Lucha Underground x Wrestling Smarks

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Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Our scene opens with two men sitting on leather reclining chairs in what looks like an old and dilapidated gym with the only things noticeable about the features of the room being a high table between both men filled with various chips and dips. Both men appear to be smoking large blunts, both do not converse and simply sit in silence.

Sitting in one of the chairs, is without a doubt an extremely tall man as even as he sits on the chair it is clear that his legs are too long for them as he is forced to bend them slightly. This man has dark long hair, but his most prominent feature is a reptilian mask that covers the majority of his face. On the other chair, is a skinnier man who has a head scarf emblazoned with 4:20 - which is very on brand of what both men are currently partaking in. This chilled out session of laziness and good vibes comes to an abrupt ending though, as the door to the gym slams open and an old and wizened man enters the room breaking the silence not only with his entry - but also his conversation.


Four 20: Fine fellows partaking in the smoking of the dank herb - I come bearing tidings and information of the utmost important.

It is hard to tell whether this good old boy from the Deep South is deliberately trying to sound like a Brit or whether he is just so extremely fucked up that even his own mouth is playing trick on him. One thing is for certain, and that is that his eyes are so red that it would be hard to tell when this man wasn’t stoned. The smaller of the two men on the loungers is the first to respond, but still keeping his blunt in his mouth as he speaks with a distinctive Texan accent.


Ole Chris: F2, F2! Why are you shouting at my man? The British ain’t coming back anytime soon, so why don’t you pull yourself up a seat and allow yourself to unwind.

The elder man still on his feet looks on edge though, as he continues to rattle off in this bizarre accent that is clearly not his own.

Four 20: This is seriously a moment that is going to change our lives forever!

Ole Chris: We aren’t getting raided by the DEA are we?

Four 20: No nothing like that, I don’t think so.

Ole Chris looks like he relaxes as he closes his eyes once again.

Ole Chris: Then really there is nothing so urgent to tell us, that you would interrupt me as I enjoy some fine ass Romulan Indica.

Four 20 stills look nervous, so much so that the reptilian giant actually pushes himself off his feet and speaks for the first time. Despite his hulking size, he is soft spoken and has a French-Canadian accent although it is very subtle.


Jeffasnorus: I have risen from my slumber F2, so just spit out what you have to say before I empty my snake.

Four 20 looks slightly agitated as he finally plays his hands.

Four 20: This is more important than weed!

Both Ole Chris and Jeffanorus snap their heads.

Ole Chris: Blasphemy!

Jeffanorus: Nothing is more important than - unless….

Four 20 just smiles and nods.

Four 20: Yes my brothers - we have been invited to compete at the temple!

+ + + + +

The scene immediately fades away as music starts to play as the opening credits for Lucha Underground begin to blast out.


Season One - Episode One

The camera then cuts to the Lucha Underground temple, where we join the Lucha Underground commentary table for the very first time.


Alex Basura: Welcome everyone to the very first episode of Lucha Underground, live from the Temple here in Boyle Heights. My name is Alexa Basura and I am joined by none other than a former veteran of the British wrestling scene and now my partner on the comms Chai Guy.

Chai Guy: It is a true pleasure to have my visa stamped and to be allowed to be living in the States on a working visa for as long as the doors to the temple are open. And I do believe tonight is going to be one of significant importance to everyone currently registered to compete within the confines of the temple.

Alex Basura: We certainly do CG, but before anything else occurs we need to give our attention and focus to the ring as we will have an announcement from our Master of Ceremonies Hombre Del Sur.

Chai Guy: An accomplished luchador in his own right, who has long since hung up his boots but continues to be a personality in the wrestling community.

+ + + + +

We cut to the ring, where the aforementioned Hombre del Sur stands in the middle of the ring, donned in an expensive suit with a microphone in his hand and waits for the fans to give him silence out of respect rather than demanding it from them. It is clear that this is a man that commands respect and it doesn’t take long for it to become completely quiet in the temple which results in a wry smile from him before he begins to address the crowd.


Hombre del Sur: Tonight the temple is officially open and we will christen the ring with blood, sweat and tears of the very first match in the history of Lucha Underground. It will be a rite of passage that every single member of this roster will participate in a twelve man Lucha Rumble. In this match two men will start in the ring, with a new entrant joining the fray every two minutes. Eliminations will occur by throwing an opponent over the top rope and both their feet landing on the floor below, as well as pinning or submitting them within the ring itself.

The fans in attendance seem quite excited by the prospect of this match.

