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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Judgement Day 2000 - European Title, Triple Threat: Eddie Guerrero © (w/Chyna) vs. Dean Malenko vs. Perry Saturn

Chyna has her bushel of roses with her while Malenko has his Light Heavyweight Title which is not on the line. Malenko and Saturn double-team Eddie to start and beat him down then Malenko holds Eddie on his knee while Saturn climbs up and hits a kneedrop. Malenko and Saturn shake hands then lay the boots to Eddie before Saturn whips Eddie into a corner. Malenko whips Saturn into a splash on Eddie but Saturn turns and clotheslines Malenko down for a two count. Malenko and Saturn start going at it and Malenko whips Saturn into a spinning heel kick. Malenko goes for another whip but Saturn counters into a spinning flapjack. Saturn press slams Eddie and goes for a suplex but Malenko blocks it and Malenko sets Eddie up for his own suplex when Eddie kicks both men below the belt. Eddie takes it to both men when whips Saturn and hits a leg lariat. Eddie locks knuckles with Malenko then runs up the ropes and hits a huricanrana. Eddie tries to whip Saturn and Saturn reverses it but Eddie hits a huricanrana on him. Eddie shoves Saturn into Malenko in a corner then tries to whip Saturn into him. Saturn reverses Eddie into Malenko who attempts a backdrop, Eddie counters it with the headscissors but Malenko blocks that into a slam. Saturn breaks up the pin and pops Malenko then whips Eddie into a corner and charges but eats an elbow. Eddie hits a tornado DDT on Saturn but Malenko pulls Eddie off and tees off on him. Malenko goes for a whip and Eddie reverses it but Malenko kicks the face and hits a Tigerbomb that gets a two count. Malenko attempts a powerbomb and Eddie counters it into a Sunset Flip but Malenko counters that into the Texas Cloverleaf. Saturn tries to make the save but Malenko sees it and cuts him off with a clothesline. Malenko hammers Eddie then goes for a whip but Eddie reverses him into a corner and sets him on the top rope. Eddie goes up for a superplex but Saturn stops him and drops Eddie on the top rope which also causes Malenko to straddle the turnbuckle. Saturn hits Eddie with a belly-to-belly suplex then goes up but Malenko throws him down to the mat. Eddie goes back up but Malenko counters it into a gutbuster from the top. Saturn superkicks Malenko then climbs to the top and hits the Frogsplash on Eddie. Malenko breaks up the pin and Saturn responds by putting him in his own Texas Cloverleaf. Eddie breaks it up and drills Saturn with a brainbuster then covers him but Malenko throws him off Saturn. Malenko puts Saturn in the Rings of Saturn but Eddie breaks that up with a dropkick Eddie then goes for his own Texas Cloverleaf on Malenko. Saturn breaks it up but knocks Eddie into a rollup by Malenko which Saturn breaks up as well. Saturn pops Malenko then tees off on Eddie but misses a right hand and sails over the ropes. Malenko suplexes Eddie then climbs to the top and hits a splash. Malenko goes over to stop Saturn from making the save but Eddie nails him from behind. Malenko grabs Eddie for a suplex but Saturn grabs Malenko and ends up suplexing both men!! Saturn goes out to the floor when Chyna nails him with the roses, knocking him out. Eddie rolls out to the apron and slings himself into a Sunset Flip but Malenko holds onto the ropes when Chyna hops on the apron brandishing the roses. Malenko blocks it and grabs the roses out of her hand but Chyna trips Malenko from the floor, causing him to hit his head on the roses. Eddie then rolls Malenko up with a La Magistral and gets the pin to retain. Eddie then takes apart the roses to reveal a lead pipe hidden in there. ***1/2 Good stuff from these three guys, but after this match Eddie would move on to bigger things while Malenko and Saturn would be pushed to the back burner.


