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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWE SmackDown September 26, 2002 - No Disqualification Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge.

Edge has his epilepsy entrance but his Rob Zombie song is dubbed over with his old music. This was set up by Eddie stealing some PPV victories and then attacking Edge with a chair the previous week. Eddie pounds down to start and hits a shoulderblock. Edge leapfrogs and monkey flips Eddie across the ring and Eddie is LAUNCHED and folded up in the process. Edge goes to the hammerlock as the crowd tells Eddie that he sucks even though he's the one in a move at the moment. Eddie responds by escaping and hotshotting Edge. Eddie covers with the feet on the ropes for 1, 2—ref finally sees the feet on the ropes and now HATES Eddie. Eddie runs into a MASSIVE backdrop and gets dropkicked into the corner. Edge drop an elbow for 2 and goes back to the arm. Ref checks Eddie if he wants to quit: “NO CABRON!” Eddie escapes and hits a pump enzuigiri. Eddie talks trash and hits a vertical suplex for 2. Eddie goes to the chinlock. Eddie talks trash in Spanish with the crowd and Tazz translates to say that it means “I've got him in a rear chinlock.” Funny line. Edge escapes and hits a powerslam but is to out of it to cover. Edge heads up top but Eddie cuts him off with a TOP ROPE SUPLEX. Cover gets a two count. Eddie with rights as an ever so slight “Boring” chant crops up and those fuckers need to can it. Eddie gets on Edge's shoulders but Edge Electric Chair Drops him down onto the ropes and then clotheslines him to the floor. Edge gets a ladder to a pop. He goes for the joust charge but Eddie ducks and the ref EATS IT! BRUTAL! Most hardcore ref bump of all time although I'm not sure why you need it in a street fight other than just to emphasize the brutality. Eddie gets a chair and waffles Edge with it across the back a few times. Eddie heads top and goes for the Frog Splash but Edge moves and Eddie eats mat. We take a break and come back to Eddie pounding down Edge in the corner. Eddie goes to a Sleeper and Edge quickly goes down to the mat. Other refs have come down to take the original ref to the back as Chioda came out during the break when Edge hit a Spear for a delayed 2 count. Edge escapes the Sleeper and hits a faceplant for 2. Edge heads up top but Eddie heads the rana to counter or a “legscissors” Eddie tries a Greco-Roman knucklelock headscissors but Edge counters to the Low Down powerbomb on the way down. Nice. Edge now brings the ladder in again. Eddie dropkicks the ladder back into Edge. Taz now brings up the awesome ladder match between RVD and Eddie for the IC belt which was earlier that year. Eddie now brings in another ladder and Euro uppercuts Edge down onto the ladder in the bump that Edge mentions on the DVD as really hurting his back. Eddie now stacks ANOTHER ladder on Edge and hits the TOP CON HILO ON TWO LADDERS! Crowd is not chanting FOR Eddie. Delayed cover only gets 2. Eddie now sets up one of the ladders and climbs up. Edge follows from the other side. They jockey for position but Eddie flies over to the other side for the MDK BOMB OFF THE LADDER! Cover gets 1, 2, NO! Eddie with a head of steam but Edge backdrops Eddie INTO the ladder in the corner. Brutal, just crazy. Something, I've just noticed for the first time on commentary – it sounds like there is some sweetening or editing of the commentary with 2012 Michael Cole replacing/dubbing over some stuff Taz said or he himself said probably in an effort to get Benoit's name off the DVD in any an all place. Edge now sets up a ladder in the opposite corner. Eddie battles with him on the top but Edge gets him to the ropes and then hits a TORNADO EDGE-O-CUTION OFF THE LADDER! Cover gets 1, 2, 3 for Edge to win. ****1/4 Another one of my personal favorite matches of the year. 2002 was all about getting Edge over and I don’t think he quite reached that level of overness that they wanted until this match with Eddie. He’s been in a bunch of the crazy ladder matches of the last three years, but never one like this violent IMO. The Eddie/Edge feud just kept getting better and better with matches at SummerSlam and Unforgiven, but here they had the ultimate opportunity to outshine those two other great matches. This is easily one of the best TV matches of the decade.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Monday Night Raw July 19th, 2004 - WWE Intercontinental Championship: Randy Orton vs. Edge