Hombre del Sur: And these twelve combatants will be vying to win the match and will earn themselves entry into the future match for the vacant Lucha Underground Championship. Good luck to all our participants this evening, and welcome everyone once again to the temple!

Hombre del Sur exits the ring, as we return to the commentary desk once again.

+ + + + +


Alex Basura: Well that is a big CG excitement, but as it currently stands we have no idea who our twelve participants in tonight's match will be.

Chai Guy: Although that isn’t too surprising considering the both of us seemingly have more air-time than the rest of the roster combined. I am assuming that you have a remedy for this problem though Alexa?

Alexa Basura: We sure do CG - as we are going to cut backstage where we will be introduced to a few members of our roster for the very first time.

+ + + + +

The cameras cut to what looks like a saloon, with only a barman working the bar and a man wearing a stetson with his back to the camera only to turn around and engage the camera.


Stangpede: I love my country more than I love my own mother, but I love freedom more than anything else on this good green earth so I sure as hell ain’t going to stand on the sidelines and drink my moonshine and allow half a dozen checkpoint charlies and tunnel scrambling Mexicans enter into this great currently illegally and steal jobs from hard working Muricans! That is why I spend my free time driving along with fellow patriots and rounding up any illegals that are trying to invade this great land.

The man has a strong Virginia accent and it is quite clear he has absolutely no filter.

Stangpede: On that basis alone there is no way that I am going to allow some stinking foreigner to jump the line and claim a shot at the Championship gold before me because I am Stangpede and I am a damn patriot. YEEHAW!

We fade away from the bar and the cameras instead find themselves outside the Lucha Underground Temple underneath a dimly lit street lamp. A large man of island ancestry although the exact origin is hard to distinguish without being an expert. The man looks directly at the camera and has a toothpick resting between his teeth as he has an intimidating smouldering look about him as he starts to talk to the camera.


Dundee Banks: Tonight I don’t just begin my journey in the Temple that is the home of Lucha Underground, but I begin my journey in the land that is known as the United States of America. I am Dundee Banks and I am a man of Australia and I represent my people with every fiber of my being. I will take my first steps in this concrete jungle that you call Los Angeles to earn my rightful place in the future Lucha Underground Championship match and I am willing to do everything in my power to achieve it. Because when you want to make a solid investment, you always visit the bank!

+ + + + +

We return to the commentary table once again, after a short introduction to two of the men that will be competing in tonight's Lucha Rumble.


Alex Basura: Dundee Banks and Stangpede are both very different individuals, but they both came off as two men that you really wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of. Do you have any information on either man CG?

Chai Guy: Well Stangpede, also known in some wrestling promotions as DK Stangpede is a man who has been wrestling out of the Virginias, Kentucky and Indiana for the last decade with his most memorable achievement to date being a five month reign as the Unified Virginia Heavyweight Champion not to mention he is an advocate of gun rights and free speech.

Alex Basura: And how does he compare to our recent arrival from the Southern Hemisphere?

Chai Guy: Dundee Banks is from Australia, but for those unfamiliar actually identifies as an Aboriginal Warrior and fights under the Australian Aboriginal Flag rather than the flag that would normally be expected to be associated with the land down under. In terms of his fighting experience he will actually be making his professional wrestling debut this evening, but has been making a name for himself in the world of Mixed Martial Arts in South East Asia as of late.

Alex Basura: Well I can’t wait to see how this is going to play out, but I suppose we should cut to the ring as we are set to start the first match in the history of Lucha Underground - right now!

+ + + + +


The first entrant in the contest would be a bizarre figure known as Duke Leopold and they would shortly be joined in the ring by Ole Chris. The two men would open the match by feeling each other out, with Leopold movements being very clunky with his over encumbering outfit whilst, Ole Chris had a spliff in his mouth and seemed to be more interested in trying to figure out a way to allow his opponent a chance to enjoy the wacky backy. The two men would exchange a couple of blows between each other, but no real fighting would actually take place between the pair. Business would pick up though, when the third man entered the ring. The dark and sinister Grymm would enter the ring like a man possessed as he would rebound off the ropes and knock both Chris and Leopold off their feet with Leg Lariats before proceed to move from one man to the other with various heavy set body shots in a clear attempt to work down both men. He would shortly be joined by Flic de Cirque and Papihausen, but with five men in the ring no one had yet been eliminated from the contest.