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Judgement Day 2000 - Intercontinental Title, Submission Match: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

So after switching the IC title back and forth here’s the rubber match. You can tell Jericho is serious about this match because he doesn't do his mic work, plus Benoit has a brace on the knee Hardcore Holly attacked with a chair on Smackdown. Both men lockup to start and end up in a corner where the referee forces a break. Both men lockup again and Benoit forces Jericho against the ropes and unloads on him with chops. Benoit whips Jericho but Jericho slides under him then comes off the ropes and hits the bulldog. Jericho hits his own chops in a corner and whips Benoit in a corner then goes into a Fujiwara armbar. Benoit rolls out of it and scoops Jericho up in a tombstone position, Jericho manages to reverse it into his own Tombstone but Benoit reverses back into a shoulderbreaker. Benoit climbs to the top rope and hits the diving headbutt on the injured shoulder then applies a triangle chinlock. Jericho fights out of it and takes Benoit down by the legs then goes for the Walls of Jericho already but Benoit spins his way out of it. Jericho hits an elbow and Benoit rolls out to the apron when Jericho hits the springboard dropkick, sending him to the floor. We then get a quick shot of Val Venis watching this match in the back, having challenged the winner to a title match on Raw tomorrow. Jericho goes out and chops Benoit then goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and sends Jericho shoulder-first into the ringsteps. Benoit sets up part of the steps but Jericho comes back and nails Benoit with a kneebreaker onto the steps. Benoit is clutching his knee as Jericho stomps on him and rams him into the steps. Jericho rolls Benoit back in the ring and hits a butterfly backbreaker then covers him when the referee reminds him it’s submissions only. Both men exchange chops and Jericho gets the advantage and whips Benoit into a corner. Jericho charges but Benoit sidesteps and Jericho runs his bad shoulder into the ringpost. Benoit slightly undoes a turnbuckle pad to expose the steel bolt then rams Jericho shoulder-first into the bolt twice. Benoit applies a kneeling armbar but Jericho counters the move with an armdrag and the two of the exchange chops again. Benoit gets the advantage and hits a snap suplex then slams Jericho to the mat and hits a kneedrop to the bad shoulder. Benoit hits a short-arm clothesline and slaps on a cross armbreaker but Jericho manages to inch over and reach the bottom rope. We then see Hardcore Holly also watching this match in the back, having his own interest in the title. Benoit hammers Jericho into a corner and goes for a running knee but Jericho sidesteps him and Benoit runs his bad knee into the exposed bolt. Jericho hits a flapjack then slams Benoit’s knee into the mat and Benoit fights back but Jericho hits a legwhip and tees off on Benoit. Jericho manages to take off Benoit’s knee brace and hammers Benoit’s knee with it then slips the brace on his arm and hits a forearm with it. Jericho starts to go for a Figure Four when Benoit kicks him away but Jericho dropkicks Benoit’s bad knee then hits the Lionsault right on the knee. Jericho then manages to put Benoit in a Walls of Jericho around the ropes! Benoit manages to fight out of the hold and rolls back in the ring but Jericho kicks at the knee. Jericho ducks an enzuigiri but Benoit rolls back to his feet and hits a German suplex but holds on and hits a second German. Benoit holds on for a third but Jerihco blocks it so Benoit clubs in the back and attempts an armbar. Jericho kicks at Benoit's knee and goes for the Walls of Jericho and Benoit tries to fight it when he grabs his knee brace and clocks Jericho in the face with it. Benoit the puts Jericho in the Crossface and Jericho tries to reach the ropes but Benoit drags Jericho to the center of the ring and puts on the Crossface a second time. Jericho manages to slip out of it but Benoit puts on a third Crossface, this time under Jericho’s chin. Jericho tries to hold on eventually passes out and the referee decides that’s it and calls the match. Benoit doesn't immediately let go but soon releases Jericho is out cold hobbles away with the belt while Jericho gets to his feet. ****1/4 These two never cease to amaze me. The psychology by Jericho with all the innovative offense was beautifully executed to Benoit`s knees, awesome story telling with awesome counters. Benoit's movement, and game plan to hurt Jericho's left shoulder which helped determine the finish was amazing. A Classic and a truly underrated gem! Just add it to all the other incredible material these guys had in 2000.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (6/27/12) - Jiro vs Seth Rollins


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (6/27/12) - Jason Jordan vs Jinder Mahal


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Nov 7, 2011
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WWE NXT (6/27/12) - Seth Rollins vs Jiro

WTF? Seth Rollins wearing an Asking Alexandria t-shirt?


