel Movie News Thread

Iron Man 3 is looking like its going to be awesome!