The next entrant in the match would be the absolutely gigantic figure Loocha Bear who stood at a height of just under seven feet, and as a man so large he brought a certain level of power and strength to the ring as he would knock everyone to the mat with shot after shot of Running Big Boots! The Bear would then proceed to grab hold of Papihausen and throw him over the ropes and out of the match, before lifting Ole Chris into the air with a Military Press and just letting him tumble down on the ring apron and down onto the floor below with a heavy handed and brutal elimination.

Eliminated: 1) Papihausen 2) Ole Chris

The seventh man to enter the fray would be able to offer some challenge in terms of height to Loocha Bear, with a large reptilian Jeffasnorus walking straight up to Loocha Bear and pointing in the direction of Ole Chris and making it quite clear that he had taken exception to his stablemate being removed from the contest. It seemed that the other three men had no interest in letting either of the big men build up any momentum as Grymm, Flip and Duke would work as a trio and charge first at Looch and then at Jeff knocking both men down onto the floor and stomping down on them doing their best to suppress them. This alliance would quickly come to an end though, as Grymm would spot an opening and punch Duke Leopold in the neck before knocking him tumbling out of the ring with a diving double footed drop kick!

Eliminated: 3) Duke Leopold

Almost as soon as Leopold was confirmed eliminated, Japanese luchador Minarai Bino would slide underneath the bottom ropes and enter the contest with a certain purpose as he would springboard off the ropes knocking everyone that got in his way with various acrobatic kicks and punches. Minarai would seem to have bitten off more than he could chew, as he would be caught in mid-air around the throat by Jeffasnorus who would with seemingly no trouble toss out the masked youngster out of the ring and down onto the concrete below with a Chokeslam.

Eliminated: 4) Minarai Bino

Not long after, Grymm would find himself being eliminated after being locked in a Sharpshooter by Flic de Cirque only for the wrestler dressed like a mountain to find himself on the wrong side of a Spear from Jeffasnorus, only for the newest entry into the match Stangpede to be the opportunist and drop on top of the Canadian to steal the pin-fall.

Eliminated: 5) Grymm 6) Flic de Cirque

The tenth men to enter into the Rumble would be Four 20, but his entry would seem to distract his stablemate Jeffasnorus who would wave to his friend only to be suckerpunched from behind by the Loocha Bear who would then proceed to flip the reptilian over the ropes and out of the ring.

Eliminated: 7) Jeffasnorus

With only three men in the ring and Loocha Bear being one of them, Stangpede and Four 20 were quick to come to a realization that they would have to work together if they had any chance of taking out the gigantic beast. And they would use this tactic of doing their best to get a shot and jab in, whilst forcing Loocha on the back foot that would seem to noticeably tire the larger man out, and as Der Meister entered the ring it seemed as if the odds were now really against the Bear. The smaller trio would eventually force Loocha up against the ropes, but would still struggle to remove him from the ring. However, Dundee Banks would sprint from the back and help the effort before he had officially entered the ring as he would grab hold of Loocha Bear and help force him out of the ring and tumbling out of the ring.

Eliminated: 8) Loocha Bear

No sooner had Dundee enter the match though, Loocha Bear would illegally leap onto the apron and grab hold of Dundee and rip him out from the ring and toss him down onto the floor below with a release German Suplex and despite it be totally unsanctioned it would still result in the Australian being eliminated from the match.

Eliminated: 9) Dundee Banks

Dundee Banks and Loocha Bear would continue to fight amongst themselves outside the ring, as a team of security and referee would run out from the back in a desperate attempt to break both men up. Whilst this was going on Der Meister, Stangpede and Four 20 would stare each other down in a fighting triangle now with the knowledge that one of them would be involved in the future contest for the Lucha Underground Championship. The next elimination would take place when Stangpede would leap off the turnbuckle and nail Der Meister with a Tornado DDT, only to be caught out from behind by Four 20 with a Shining Wizard to the back of the neck. This would give Der Meister enough time to recover from the move and instinctively drape his arm over Stangpede long enough to achieve a three count.

Eliminated: 10) Stangpede

Der Meister would be caught totally off guard though, as he would foolishly celebrate the elimination instead of watching his back as he would be grabbed hold of Four 20 and tossed out over the ropes with the match coming to an end.

Eliminated: 11) Der Meister

The ring bell would ring, with Four 20 now the last man standing in the rin and he would have a massive smile on his face, as he would be joined in the ring by Alexa Basura for a post-match interview.

+ + + + +


Alexa would step into the ring and have a big smile on her as she would hold the microphone in her hand.