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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^^Haha yes, Rollins is awesome

WWE NXT (6/27/12) - Aiden English vs Leo Kruger


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (6/27/12) - The Ascension vs The Usos


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (6/27/12) - Richie Steamboat vs Rick Victor


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Clash of the Champions (3/27/88) - NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Sting vs. Ric Flair

Sting's dubbed over music is trash. JJ's in a cage above the ring so he can't interfere and the referee making sure he can't get involved is Teddy Long sporting half of Lionel Ritchie's Commodores-era jheri curl. JR says TV time constraints have reduced the time limit from 60 to 45 minutes and if necessary, the decision will go to the ringside judges. And they just might be the worst panel I’ve ever seen. An NWA board member Gary Juster, former authority-type figure and wrestler Sandy Scott, the highly esteemed Penthouse Pet of the Year Patty Mullen, Eddie Haskell from both incarnations of the Leave it to Beaver TV series, and Wayne Arnold from The Wonder Years.

As opposed to the typical 60-minute time limit, this one can only go 45 minutes. JR and Tony Schiavone join us for commentary. Flair finds out that Sting is just too strong during the feeling-out process. The hiptoss and the dropkick send Flair out to the floor. Back inside, Sting is all about the leapfrogs. There’s the press slam and an old school flying headscissors. Sting sticks to a headlock on the mat. Once Flair gets to his feet, he takes Sting over to a corner. The chops don’t work, but he can certainly another dropkick. WOO! Flair dumps him out, but Sting jumps right back in the ring for some punches up in the corner. Back to the headlock. Flair fights out, but Sting catches him for another press slam. Sting grinds on Flair with a bearhug and takes him down to the mat. Jumping elbow drop misses, but Sting is just fine until he misses a corner charge. Sting tries the punches up in the corner again, but Flair brings him down with an inverted atomic drop. They go to the floor for some guardrail stuff with Flair in total control. Back inside, Flair starts up with the hard corner whips. He follows up with a couple of Rolling Knee Drops. More corner violence ensues and Flair tosses Sting to the floor. Flair threatens Sting with a chair, but ref Tommy Young takes it away from him. Back in, Sting starts to PSYCHED UP. They head back to the floor where Sting misses a clothesline up against the ringpost. In the ring, Flair twists on the arm. Sting starts to choke him back into a corner using his good arm and mounts Flair for more punches. Hiptoss and a clothesline gets two. Sting goes for the SCORPION DEATHLOCK at the 25 minute mark, but Flair reaches the ropes. Sting punches Flair to lead to the flop for two. Now Flair ducks a charge and Sting goes flying over the top rope to the floor. However, Sting NO-SELLS a neck snap on the top rope and delivers a Flying Bodypress for 1-2-NO! Flair hits a quick shin breaker and begins to take Sting to school. He delivers another one and Sting has to roll out. Back in, Flair continues to dissect the knee as he hooks on the FIGURE-FOUR after the 30-minute mark is announced. The ropes are pulled on, but Sting will not submit. From there, looks like we JIP to Sting having Flair in the figure-four. What. Flair reaches the ropes and as Sting breaks the hold, he runs over to the camera to yell out to Greensboro: “Do you know how to party or what?!â€￾ Now Sting start to take Flair to school. The Flair Flip lands the champ on the floor as Sting takes it to him on the guardrail. Now over at the ringpost! Back in, Sting stands tall when Flair tries the sunset flip. Flair tries to bring Sting out of the corner with another inverted atomic drop, but Sting avoids the knee and nails Flair with a clothesline for 1-2-NO! Oh, but the Stinger Splash misses with less than five minutes to go. Back inside the ring, Flair tries to cut off Sting with a sleeper. Sting then runs him into the corner. Now Flair dumps out. Sting comes back with a sunset flip. Flair drops down to his knees and grabs hold of the ropes to try for the cheap win. Tommy Young knocks his hands loose and Flair falls back for 1-2-NO! Flair runs down the apron out of the corner flip to the top turnbuckle for a flying bodypress, but Sting rolls through for 1-2-NO! Sting NO-SELLS the chops and fires himself up. One minute remains. This time the Stinger Splash connects! He hooks on the SCORPION DEATHLOCK, but Flair holds out until the 45-minute time-limit expires. Well, this should be a fairly easy decision. Sting dominated a majority of the match and had Flair locked in his signature hold when the match ended. Unfortunately, it's up to the Island of Misfit Judges and they score it as follows: Patty Mullen votes for Flair and gives him a little wave; Gary Juster scores it for Sting; and Sandy Scott declares it a draw, so it's a split-decision draw and Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. I guess Wayne Arnold and Eddie Haskell were just hanging out at the judges' table. Tell me again what the point of having the judges was? Flair retaining via time-limit draw was the right decision as a way to get Sting over to a national television audience without having him win the belt, but having this ragtag group of judges at ringside specifically in case of a time-limit draw and then STILL declaring it a draw made the promotion look like a joke. Nonetheless, even this terrible finish couldn't mar such a tremendous match. Flair carried his challenger as usual, but Sting held up his end of the deal and looked very sharp against the best in the business. ****3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Clash of the Champions (3/27/88) - NWA World Tag Team Championship: Barry Windham & Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