Orton with a trip takedown to start as JR absolutely TORCHES King who's trying to say that Edge “insulted” Bob Orton. JR: “Have you ever even READ a dictionary? Do you have any clue what verbs mean?” Orton with a headlock and Edge shrugs it off and we're square. Edge works a waistlock but Orton counters to his own. They go through a headscissors sequence and both go for dropkicks and we're still square. They were a little off on the timing of that dropkick spot. After some more back and forth, Edge rams Orton's arm across the top rope. Edge now wraps it around the top rope and forearms the arm a few times. Orton stumbles around as Edge stays on the arm. Edge with an arm wringer and Orton cuts a flip. He comes back by shitcanning Edge INTO the top rope and hitting the neck/backbreaker. Edge takes a breather but Orton follows out to give Edge a back suplex ON THE BARRICADE AND FALLS TO THE CONCRETE! We take a break and are back to Orton torquing the neck. Orton with a bunch of forearms and drops an elbow for 2. Edge looks out of it since going to the floor earlier. Orton goes back to the neck wrench and now switches to a sleeper. Edge escapes out but they collide both going for crossbodies. They recover at 8 and now slug it out. Edge wins that and hits a big boot on Orton and a Russian legsweep for 2. Orton comes back with a Bluechipper dropkick for 2. Orton heads up top and wants a crossbody but Edge avoids and Oklahoma Rolls Orton for a 2 count. Edge hangs Orton out to dry and then pseudo-Spears him off the apron. Back in, Edge with a missile dropkick for 2. Edge calls for the Spears but Orton slides out of the way. Edge with the Edge-o-Matic for a close 2 count. Edge comes flying off the top but Orton ducks and they bump Chioda. Orton with the BLATANT THUMB TO THE EYE and now gets a chair. Edge avoids the waffle with a Spear. He covers but still no ref. Orton with BLATANT LOW BLOW and the RKO to a mild pop. Orton covers as the ref recovers for 2 and 3/4 count. Bigger pop for the kickout. Edge with another Spear and Chioda is still groggy as hell but SLOWLY counts for a 2 and 9/10 “Randy” gets going to my surprise. Edge avoids an RKO with a backslide and gets the feet on the ropes(?) for the 1, 2, 3 to retain. ***1/4 I've seen the Vengeance match, and this felt like it accomplished more in half the time. Orton and Edge always had good chemistry, so it’s disappointing they didn't wrestle each other more. Edge was in comeback mode after surgery and didn't appear to have as much snap as before. He would adapt his game and become a better all-around wrestler. That heel turn was also forthcoming within months.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Monday Night Raw October 9th, 2005 - Loser Leaves RAW MITB Ladder Match: Edge vs. Matt Hardy

