Lucha Underground x Wrestling Smarks

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Jobber Doink

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Jul 28, 2021
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Well so is the writing and everything else, but the pictures make it better.
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Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Prior to the opening credits of Lucha Underground, we start backstage with a Lucha Underground backstage interviewer who until this moment in time hadn’t featured on an episode of the show. King Dokken was the man/animal? that was tasked with going to the more dangerous backstage area. He would be standing outside a door with a sign in black and yellow that read ‘DANGER - UNRESTRAINED BEAR’. Dokken would knock on the door, before calling out.


King Dokken: Mr. Bear? Mr Bear? Are you there? This is King Dokken outside, I was hoping to get your thoughts on Dundee Banks.

There would be some cluttering from inside the room, but about thirty seconds would pass and there would be no answer at the door. King Dokken would proceed to bang on the door and call out a second time.

King Dokken: Mr Bear? I really only want a moment of your time.

There would be more scraping and movement from inside the room before it would finally be wrenched open as Loocha Bear would have to duck underneath the door frame to look directly at Dokken.


Loocha Bear: I don’t know what you are trying to pedal, but pussy is not on the menu today!

The hulking bear then walked back into the room and closed the door behind him, clearly bolting the door behind him leaving King Dokken just standing there with nothing to say for himself.

+ + + + +

Music starts to play as the opening credits for Lucha Underground begin to blast out.


Season One - Episode Three


As is the tradition every time we enter the Temple we join Alexa Basura and CG at the comms table, to introduce us to the show.

Chai Guy: Welcome everyone to the third episode of Lucha Underground right here at the Temple, from the roughest area in Los Angeles, Boyle Heights. Although, considering Americans are legally allowed to just walk in the streets with guns compared to Blighty, most of this country is incredibly rough.

Alexa Basura: What CG means to say, is that Temple is the home of the best combat this side of the border and tonight we are in store for another great night of wrestling. We already know that Flic de Cirque is booked to face Jeffasnorus later on tonight, but with two spots still left on the card you have to wonder what other matches we will get to see tonight.

Chai Guy: One thing is for certain Alexa, everyone on the roster now knows that if they manage to successfully claim a winning streak of three singles matches in a row, they will be the man or woman who will challenge Four 20 in the match to the crown the inaugural Lucha Underground Champion and as it stands Enigmatico, Doomsday and Stangpede all currently hold one match winning streaks so they very much have an advantage over the rest of the field.

Alexa Basura: Three wins isn’t really a big ask, but with the motivation of championship gold you have to now imagine that those three men now very much have a target on their backs.

Chai Guy: We are now going to cut to some footage from earlier today, of a conversation that took place between Duke Leopold and Papihausen.

+ + + + +

The clunky and incredibly over the top costume that Duke Leopold seems to wear 24/7, make his movements incredibly slow and it is a wonder how on earth he manages to wrestle. He is standing in a parking lot outside a Taco Bowl, as Papihausen exits the restaurant with two bags in hand as he pats Leopold on the back before speaking.


Papihauen: Look what I got? The tastiest of all the treats of the hot food variety. Authentic Spanish-American cuisine - Tacos. Now before I give you your order, you need to tell me one thing. Who's your Papi?

Duke Leopold looks down at the smaller Papihausen, but doesn’t say anything. Just offers a complete blank expressionless stare largely due to the fact that his bobble head literally doesn’t have any means by which to be manipulated. Papihausen looks like he is waiting for a response before he finally breaks the awkward silence.

Papihausen: A man of few words, I have a lot of respect for the mysterious silent types, but you really need to tell me who’s your Papi if you want me to share this Eurotrash food with you. So come one, just whisper it into my ear.

Papihausen leans towards Duke Leopold and cups his ear, waiting expectantly for a response but after a few moments gets annoyed and throws the two bags of takeaway down onto the floor.

Papihausen: You are going to treat me like this, after all this tasty food I just bought for you. I am going to give you a final chance - and if you tell me who your Papi is - I am going to force you to be my tag-team partner later on tonight.