The Horsemen try and trap Luger to start, but he comes fighting out with clotheslines. He hits a powerslam on Blanchard and looks ready to rack him, but Arn breaks that up with a kick to the back of Luger’s leg. Arn tags in and goes to work on the thigh as though he’s paid good money to cripple people. He tags Blanchard back in for more of the same. Just as soon as Luger gets back to his feet and starts swinging, Blanchard trips him up and tags in Arn. Luger kicks out of a figure-four attempt and sends Anderson into Blanchard on the apron. Blanchard still gets a tag, but so does Windham! DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER! I bet he learned that during his time in the WWF! Windham delivers his Running Lariat to Blanchard, but doesn’t go for the pin and hits a powerslam instead for 1-2-NO! Windham hooks on a sleeper hold! They end up in the ropes and fall out to the floor, but Windham doesn’t let go no matter what! Anderson breaks the count and tries to revive Tully to get him back in this match. Blanchard catches Windham with a shoulderblock from the apron and hotshots him to slow Windham down. He goes up on the top, but gets caught and slammed down to the mat. Anderson gets popped on the apron and then Windham applies an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. He really cranks on it and does that so much, that he doesn’t see Anderson coming in this time to nail him in the face! All of this thanks to JJ Dillon distracting the ref, of course. Anderson becomes the legal man and delivers the DDT to Windham for 1-2-NO! Anderson doesn’t show any frustration and gives him the next best thing, which is the Double-A Spinebuster for 1-2-NO! Windham is INHUMANE! Anderson does the spot where he tries for a pin out of a knucklelock, but gets crotched instead. Blanchard gets the tag and keeps Windham from doing the same. Blanchard pounds away on Windham, but then misses a clothesline and goes down to a crossbody block for 1-2-NO! Blanchard shoves off on a headlock for a double-KO. Back up, Blanchard starts off another headlock sequence, which ends with Windham delivering a gutwrench suplex! Windham can’t capitalize this time either and Blanchard tags in Arn. Windham kicks out of a wristlock and avoids a knee drop, but still can’t reach Luger. Anderson and Windham punch each other down, but it’s Tully who gets the tag once again. He delivers the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX for 1-2-NO! Windham has taken the best these two have to offer and kicked out of pin attempts for all three moves! Windham punches Tully down and staggers into his corner to make the MOLTEN HOT TAG TO LUGER! Luger destroys Arn with clotheslines, but then Blanchard catches him coming off the ropes to slow him down. However, Luger reverses a corner whip on Arn and gives him a powerslam. Arn goes low on Luger as Tully comes in and brawls with Windham. Meanwhile with the ref’s back turned, JJ Dillon holds a chair in the corner. The Horsemen’s plan backfires and Arn gets pulled face-first into the chair by Luger! Cover, 1-2-3! We’ve got NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions! Crowd goes insane for it, but it wouldn’t be long until Windham SHOCKED THE WORLD and turned on Luger to give the belts back to Anderson and Blanchard. To compensate the loss, he became a member of the legendary Four Horsemen. One of the best sub-10 minute matches ever. ****1/2 - ****3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Clash of the Champions II (6/8/88) - NWA World Tag Team Championship: Sting & Dusty Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