Alexa Basura: Standing with me at this time is none other than a true veteran of this sport Four 20. Being the last man standing and winning the Lucha Rumble you have earned your place in the Lucha Underground Championship match, with the date of said match yet to be determined. How do you intend to celebrate your victory tonight?

Four 20 has a massive smile on his face.

Four 20: Me and the boys will probably go hang out on the spot, smoke a bowl and have a great night. Let's go baby!

Four 20 nods his head at Alexa before exiting the ring, as Basura smiles at the camera.

Alex Basura: My name is Alexa Basura and you have been watching Lucha Underground!

The show comes to an end as the closing credits begin to play.

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Jobber Doink

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Jul 28, 2021
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Wooah, Jeffasnorus shoulda kept his eyes on the prize and not waving at people! Though cowardly Loocha bear sucker punching people!


Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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First episode was a lot of fun to write - and honestly can't wait to flesh out these initial twelve wrestlers, as well as the support cast as well [who are also caricatures of WS members]
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That's Me!
Feb 13, 2021
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“as he would rebound off the ropes and knock both Duke and Leopold off their feeting”

what the hell? :pogba


Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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killing me with a typo - dayyyum
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Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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The scene opens in a dimly lit office, with Hombre del Sur sitting behind a desk looking straight forward. Sitting in front of him is an unknown individual, with the camera not able to pick up anything to identify the mystery person.


Hombre del Sur: Now before we get started, I think it is important for me to clarify that I am not the authority that is able to give you the opportunities you seek. I am simply a representative that is able to facilitate you with chances to impress and perhaps get a chance to get into his good books and reap the benefits of our relationship. On the table is an envelope with what I would say is a generous donation from my employer, and should motivate you to do what is expected of you.

A hand comes from the chair and grabs the envelope and opens it up, although the viewers still have no indication as to who the mystery person actually is.

Hombre del Sur: Now along with that generous donation, there is a name in that envelope. Now our benefactor isn’t telling you to do anything you don’t want to do, but he would look at you favourably if said person were to finish the evening with a win to their name. Now, if you wouldn’t mind I have someone else I need to speak to.

The mysterious figure stands up and leaves the room, with the cameras allowing them to maintain their privacy as they leave the shot. Hombre del Sur flicks a switch on his desk, which lights up the whole room as a second individual enters into the office.


Dundee Banks: We need to talk shop. I honestly don’t care if you are the decision maker or someone is pulling your strings and you are dancing a merry tune like that wooden boy Pinnochio. All I care about is getting both my hands on that overgrown hair walking talking ball of fur Loocha Bear, so I want to know what you are going to do about it.

Dundee looks like he is going to take a seat, only for Hombre del Sur to speak up.

Hombre del Sur: There is no need for you to sit Mr. Banks. As it currently stands, you had the least impressive performance in the Lucha Rumble. You were eliminated no sooner than you entered the match, and yet you are making demands.

Dundee looks annoyed.

Dundee Banks: Do you have any idea who I am?

Hombre del Sur places the top of a cigar off and just smiles at Dundee.

Hombre del Sur: I have no idea who you are and neither does anyone else, so why don’t we help make a name for yourself. You go to the lockers and get into your wrestling gear, because later on this evening you are going to go toe-to-toe with our newest recruit Doomsday.

Dundee looks like is about to say something.

Hombre del Sur: Now get out of my office, I am expecting a call from the boss.

Dundee looks annoyed, but doesn’t challenge the situation as he exits the office.

+ + + + +

Music starts to play as the opening credits for Lucha Underground begin to blast out.


Season One - Episode Two


We join Alexa Basura and Chai Guy at the commentary, as the second episode of the series officially begins.

Alexa Basura: Welcome everyone back to the Temple, and after last week’s debut episode tonight has all the building blocks to be another great night of wrestling action. What are your thoughts CG?

Chai Guy: Well as it stands one of our more senior members of this roster Four 20 found himself in the most fortunate position of everyone on this roster, as he was the victor in the Lucha Rumble and has now booked himself into the first match for the Lucha Underground Championship. The question we are now faced with, who will Four 20’s opponent be?

Alex Basura: I am sure in the coming weeks a suitable candidate will be pushed forward. Concentrating on the here and now, our first match booked for this evening will see Duke Leopold act as a welcoming committee for one of our more recent signing of Texan natives with Mexican influences Enigmatico the Clown.

Chai Guy: Enigmatico is a really dangerous individual and just because he dresses like a clown, don’t be fooled into thinking he is a joke because he will end up punishing you for taking him lightly.