Papiahausen stares at Leopold. Leopold stares blankly back almost as if they are having a staring match of the ages, before Papiahusen finally cracks.

Papihausen: You have the focus of a Jedi from Harry Potter, but a deal is a deal. So you will accompany me to the ball tonight.

It is only then that we finally year Duke speak for the first time, in a soft voice.


Duke Leopold: Cool story bro!

Papihausen looks up from picking up the food and just looks in complete shock.

Papihausen: Who’s your Papi? Come on, just tell me!

But once again, there is just silence as the scene fades.

+ + + + +


Chai Guy: Well I am not sure to make of that out of hours moment Alexa, any idea why a cameraman would be filming two wrestlers visiting a Taco Bell.

Alexa Basura: I assume there was a reason for it, anyway CG I believe you have a message from our sponsors.

Chai Guy: That I do, that I do. This episode of Lucha Underground is sponsored by Taco Bell - make sure to check out their Crispy Chicken Wings, the newest item on the menu.

Alexa Basura: Focusing back on Papihausen and Duke Leopold we do have confirmed that they will be teaming up tonight in a Lucha Rules Tag Team match in tonight’s opening contest and they will be doing so against Kitten Tooth and Kiffspiracy. CG I have to ask, who do you think is going to win this contest?

Chai Guy: As long as I get to enjoy these complimentary Spicy Chicken Wings from Taco Bell, I don’t think it really matters.

+ + + + +


Summary: Lucha Rules tag team matches generally have a certain level of unpredictability, with no requirement to tag in a partner. One of the standout performers from the contest was Kitten Tooth who held nothing back and put his body on the line multiple times in order to try and claim a big finish. With Papihausen lying on the concrete below, Kitten tough would springboard off the ropes and attempt to moonsault onto his target only for the face painted wearing extrovert to roll out of the way causing Kitten to crunch on the floor, which would put him out for the rest of the contest.

With a numbers advantage Duke Leoold and Papihausen would start dominating Kiffspiracy and connect with a number of well timed double teams moves, with their finishing move being Kiffspiracy rest back down over Duke’s knee as Papihausen would crash down on top of him with a 450 splash followed up with a pin for the win.

Winners: Papihausen & Duke Leopold

+ + + + +

We cut backstage where backstage interviewer Foxxi Moxxi is standing alongside Minarai Bino.


Foxxi Moxxi: Keep you on the edge of your seats and your pants around your ankles, my name is Foxxi Moxxi and I am the sexiest member of Lucha Underground. The first guest joining me in the Foxxi Corner for the first time this season is Minarai Bino. Mr. Bino I must first ask, what motivated you to sign up and fight in the Temple?

Minarai Bino who is a masked wrestler who clearly wrestles with Japanese influences, is a few inches shorter than Moxxi and is short and lean man, but his performance in the Lucha Rumble showed that he was more than capable to compete with the big men.


Minarai Bino: For those who haven’t seen me wrestle before, I have spent most of my time in Japan learning my craft under my Sensei with most of my wrestling either taking place in the Dojo or wrestling on the mat for Choco Pro. But my Sensei instructed me to come to America and prove myself and that if I impressed him I would complete my time as an apprentice.

Foxxi looks very interested, as she presses Bino with another question.

Foxxi Moxxi: And what do you need to do, in order you impress your Sensei?

Minarai shrugs.

Minarai Bino: To impress my Sensei is very difficult, but if I challenge myself then I am confident that I will move along the ring road. If you claim the scalp of the biggest man in the room, then you know everyone will respect you. That is why more than anything I would like to go one-one-one with Loocha Bear.

Foxxi has to stifle a laugh as he replies.

Foxxi Moxxi: For a smaller man you have an impressive physique, that is something I am not going to lie about - but I really don’t think fighting Loocha Bear is what you want to do with your time. That is a bad career move…

Before Moxxi can say anything else, Minarai Bino has already walked off clearly not interested in being talked down to in that manner. Foxxi just shrugs.