hat new era that JR proclaimed for the twin towers of Windham and Luger lasted a month before dropping the belts back to the Horsemen. Sting takes a backseat to Luger here, as he’s sent down to tag-team status instead of taking on Flair at the Bash. Don’t worry, he’ll get his chance. Sting no-sells some takedowns by Arn with kip-ups to start, but then Arn fires back and then takes Sting out to the floor. Arn unwisely tries to clothesline Sting up against the ringpost, but of course Sting ducks and Arn hits steel. Back in, Sting goes right to the arm, so Arn rakes Sting’s face to escape a wristlock and tags in Tully. It’s THAT simple. He comes in and takes a hiptoss/headscissors from the Stinger. Tag to Dusty! Man, Florida REALLY loves this guy. He’s all fists and elbows for Tully, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Dusty puts on the Figure-Four, but Dillon gets up on the apron for Arn to run in and break it up. Now that the Horsemen have Dusty hurt, they tag in and out and stay on top of him. Blanchard tries a suplex, but Dusty blocks it. Tully flips out of Dusty’s suplex attempt, but then gets knocked down with a clothesline. Dusty hits a standing dropkick and tags in Sting. Sting delivers a press slam and then connects with a Stinger Splash! Sting wants the SCORPION DEATHLOCK, but Arn comes in to stop him. Tully nails Sting from behind and then knocks him out to ringside for Arn to hotshot him on the guardrail! Arn tags in as Blanchard tosses Sting back in the ring. Arn tries the pump splash, but he hits knees instead of Sting’s abdomen. Sting gets within five feet of Dusty when Tully runs into cut off the tag. Arn comes in and tags Tully immediately. He can’t suplex Sting, so Tully leaps off the top for a sunset flip. Sting won’t fall down, so Arn clotheslines him to MAKE him go down for 1-2-NO! Sting starts to fire back, so Tully yanks him out to the floor. While Tully is with the ref, Arn gives Sting a DDT on the concrete! Dillon tosses Sting back in and Tully covers for 1-2-NO! Sting trades blows with Arn and then gets a backslide for 1-2-NO! Tully tags and stops Sting again from tagging in Dusty. Sting reverses a whip and hotshots Tully. Arn gets a tag and so does Dusty! He’s got elbows for everybody! DDT to Arn! Dusty hits the big elbow off the ropes, but Tully breaks it up at one. Sting comes in to stop Tully and shoves the referee aside. Uh-oh. Teddy Long gets tossed by Dusty as well. Just as I say that, Barry Windham runs down and delivers a top-rope double-sledge to Dusty, then he puts Dusty in the CLAWHOLD! I guess the champs win by DQ, because Teddy Long called for the bell before Windham came in the ring. It’s hard to tell since I’ve seen people say it was a double-DQ as well. Match was going along great until that ending though it did continue highlighting Windham's heel turn. The 80s was a great time to be a tag wrestling fan as even makeshift teams were capable of MOTYC. This is not quite to the level of the previous match on the collection, though I will say that Dusty and Sting's megaface pairing works much better here against the Horsemen than when they are throwing around the Road Warriors at Starrcade 88. ***