Alex Basura: Before our first match though, we are going to cut backstage where Flic de Cirque has something he wants to get off his chest.

+ + + + +

The man dressed like a Canadian Mountie stands staring at the camera, not looking at all pleased as he begins to speak in his French-Canadian accent.


Flic de Cirque: A disgrace! It was an absolute disgrace that a man of position was put in the situation that I was last week. A man of my position deserves better than to attacked by an absent minded reptilian monstrosity with such a cowardly attack as a Spear, whilst I saw following the letter of the law and forcing that emo loser Grymm to tap out in one of the greatest exports to ever come out of Canada - the Sharpshooter!

Flic is working himself into a state as he continues to admonish the camera.

Flic de Cirque: Now next week, I am going to be stepping into the ring as a wrestler, but rather as an officer of the law. It is just like my mother told me when I was a little boy, she say Mon Petit Doink - joining the circus will be a mistake and you will simply make a fool of yourself and your family. Instead, I should be a patriot and join the RCMP and so that is exactly what I did. And after many years serving this great nation and upholding the law, my expertise became rounding up circus freaks and throwing them into the clink.

Flic looks like he is working up a sweat, as he removes his hat and wipes his brow with a handkerchief before he continues to cut his promo.

Flic de Cirque: Now from where I am standing the biggest clown in this company is that reptilian motherfucker Jeffasnorus, but unlucky a normal motherfucker this prehistoric creature misunderstood the directive and went about giving it to his own Mom. So next week, hopefully that dumb shit will meet me in the ring because I am putting him in chains and irons and throwing him into a cell, where he can spend the rest of his unnatural life!

+ + + + +


Summary: The match would very much be one-way traffic, with Enigmatico the Clown very much being the predator in this contest. And if he had wanted to, he could have no doubt ended the match early on a number of occasions. However, instead he was like a cat playing with its food almost as if he was putting on a spectacle so any prospective opponents would know exactly what he was capable of bringing to the table. The match would end with Duke lying face down on the canvas, and Enigmatico would leap up the middle rope with a double leg drop right on his opponent’s neck before rolling him over to claim the victory.

Winner: Enigmatico the Clown

+ + + + +

After the match, we would cut backstage where last week’s victory Four 20 would be having a conversation in passing with Ole Chris.


Ole Chris: Well my man, you showed the whole world that you can partake in the smoking of the dankest herbs and still wrestle at the highest level possible. And achieving the highest grades whether it being in the squared circle or in the biggest bowl you’ve ever laid your eyes upon.

Four 20 does a little bit of shadowboxing and has a massive smile on his face, that he resembles the Cheshire Cat as he replies.


Four 20: You know how it is, you know how it is. Partying in the back, doing the wacka flocka flame representing Georgia and rocking bodies and earning paybacks like the Dawgs did. I am on a magic carpet ride at the moment, and just like Aladdin after I win that sweet title belt you know I am going to show you and all the boys a whole new world.

Ole Chris takes a draw from his zoot in his mouth and offers it to Four 20, he takes it kindly.

Ole Chris: So now that you find yourself in this position of privilege, with your ear to the ground you have any idea who your opponent is going to end up being?

Four 20 just chuckles.

Four 20: I ain’t got no idea, but all i know is that it's time to burn it up and smoke the Temple out!

+ + + + +


Summary: The two men brought very different style to the ring, Banks MMA style had influenced him into coming off with having more of a Puroresu approach to wrestling, whilst Doomsday was very much a luchador in his approach to the ring although it was clear he had certain levels of American influence in regards to some of his moves whilst standing on the mat. Both men gave as good as they got, and where Dundee brought power Doomsday would counter with speed and agility in his assaults. The match would end when Doomsday would leap off the turnbuckle and wipe out Banks with ‘The Device’ (Flying Neckbreaker Drop) that would lay the Australian out for the three count. The masked wrestler would be quick to exit the ring though, as Dundee would have a post-match rage that would cause all the ringside staff to clear out.

Winner: Doomsday

+ + + + +


Chai Guy: Well Alex I have to say that last match was really interesting, although I have a feeling that Dundee suffering that loss is really not going to help improve his state of mind especially when it is clear that he isn’t all all pleased with what went down at the Lucha Rumble.

Alexa Basura: But right here in the Temple, people are going to learn that this isn’t a charity and we don’t hand out participation medals. If Dundee Banks wants to make a name for himself in Lucha Underground, then he is going to have to rectify the situation and start to get some wins to his name. It doesn’t matter how good you look, how well you dress or how strong you think you are. If you don’t win matches in the ring, then by definition you are a loser. And no one cares about losers.