Foxxi Moxxi: Incels are the worst right?

The shot cuts away, to another area backstage.

+ + + + +

Hombre Del Sur is standing backstage and has literally just finished a phone call, when he is approached by one of Lucha Underground’s newest signings, The Dethazon.


Hombre del Sur: How is the first official female member of our roster doing on this fine evening, everything in the Temple up to your standards?


The Dethazon: You don’t need to give me any sort of special treatment dude, if I have a problem I will bring it up with Der Meister at our next club meeting if I am concerned about my welfare. I need to talk to you about tonight?

Hombre del Sur looks curious as he answers.

Hombre del Sur: And what exactly can I do for you tonight? Dinner and wine and perhaps a little bit more in my penthouse?

Dethazon just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

The Dethazon: Cut the sleazy shit, I came to talk wrestling. I didn’t join this company to sit on the sidelines and being hit on by slimy creeps, I came here to fight. So I want to be booked on the card tonight!

It is clear that Hombre del Sur didn’t enjoy being called sleazy or slimy, and the annoyance can be felt in his tone.

Hombre del Sur: You want to wrestle tonight, and you want the gloves off then so be it you rude bitch. The Dethazon versus Loocha Bear, right fucking now. So move your ungrateful ass and get to the ring, because you are fighting in the Temple right now.

The Dethazon doesn’t even react to anything Hombre says to her and even seems to smile as she makes her way to the ring.

+ + + + +


The Dethazon has already made her way to the ring and is waiting for her opponent, as Chai Guy and Alex Basura talk to each other ahead of the impromptu match that had just been booked.

Chai Guy: Rule number one of any job, is don’t get on the bad side of the boss or at least the person who is seen to be making the decision. I am not sure if The Dethazon made a smart choice insulting Hombre del Sur in the way she did. Loocha Bear might be the least of her problems.

Alex Basura: CG I really don’t think Dethazon cares what anyone thinks about her. I mean if you consider who else is part of the ‘Ensemble’ I think it is quite clear that she already keeps company with those aligned on the far side of batshit crazy.

Chai Guy: There is a key difference between making bad decisions though and not caring. If your doing both at the same time, then you are going to land yourself in hot water very very quickly.

+ + + + +


Summary: The Dethazon is a tall woman standing at a little bit above six foot, but Looch Bear is a giant in comparison although it was clear as soon as the bell rung that neither party was intimidated by the other in the slightest, although the fans in the Temple would be shocked at just how physically strong The Dethazon was when she was able to hoist the Bear up into the air and powerslam him down onto the mat. The match would reach the five minute mark though, before what had been building to become a real great match really turned on its head.

Out from the back would emerge Dundee Backs who would be wielding what could only be described as a steel pole and would slide into the ring and proceed to smash the pole into Loocha Bear’s back before proceeding to hit him multiple times whilst he dropped to the floor. The referee was left with no choice, but to end the match with Loocha Bear being awarded the win by disqualification.

This announcement would spark instant rage from The Dethazon as she would charge forward and knock Dundee out through the ropes with one perfectly timed Bicycle Thrust Kick that would cause the Australian to move towards the back, as Dethazon would give chase.

Winner: Loocha Bear via DQ

+ + + + + +

We would cut to a promo that had been cut earlier in the day, by Jeffasnorus who was set to compete in tonight’s main-event.


Jeffasnorus: My brother of the dank herbs Four 20 sent a message to everyone else in the Temple when he won the Lucha Rumble two weeks ago, and me and Ole Chris couldn’t be any prouder of our brother in smoke. So I was a little bit confused when this confused Canadian looking dingbat called me out and made a comment that I was some sort of clown. This dumb shit needs to put on a pair of spectacles and look straight at me and recognise who I really am. I am all things reptilian. As soon as that bell rings when I am standing in the square circle in the middle of the Temple, all bring to the table is Big Dino Energy and tonight I am going to give you and your stupid face the beating of a life time.