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Dec 3, 2010
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Clash of the Champions IX, 11/15/89 - I Quit Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Flair comes out with four women in tow and the classic Carolina blue robe. WOOOOOOOO! Funk is not impressed Before the bell, Funk gives Flair a chance to leave before he gets seriously hurt. Of course, Flair doesn’t budge and chops Funk to the floor. Back in, Flair has more chops for Funk. He tries to stay away from Flair as much as possible. Funk meets Flair back in the ring and gets choked, so Funk goes to the eyes and kicks Flair out to the apron. A STIFF chop from Flair stuns Funk for a moment, but he maintains the advantage and dumps Flair to the floor. Funk pounds away and grabs the mic to ask Flair if he’s ready to quit, but Flair chops him back. There’s your answer, Terry. Funk brings Flair back in the ring and mounts him in the corner for some punching. Does that egg-sucking dog Flair want to give it up? No way. Flair says nothing and atomic drops Funk out of the corner. Funk delivers a swinging neckbreaker on the formerly injured neck. That’s the story of the match. How much can Flair’s neck sustain if Funk decides to go after the injury? That’s been the story of this feud for the past six months. They go to the floor again with Flair taking Funk around the ring with chops. Back in the ring, Flair slaps and chokes Funk to make him quit, but Funk doesn’t say a word. Flair gets distracted by Gary Hart, so Funk nails him from behind. Funk hits another swinging neckbreaker and then reminds Flair of the plane crash and Wrestle War. Funk sets Flair up for a PILEDRIVER and gives Flair a chance to say “I Quit” before he does it. Awesome! Flair says nothing, so he takes the PILEDRIVER. Funk tries to make him say it, but Flair just won’t do it. They go to the floor again. This time, for a PILEDRIVER! Flair STILL will not say it. Funk just doesn’t understand this. Funk sets a ringside table against the apron, but Flair chops back and slams Funk’s face into the table. Flair sets up the table on the floor and then slides Funk across it right into a chair. Haha. Ouch! Atomic drop on the guardrail does Funk NO good, then Flair chops him down. Back in, Flair hits the Rolling Knee Drop. He goes after the leg and everybody in the building knows what is coming. Funk tries to leave, but Flair bull-rushes him down the aisle and brings him back in the ring with a suplex. FIGURE-FOUR attempt is blocked with an eye gouge. Flair chops back after a suplex on the APRON. He kicks the knee and Funk collapses for the FIGURE-FOUR! Will he quit?! Funk says “Never!” Thirty seconds later, Funk says “I quit!”. Gary Hart is livid! Funk said he would shake Flair’s hand even though it was against Hart’s wishes, and he does. Gary Hart decks poor Terry Funk and that was all the excuse Flair needed to run across the ring and nail Gary Hart. Funk instantly becomes a babyface because of the next five minutes even after six months of belittling and nearly ending the hero Ric Flair’s career. Great Muta and the Dragon Master come down to save their boss and beat the heck out of Flair. Out comes Sting in Flair’s defense. Figure-Four to Muta, and the Scorpion Deathlock to Dragon Master. Now Lex Luger runs in the ring with a steel chair and nails Sting in the back! Flair goes over to punch Luger’s lights out, but Muta grabs the chair and blasts him in the back. Meanwhile, Gary Hart is punishing Funk’s knee with his own branding iron. On Luger’s way back to the dressing room, Luger bashes both Flair and Sting’s trophies with the steel chair. Freaking awesome. I can’t praise this match enough. These two guys busted their butts and the intensity level was off the charts. This is prob my second favorite i Quit match behind Bret/Austin WM13 *****


Dreams are Endless
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WWE Raw (3/1/04) - Jazz & Molly Holly vs Lita & Victoria. Like the 4th week in a row these four have been in the same match, but this one only lasted about 45 seconds, if that.


Dreams are Endless
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WWE Raw (3/1/04) - Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak vs The Hurricane & Rosey **