Okay let's see here.
- Lethal 15 in throwing. Should be a solid 20.
- I'm like super duper solid all over the place, should be one heck of a career.
- Hazas and my attributes are way superior to the rest of our center backs.
- Like half the squad have 1 in Flair, which fits the coaster life I suppose.
- Chr1st0 somehow ended up being a wing back, pretty good stats tho.
- Magic with some nice starting stats as well. 16s in Passing, First Touch and Decisions

- Hell I can see why Barry has the most market value of this entire squad.
- Chimp and Sky in almost the same position. You sure about this?

- Poyser would probably be insane if it weren't for being like 3 feet tall and most of his other physical attributes being crap as a result.
- Jam being 20/20 in Pace and Acceleration is intended I suppose? Those attributes would make for an insane winger, but as a Striker that's kinda just meh.
- Junk's gonna be our primary Striker, how the fuck did that happen?
Should be a fun little experiment