+ + + + +


Summary: The match went bad, very bad indeed - but only for one individual. Flic de Cirque would slap Jeffasnorus in the face as soon as the bell rung, only to be lifted up by Jeffasnorus and then slammed back down to the mat with a Chokeslam only to drop down on top of the man dressed like a Mountie to pick up the pin-fall victory in less than thirty seconds of the match beginning.

The show would end with Jeffasnorus standing over a man that looked severely concussed, and had no chances of leaving the ring on his own two feet.

Winner: Jeffasnorus

The shows end with Jeffasnorus' theme music blasting out, instead of the normal closing credits song.


Death By Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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That's what I'm talking about... racking up the Ws left and right. Nothing can stop this machine.

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Jobber Doink

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2021
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Mountie obviously was letting Jeff win like that cause thats what friends do right?


Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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I'm not sure if Flic has any friends...
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Canadian Dragon

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The power of 3 billion year old weed smoke is harsh. :rippedcal SMOKE BROTHERS RISE *COUGHS FROM THE BLUNT*
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Fancy a slice?
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As has become a common theme with Lucha Underground, the show begins with a cold open. We are in a weights room of an undisclosed gym, with Ole Chris pumping iron as he lies down on a bench being spotted by a random trainer in a gym. Only for his workout to be interrupted by the voice of a man entering the room.


Doomsday: Are you Ole Chris? Best friends with Four 20?

Doomsday has a gravely southern accent, although it isn’t clear whether his voice is muffled deliberately or whether it is the effect of his mask. The personal trainer takes away the bar, as Ole Chris sits up and wipes his head with a towel as he looks at Doomsday.


Ole Chris: Four 20 is a good friend of mine, yes. I assume that you are looking for an autograph or some sort of public appearance.

Doomsday chuckles to himself.

Doomsday: I think you misunderstood who I am?

Ole Chris just chuckles to himself as he takes a joint from behind his ear and places it into his mouth.

Ole Chris: I honestly don’t know who you are, pilgrim. But I am more than happy to oblige you with any request.

Doomsday takes a few steps forward.

Doomsday: Well it is nice to know you have some common sense, I must admit I didn’t think people that partook in narcotics could be reasonable.

Ole Chris raises an eyebrow, but Doomsday carries on speaking.

Doomsday: I want you to pass on a message to Four 20 for me, if you wouldn't mind.

Ole Chris: And what would you like me to say exactly?

Ole Chris takes out a lighter and lights his joint.

Doomsday: My boss. My real boss ‘El Jefe’ would request Four 20’s presence during the main-event of the Lucha Underground later on tonight. He has a special opponent in mind for you tonight and it would be in your best interest to comply.

Ole Chris: Well I will pass on the message to F2, and if he decides to attend Jabba’s Meeting then he will see you and the rest of the Hutt Clan later on tonight.

Doomsday nods his head and exits the weight room, as Ole Chris continue to smoke on his joint.

+ + + + +

Music starts to play as the opening credits for Lucha Underground begin to blast out.


Season One - Episode Four


We join Alexa Basura and Chai Guy at the commentary, as the fourth episode of the series officially begins.

Chai Guy: Welcome everyone to Lucha Underground, the only place in the world where you can see wrestling that matters without any of the other bullshit that ruins this industry. If people want a wrestler to become the public face for an established fast food chain then so be it. Focusing on the actual wrestling, I believe you have an update for us Alexa?

Alexa Basura: As it stands CG we have five combatants who currently have one win to their name, so of course it has been decided by the powers that two of these men need to have their dreams shattered as. ‘Virginian Cowboy’ Stangpede will face ‘Big Dino Energy’ Jeffasnorus, whilst Loocha Bear will lock horns with the truly terrifying Enigmatico the Clown. Both these matches have the potential to be match of the night and our schedule doesn’t even end there tonight does it, CG?