Edge comes out with Lita but then darts off camera. Matt is out second and Lita's presence is enough to distract him and of course Matt to get waffled from behind by Edge. Edge races down the the ramp and tries the quick climb but Matt runs him down and pulls him down. Matt tries a climb but Edge knocks him off. Matt hits the Side Effect as that's quite the action packed first 30 seconds. Matt now turns the ladder upside down and puts Edge in it. Matt now climbs up the upside down ladder and CLOSES it on Edge. Cooler than it sounds. Matt whips Edge into the ladder in the corner. Matt goes for a charge but gets drop toe held into the ladder. Edge now vertical suplexes Matt on the ladder in the corner. Edge comes off the ladder with a RATED R HAMMER! Edge tries a flapjack but Matt lands on the ladder and tries to climb only for Edge to pull him off. King: “Do you think Matt will go whine and try and get back with Lita?” JR: “MAYBE THEY CAN TEXT MESSAGE EACH OTHER!” It's the way JR says it with such disdain that's hilarious. Matt wants a Twist of HATE AND TEXT MESSAGES but Edge shoves him into the corner of the ladder. Nice. Edge now sets up another ladder and starts to climb. Hardy pulls him down and now rams Edge with the ladder. Edge counters and gives Matt a gordbuster on the ladder. Edge heads up top but Matt throws Edge off the top into the ladder in the corner and in the process wipes out himself as well. JR: “MY GOD! IT'S A HUMAN DEMOLITION DERBY!” We take a break and are back to Edge prepping a suplex through a table on the floor but Matt counters and whips Edge into the barricade. Matt now waffles Edge with the ladder into the front row. Matt sets up a ladder and hits a crossbody off the ladder on Edge into the crowd. Lita now tries a Sleeper on Matt but he snapmares here down. Lita begs off but Matt grabs her and WANTS A POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE! Edge cuts him off with a Singapore Cane to the back. Edge now with a splash off the apron on Matt through the table. Edge starts to climb as the crowd starts to chant for Hardy. They both climb different ladders as Matt grabs Edge and hits the TWIST OF HATE OFF THE LADDER! Matt up first and starts to climb but Lita pulls him down with the Kendo stick. She goes for the waffle but Matt blocks and throws her into the turnbuckle. She recovers and pulls the ladder out. JR: “Lita now pulling the ladder out from under Matt just like she did his life.” ZING! Matt still hangs on to the briefcase though. Edge swings him around and Matt falls off and eats it in the ropes. Lita ties him up and then crucifixes him to prevent an escape as he's forced to watch Edge grab the briefcase and wins the match. ***1/2 Good match if not as good as their cage match or even the no contest after they both dive off into the dumpster from the set. Some strong moves off the ladder and Lita's interference made perfect sense as the given the story. With all the real genuine emotion that went into that feud i gotta give all 3 people credit for being professional.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Unforgiven 2006 - TLC Match for the WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Edge