Chai Guy: And we are only two episodes in, so we still have so much time for people to bring their best selves to the table. And talking about making a good impression, two men that impressed in last week’s Lucha Rumble will clash in tonight’s main-event. Isn’t that so Alexa?

Alex Basura: We certainly do. Our Virginian Cowboy Stangpede will take on the mysterious Grymm in tonight’s main-event which will be a Tables Match. In order to claim the victory, a wrestler must put an opponent through a table to claim the victory, but first let's cut backstage as Der Meister and some of his friends have a message for not just the viewers at home and the crowd at ringside, but for every single combatant who fights within the Temple.

+ + + + +

We cut to a dimly lit room where Der Meister sits at the head of a table, and begins to speak in a deep voice. He has a tinge of a German accent, but to an untrained ear you would just assume he was European.


Der Meister: For those of you who are uninformed of who I am, I apologize for the terrible education and lack of critical thinking you have to not have done your research following my debut last week. You are in the presence of Der Meister and where I walk others will always follow. So now as I stand within the grounds of the Temple I have brought a collection of fellows who are each one of a kind - and together we stand as the ‘Ensemble’. The first person I would like to introduce you to is perhaps the most unstable member of our group and therefore the most dangerous - Kiffspiracy.

The camera moves down to the table and stops at a man wearing a unique mask that is designed to be a balding man with his tongue hanging agape from his mouth.


Kiffspiracy: Look up into the skies and let the chemtrails wash over us. Dance in the shadow of the blood moon and offer your tributes to Lilith.

The camera cuts back to Der Meister.

Der Meister: As you can tell he is truly insane and so very dangerous because of it. Now, moving onto a more stable member of our group and the newest member of the ‘Ensemble’ - Kitty Tooth.

The camera then cuts to the opposite side of the table to Kiffspiracy, where a man wearing a cat mask sits and offers a brief smile.


Kitten Tooth: Only by defeating an opponent, does one truly build up an appetite.

Kitten Tooth then seems to purr like a cat, as the camera returns to Der Meister.

Der Meister: And on the far side of the table, my second in command and a woman so dangerous that men have left their beds in the dark of night in the hope of escaping her wrath, I present - The Dethazon.

The camera turns to the other side of the table, where a female with a side cut and black/blue hair with a very muscular figure nods her head in acknowledgement at the camera.


The Dethazon: I yearn for the blood of man. All whom stand in my way will be crushed beneath my boot.

The camera cuts back to Der Meister one final time, before the scene fades to black.

+ + + + +


Summary: Both men would look to finish the other as soon as the bell rang, at every opportunity looking to send the other man through the table. At one moment in the match Grymm almost managed to get an early win, with Stangpede leaning up against a vertical table in the corner of the ring. But as Grymm would charge forward in an attempt to connect with a Diving Crossbody, Stangpede would fall through the ropes causing Grymm to harm himself as the table would explode from the impact of his own body weight. At a later point Grymm looked set to target Stangpede with a Diving Elbow Drop through a table, only for a hooded individual to slide into the ring and knock Stangpede off the table only to duck out of the ring, before Grymm could even attempt to make chase.

The match would pass the fifteen minute mark, before the finish would eventually come. Stangpede would flip himself over the ropes in what looked like a Buckshot Lariat, but would actually transition into a Spanish Fly in a move that Stangpede called ‘The Patriot Act’ that would send Grymm crashing through the table and bring the match to a halt.

Winner: Stangpede

+ + + + +

Following Stangpede celebrating his victory, Hombre Del Sur would make his way out from the back and stand at the top of the entrance ramp.


Hombre del Sur: I hope everyone sitting in the temple has enjoyed themselves as much as I have this evening. Now of course last week Four 20 was the victor in the Lucha Rumble - but of course he needs an opponent to challenge him for the belt. Well, the requirements to challenge for the belt are simple. The first combatant within the confines of the Temple to win three singles matches in a row, will earn the right to challenge Four 20 and become the inaugural champion. So I encourage everyone to treat every match with the utmost import moving forward, especially if you want to put yourselves in El Jefe’s good books.

The show comes to an end as the closing credits begin to play.

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Jobber Doink

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2021
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The Clown is seriously creepy af though, love it.


Fancy a slice?
Mar 30, 2020
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Season One is proving to be a lot of fun, especially at the moment with the character reveals