Chai Guy: Four 20 has been invited by the mysterious ‘El Jefe’ to attend the ring tonight to face an unknown opponent. Whether this is a talent we already know or a new signing, tonight is certainly going to be an interesting night of action in the Temple!

Alex Basura: And let's kick off the action, right now!

+ + + + +


Summary: Unlike his previous opponent, Jeffasnorus was up against a much more capable opponent in Stangpede. Stangpede would be very aware of Big Dino’s chokeslam and would do everything to stay out of the larger man’s reach by making quick punches and kicks before retreating out of his reach. Stangpede would attempt to connect with ‘The Patriot Act’ but actually end up missing, as Jeffasnorus would forecast the move, only to be caught out as Stangpede using full momentum would leap off the ropes and nail his opponent with a Diving Cutter to claim the match victory.

Winner: Stangpede

+ + + + +

We move backstage where interviewer King Dokken is standing next to a very angry look Dethazon.


King Dokken: At this time I am joined by an esteemed member of the Ensemble, The Dethazon! She has asked for this time to speak, so I hand over the microphone and let her say her piece.

The Dethazon looks straight at the camera and looks like she is about to boil over and explode at any moment.


The Dethazon: I am going to say this only once, so I really hope you are listening to me Dundee. Last week you stuck your nose in my business and because of you I will always have a loss to my record in the Temple. A red check on my bio, that I will never be able to remove and every time I think of my debut in Lucha Underground your face will always come to my mind. So I want to make this perfectly clear. If you think you can interrupt my matches and cost me the win, then you have made a grave mistake. If you thought your main concern was Loocha Bear, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news - but your name is currently at the top of my list and I am coming for you. I’d advise you to watch your back, but I don’t think that is going to help you in the long run.

King Dokken nods his head before offering a reply.

King Dokken: And do you have anything else you want to get off your chest?

Before The Dethazon can even reply, she is immediately knocked to the floor before she is booted in the ribs with a swift kick followed by a second and then a third as the camera pans up to reveal Dundee Banks is behind the assault. Dundee squats down over Dethazon as he speaks directly to her.


Dundee Banks: You really should learn to watch your own back, you stupid whore. If you are going to make threats, you got to remember we are in the Temple and you are walking down a two way street. Welcome to the land of equal rights bitch.

Dundee walks off, as some medical staff start attending to Dethazon who looks like she might be suffering from some sort of concussion.

+ + + + +


Voiceover Guy: For a limited time only, Taco Bell presents the Triple Double Crunchwrap. So damn tasty - you will forget who your Papi is! Food this tasty even makes the quietest of people want to break into a sweat and say something out loud for the first time that day.


Duke Leopold: This is yum!

+ + + + +


Summary: Both men would pedal to the metal as soon as the ring bell rang, and showed absolutely no fear in regards to the other man. Whether it was the Bear doing his best to ragdoll Enigmatico across the ring or the well built and yet athletic Enigmatico smashing into Loocha with flying forearm one thing was for certain, and that was that the fans were entertained by the intensity that both men were bringing to the table. The Bear would almost claim the win after dropping Enigmatico face first on top of an exposed turnbuckle before bringing him down with a Gutwrench Powerbomb called ‘Big Blue Haus’ but Enigmatico would manage to brush the ropes with his leg to break the count.

The match would end with Loocha Bear hoisting Enigmatico up onto the turnbuckle with the clear intention of nailing him with a superplex, only for the Clown to transition the move and nail the much larger man with a Hurricanrana, but upon reach the mat would with a Scissors Lock forcing the Loocha Bear to tap out.

Winner: Enigmatico the Clown

+ + + + +

We cut to a dark room, filled with hundreds of red wax candles that are all lit. Sitting in the middle of the room, in what seems to be some sort of pentagram is the mysterious Grymm who addresses the camera.


Grymm: Open your eyes for the darkness is coming, the black abyssal dragon will deliver us from the blood moon. Rejoice and welcome him. Open the gates! Climb the tower and ring the bell.