If Edge wins, Cena signs a three-year deal with Smackdown. If Cena wins, he becomes the three-time WWE Champion. In case you didn’t know, this is also Edge’s hometown so the crowd is very pro-Edge. Also, JR goofs up again by saying Edge (and Edge has said as well) has never lost in a TLC match. I vaguely remember a TLC match on Smackdown five years ago that Edge and Christian lost which included Benoit, Jericho, the Hardys and the Dudleys. Actually, I remember it VERY well. Why does everyone seem to forget about that match? We start off with Cena working a headlock while breaking the hold and getting in three shoulderblocks. Cena runs the ropes and Edge catches Cena with a slap to the face. Cena takes him down and pounds away, but then he ducks low off a whip and takes a swinging neckbreaker from Edge. They go to the floor where Edge tries to Cena’s head off with a steel chair, but he misses and Cena takes him back into the ring for the Protoplex. Edge avoids a charge and then delivers the Edgecution. Edge goes out and brings two chairs into the ring and then sets up facing each other. Edge tries to suplex Cena on the chairs, but he counters and tries for the suplex. Edge flips out and drops Cena with an inverted DDT on the chairs! Edge brings one of the shorter ladders into the ring and goes for the belt, but Cena gets back up and shoves the ladder over. Edge lands on his feet and charges at Cena with a clothesline. While Cena is draped across the middle ropes, Edge goes out to the floor and slams a ladder in his face. Edge follows up and comes off the security wall and missile dropkicks the ladder into Cena! Edge gets back in and tries to ram Cena with the ladder, but he moves and hits the corner. Cena comes back with rights and then hiptosses Edge onto the propped up ladder in the corner. Cena sees there’s two tables set up beside one another and grabs Edge so he can FU him through the tables, but Edge grabs the ropes and lands on the apron. Cena wins a slugfest and comes off the ropes, but gets nailed with a forearm. Edge goes up top and gets crotched to disable him long enough for Cena to bring a table into the ring. He sets it up in the ring and then tries to superplex Edge through it. Edge is able to hammer his way out for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Cena puts the brakes on the hold for our first real botched spot of the match. The crowd is a little disappointed to say the least. They improvise with Edge giving Cena a powerslam through the table. “Cena sucks!” chant go up as the ref gets the table out of the ring. Cena is out on the floor, so Edge runs up the ladder that’s still propped up in the corner and dives out onto Cena! Edge tosses Cena back in and brings two chairs in the ring with him. He levels Cena on the mat with a chair shot and then sets up for the one-man Conchairto, but Cena trips Edge up once he goes for the fatal swing. Cena hits the Throwback (running flip neckbreaker) on the chair! He then picks up the ladder and sandwiches Edge in between the ladder and applies the STFU! JR tries to convince us that Cena is a TOUGH SONUVAGUN for doing what he just did. Cena releases the hold and then rams the ladder into Edge’s face. He lifts the ladder up onto his shoulders and FU’s the ladder on Edge! Sure, why not. Cena sets the ladder up in the corner and then delivers a Protobomb to set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle from the ladder! Lawler ~ “I love a good fist drop, JR.” Cena goes out to the floor and brings another table into the ring, but then turns around in a WONDERFUL chairshot. I mean, that baby was nice. Cena is OUT. Haha, Edge starts to get cocky and bobbles his head as the crowd cheers! Edge sets Cena on a table and then goes out and brings another table into the ring, which he sets up on TOP of the table Cena is laid out on! Edge goes up top, but then Cena gets up and knocks Edge out onto the security wall. Cena goes out to the floor and pulls out one of those 16-foot ladders which will make it harder to climb, but a lot easier to grab the belt. I can’t let you forget about the ladder that was set up in the corner about five minutes ago because Edge is climbing it as we speak. He comes off of it and spears Cena off the big ladder to save his title! Not a perfect spear, but it worked. Edge begins to climb the big ladder, but then realizes Cena is up and dives out on top of him. Cena catches him and lifts Edge up into the FU position. He gets too close to the ladder, allowing Edge to climb off of Cena and onto the ladder. Cena stops him and powerbombs Edge into the smaller standing ladder. Yikes, that could’ve been disastrous. Edge falls out to the floor to rest, but Cena follows him out and has a steel chair in hand. Edge rises and Cena connects with a very, very weak chairshot. Cena rolls back in the ring and seems to be disappointed in himself. Cena begins to climb the 16-foot ladder to regain his title, but Lita comes down and turns the ladder over to send Cena through a table out on the floor ala Matt Hardy at SummerSlam 2000. The only difference was the table was horizontal instead of vertical like at SummerSlam. I’m proud of you, John. Edge finally starts to get up to his feet on the other side of the ring. Edge crawls in the ring and sets the ladder up underneath the belt as somehow Cena is back in the ring. Lita grabs a chair in the ring and nails Cena in the back with it, causing him to fall into the ladder and send Edge crashing through a table on the entrance ramp. OUCH! That looked like it hurt worse than Cena’s bump. Lita gets an FU to put her out of the match. The top table from the double-stack in the ring fell down because of the ring bounce from the FU, so Cena sets it back up because it’s very vital to the finish. Cena sets the ladder back up and begins to climb, and Edge has unbelievably made it back into the ring. He starts to climb the opposite side of the ladder to try and knock the challenger off, but Cena lifts him up on his shoulders for the FU off the ladder and through the double-stack of tables! The finish is academic as Cena easily grabs the belt to regain his championship! ****1/2 That was one AMAZING match you can tell Edge is out there trying to put on the match of his life even in losing. I loved how Lita's interference more or less cost Edge the match. If it wasn't for a few minor obvious botches i would of gave it the full 5 but i can't.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 14: FUW Flash Title Match- Rocky Santiago v.s Lince Dorado(c).

Sloppy, slow FLASH title match. I don't think one move was hit crisp and both these guys got confused when they got into predicaments that they have rarely been in before, I'm guessing seeing as I've watched very little of these two. I don't follow Chikara but I hope Lince doesn't control matches there very often after this performance. Neither guy deserves the belt or maybe they both do if FUW usually puts on garbage like this.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 14: Chicago Maxwell v.s Dakota Darsow.

This was madly entertaining. I guess anything is an improvement after that opening farce. Chicago Maxwell's gimmick is a lot like Ricardo Rodriguez except he's white and acts like he's apart of the Rat Pack. Hilarious stuff while Dakota Darsow is a second generation superstar. So you got a nice gimmicky heel going against a strong, well-rounded face. Not bad booking for this FUW promotion. This would have worked just being a squash probably but it ended up being a decent, little match. The tactics Maxwell employs to gain advantage look legit. Of course Chicago screws himself over by taking too long setting up for a top rope move... Well I guess not a top rope move as he moved down from the second rope to the bottom rope because he couldn't balance himself. It came off awesome. However, this young guy wouldn't keep it up as he hits a huge neckbreaker type move off the top rope only for it to look like a complete mess. He almost saves it by yelling out that was he only big move when Darsow kicked out. It wasn't much later Darsow actually wins with a neckbreaker of his own that looked vicious as hell. Decent stuff, not really EVOLVE level but FUW is showing a little more to them here.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 14: FUW Tag Team Title Match- Kennedy Kendrick & Johnni Armani v.s The James Boys(c).

This wasn't too bad but Kendrick and Armani looked thrown together for this. The James Boys' looked like a rough team and I thought especially Luke James looked pretty good. And no this is not the same James Boys' from OVW. This is a pretty basic tag for the most part but being new guys in this business a few of these guys tried things that I don't think they were that prepared to do. In the end I didn't mind it... It's just nothing special.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 14: Sam Shaw v.s Wes Brisco(c).

This was for a belt but to be fair I don't think Shaw ever had a chance(it wasn't a FUW belt either) so I don't think it matters. It still was a very good match for the time it was given. Wes is turning into a beast it seems. He should fit in well on the Florida Indie scene before WWE probably signs him again. Sam Shaw was alright, too. Both seem to have a good background already or at least Shaw was able to work with Wes pretty well. Wes was the babyface and after a hot start in the match, he pretty much just hit random moves to look like he was still in it as Shaw attempted to be a bad guy. Well it was a move late that Wes actually turned into an unique roll up that gave him the win. So the FUW showing even more variety. I can't wait for EVOLVE to actually get on this card, though. Good little match.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 13: FUW Bruiserweight Title Match- Deimos v.s Michael Tarver(c).

No. No. No. I swear they put over Tarver like a knock out machine like he was an MMA superstar. This was just two people letting each other hit the other until Tarver decides he gets like 10 shots in before hitting an ordinary punch then falling on his opponent for a 3 count. Avoid this if you can.


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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EVOLVE 13: Unification Match- Bruce Santee v.s Kahagas.

Bruce Santee was the FUW Champion and Kahagas was the NWA National Champion. They decided it would be a good idea to unify them half-way through a show dedicated to another promotion entirely. It was just the NWA National Championship too. These two guys are brutes, though. This was very hard-hitting it felt like everything the last match wasn't with the blows. So at least we got that but that is about all we got. If it escalated into a series of head drops like it seemed they were going to do instead of just having the match randomly end after I guess Santee's former trainer distracts him so Kahagas can pick up the win I may have enjoyed this much more. This match didn't develop. Seriously, why unify these titles if you aren't going to go all out? This is probably the biggest stage FUW has ever had. So my personal opinion is I'm done with FUW on the rest of these EVOLVE shows. EVOLVE should have just stayed up North instead of travelling South to Flordia where they can't bring some of their bigger names in. What a waste of a Unification match. Jesus...

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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Money in the Bank 2011 - John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk

Brilliant. The fans just make this match.


Jul 4, 2012
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Shawn Stasiak vs. Kurt Angle - Survivor Series 2000

Kurt Angle's debut match. It was honestly a good and even match, far from what I expected. Stasiak actually had the upper hand for the majority of the match. The highlight was when the fans began to boo so, Angle bailed to the outside, grabbed a mic and say that they were not allowed to boo a hero like himself. An interesting affair with an obvious outcome.
Nov 7, 2010
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Wrestlemania 17 - TLC2 - Dudley Boyz (c) vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz
Nov 7, 2010
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WWE Smackdown - May 24th, 2001 - TLC 3
The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho (c)