Grymm then clicks their fingers and all the candles in the room go out.

+ + + + +

Four 20 has made his way out to the ring, when out from the back appear the spokesman of ‘El Jefe’ none other than Hombre del Sur. Hombre stands on the entrance ramp and looks very pleased with himself as he begins to speak.


Hombre del Sur: Well Four 20 I am very pleased you accepted the invitation from ‘El Jefe’. You see he feels that although you won the Lucha Rumble and earnt yourself a future shot for the Lucha Underground Championship, a decision has been made that you are going to prove yourself tonight. Because if it is felt that you aren’t up to scratch then we may have to reconsider your involvement in the contest.

Four 20 looks far from pleased by this suggestion, as Hombre del Sur continues.

Hombre del Sur: So tonight you will be facing one of the hottest luchadors in the business, born in Italy, raised in the United States but learning to be one of the best in the business in the great country in the world Mexico! I will introduce you to your opponent tonight…ADAPTO!

Out from the back emerges Adapto and shakes hands with Hombre del Sur before making his way to the ring.

+ + + + +


Summary: The match would be a fast paced affair, with Adapto showing off their athletic ability and very proving themselves as one of the most talented luchadors plying their trade in the Temple. Four 20’s decades of experience though, would give him the edge and would claim a victory after about the five minute after grabbing hold of Adapto in mid-air and spike him down onto the mat with a spinning Tombstone Piledriver.

Winner: Four 20.

+ + + + +

As Four 20 would celebrate the win and his music would start to play, it would be immediately cut off as Hombre del Sur would begin to speak once more.

Hombre del Sur: Congratulations, congratulations! You have passed the first test of tonight's invitational, but now I must introduce you to your next opponent.

Four 20 looks confused, as it dawns upon him that he might be about to have to fight again.

Hombre del Sur: Your next opponent, a truly dangerous man who has spent the last twenty years wrestling in Europe for various promotions, but perfecting his craft in the Death Match scene. Which is why it has been decided that the next match will be fought under Death Matches rules - I present, Schmerzmacher!

+ + + + +


Summary: A variety of objects and items had been placed into the ring, although it was clear that Schmerzmacher had one sole intention and that was to cause Four 20 as much damage as possible and it became apparent that he was intent on causing as much damage as possible to him. One of these spots included throwing himself and Four 20 from the turnbuckle and through a pane of glass with a brutal Lifting DDT! The move would cause Four 20 to be busted wide open with blood pouring from a gash in his head.

Despite the damage Four 20 would somehow manage to grab a piece of barbed wire and lock Scherzmacher in a Crossface and force him to tap out, although it was from his inability to get back onto his feet two feet that he was in a terrible state,

Winner: Four 20

+ + + + +

With the ringside crew clearing the ring of the debris and broken glass, as well the ring doctor checking on the injuries sustained by both men, Hombre del Sur would stand up once more +and begin to speak.

Hombre del Sur: Two wins in one evening, congratulations once again I am sure ‘El Jefe’ will be pleased to see you have done so well during this invitational. But now it is time for your final test.

Hombre just smiles like a maniac, as a blood soaked Four 20 turns his attention to the entrance ramp having to be helped up by the doctor.

Hombre del Sur: And introducing your third and final test for this evening’s show. A legend in both Japan and Mexico and a member of the wrestling Hall of Fame, the one and only Kung Fuji 666!

A truly demonic and death defying wrestler, who is famous for his do or die attitude walks out from the back and marches down towards the ring like a man possessed.

+ + + + +


Summary: Four 20 wasn’t even able to stand on his own two feet, so all it could took was a high knee to the rib from Kong Fuji 666 before he took hold of F2 and nailed down to the mat with the ‘Devil’s Number’ (Twist of Fate) before dropping down on top of Four 20 to claim the pinfall victory.

Winner: Kong Fuji 666

The evening would end with a shot of Hombre del Sur having a manic smile on his face before laughing hysterically to himself, as the closing credits would begin.



Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Weekend Special: Numero Uno will be the first 'special' event in Lucha Underground, and although it be considered as being the 5th episode of Season One - it will be considered a two-hour event rather than a 45 minute affair. A number of matches will take place on this card, as well as a number of segments that will help develop a number of ongoing storylines.


[The Ensemble under the guidance of their leader 'Der Meister' leads his followers Kiffspiracy and Kitten Tooth in what will be the first Trios (Six-man tag team) Match in the promotions short history. They will team up against an unlikely pairing of Loocha Bear & Enigmatico the Clown who were involved in an all out war during Episode Four. They will joined by backstage interview and part-time wrestler King Dokken, who will make his in-ring debut in the night's opening contest.]


[Adapto made his debut on Episode Four and was involved in Four 20's invitational conducted by 'El Jefe's' stooge Hombre del Sur. He will face a man who has yet to make his singles debut, the young and Japanese trained Minarai Bino. Both men will go one-on-one, with the winner getting their first win in the Temple.]



[Duke Leopold has recently been confirmed as the face of Taco Bell's new marketing campaign taking place during the first season of Lucha Underground. He will continue to team up with his unlikely partner and perhaps even friends? in the equally as eccentric Papihausen. The pair will team up against Stangpede and Flic de Cirque who have almost nothing in common, other than the awesome hats they sport when they make their way down to the ring.]


[Doomsday debuted on Episode Two and since then has very much confirmed himself as being heavily involved as an enforcer of sort for 'El Jefe'. A win over Grymm would add a second win to his name, meaning he would join Enigmatico & Stangpede with two singles wins to their name, of course a loss would send him right back to square one. On the other hand, Grymm continues to be a mysterious character who will be equally as motivated to claim a win during a higher profile event].


[Following El Jefe's Invitational during the end of Episode Four, Four 20 was on a receiving of a brutal beatdown from both Schmerzmacher and Kong Fuji 666. The beating that Four 20 received has rule him out of action for the next few weeks, which has resulted in the Hydroponic Homies wanting retribution. It is unclear whether Schmerzmacher and Kong Fuji 666 were mercenaries or whether they are still taking order from El Jefe. Either way this match is set to be a brutal encounter.]


[The build up to this match begins before The Dethazon and the rest of the Ensemble had even joined Lucha Underground. The Lucha Rumble that took place on Episode One, saw Dundee Banks make an enemy out of Loocha Banks when he helped eliminate the Giant Bear before he had officially entered the match. This elimination would result in Loocha Bear getting revenge instantaneously as he would eliminated Dundee from the match the moment he legally entered the match.

Dundee's desire for revenge, would meet a roadblock when Hombre del Sur would instead pit Dundee against Doomsday in a match rather than allowing Banks to face Loocha Bear on Episode Two. Despite, Dundee's best effort he would suffer a second loss which would only add to his frustration.

Episode Three during Dethazon's debut against Loocha Bear, Dundee would emerge from the back steel pole in hand and attack Lucha Bear resulting in the Dethazon losing the contest vis Disqualification. This would enrage The Dethazon who would proceed to remove Dundee from the ring with a Bicycle Thrust Kick, with Australian running away before anything else could happen. Episode Four would result the Dethazon laying down the law on Banks, only for the Australian to attack her from behind instead.

El Jefe decided that both The Dethazon & Dundee Banks will face each other in No Disqualification Grudge Match, but that whoever loses the encounter will be unable to challenge for the Lucha Underground Championship for the reaminder of Season One.]

+ + + + +

Predictions are welcomed. The winner or winners, will be able to pick a member of the forum that currently doesn't already have a character to be introduced during the next episode.



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Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
Trios Match: Team Loocha Bear
Singles Match: Minarai Bino
Taco Bell Sponsored Tag Team: Team Duke Leopard
Singles Match: Grymm
Lucha Rules Tag Team Match: Ole Chris and Jeffasnorus
No DG Grudge Match: The Dethazon
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Reactions: CakeWalker